Ship Two Characters of the Person Above You

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 5 years, 3 months ago) by ChibiMangoFloof

Edit: New Rule! No incest or large age gaps!

For this game, you have to choose two characters from the person above you, and ship them.  


Example of post -


Ship name is Owo

(Then either state why it works, or if it's just to be random, say "Crack Ship!")


Ship two of my characters to start off!


Pickled Terry x 🅱ickle

OK japes aside I'll give you a real couple.

Cameron and Jackson. I mean, it probably won't work given that Jackson's into people significantly older than him and Cameron is stuck at 27 forever but I like the concept of cop x robber- especially such an elusive robber as the Master Thief! I see it playing out like a fun rivalry. Additionally both have had run-ins with Smiley before too and some sort of cool battle with them teaming up against him is a fun idea to imagine!


um... do non romantic ships count?

if so... ben and clarissa... i love putting characters with sad backstories together AND found family so i like people just getting over their sorrows together... also the fact that ben is... an educated lawyer and clarissa is not... let her become smart!

if you want romantic then lowkey ume and clarissa i like sweet girls being in love.. theyre  both very good and deserve it

also to np: i have over18 vs minor tags! i dont mind platonic ships or found family type deals so! 


Ok honestly I like Rey and Salem - mostly because I like the whole friendship to lovers dynamic (although I think they would just be awesome staying as friends). Also I just imagine them bonding over the Iove of music.

Although for some reason I can also imagine Luna with Rey. I can just imagine Rey helping Luna to calm down and except herself. At first being harsh to Luna but only because he just wants to know the real her.


Nina × London : London strikes me as the spunky extrovert to Nina's geeky introvert and I love the idea of opposites attract lol. London also looks like he might enjoy watching anime with her too. Could be totally mistaken....

jacob-lightman × unnamed : They both seem so sweet natured! Jacob is such a precious bean but doubts his abilities sometimes. Unnamed looks like the kind of compassionate person who would gentle encourage him and always be there for him!


Hmmm I'm thinking Storm and Flare! I'm a huge sucker for friends to lovers, and I also love couples with colors palettes vastly different to eachother. They seem like they'd be very sweet together and fun colorwise.

you have a lot of cuties btw...


I think I will go with Bliss and Dakotah ! I think Bliss wouldn't put up with Dakotahs bullshit and their dynamic would be fun


to the next user: I have a LOT of character (1200+), so feel free to pick just a specific folder and choose characters from there!

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I'm personally really digging the idea of sticking Leon and Claude together! as friends, though, because Leon's straight, lol--

Claude is a nervous wreck, of course, and I feel like he could use someone to cushion him when it comes to his anxious habits. So, that's where Leon steps in! I feel that Claude would likely find Leon a bit annoying at first, but his bubbly personality would eventually grow on him as a sort of younger brother figure? :0

I can picture Leon hanging out with Claude, honestly probably making fun of his outfit since both of their styles sort of clash. I can also see Leon pushing Claude to work out as to cope with his nervousness and hopefully also get into shape as much as him...

vv it's def not gonna be a friendship or a romance lol :')-- their age gap is... sort of huge.


I find him and them pretty cute together lol

Whether it ends in a romantic way or friendship way, it just seems like an interesting duo :3


Melon and Miyau would be cute together as either friends or lovers!


For some reason Vega and Ty together seem just really adorable to me lol. Like the kind of "she takes his company for granted until x happens and she realizes he isn't using her" trope lol.


Okay, so this likely would never happen, but I could honestly see Hektor and Warner being interesting together! I feel like their personalities could balance each other out really well. They're basically opposites, and I think that they could cover for each other's strengths and weaknesses pretty well! Like Hektor could potentially help bring out a more assertive side of Warner and let him take more risks. Warner could probably help him with caution and keep him dedicated and on-task. Not to mention, I could see them both talking a lot about Warner's conspiracies and getting pretty into them. Could be very neat!


For next person: Please stay mainly in my Crowns and Story Characters folders/subfolders! You can venture out if you like, but those are the two that hold my most-used characters! 


Oh my GOD I LOVE that idea so much?? Holy heck?? I didn't even realize how well those two could work together omg,,

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Feinny x 

- What's very important to me when it comes to ships is design compatibility and these two would look very nice together, Tango is a cool classy dude and Basil look like a kind of a bad boy and I could very well see Tango try to teach Basil some lessons, maybe they would start as enemies and then finally after a very slow burning relationship become a couple ! 

To next poster : You can go wild. Sorry most of my chars don't have bios !


Eins and Hajime , they would be really cute looking together Hajime looks like a sassy tomboy type and Eins looks like a prankster, never takes anything seriously type, so I'm just seeing a sassy back and forth thing going on between them, also Eins looks tall and Hajime looks short, and tall boy/short girl relationships are adorable.

My ocs are all straight, but feel free to ship who ever.