Another as it says on the tin

The character you use doesn’t have to be one you’ve designed!

All you gotta do is pick an oc of yours and the person below you will let you know their favourite part of its design such as 

‘I really like the colour palette/shape language’ or ‘that outfit is killer!!’ Please be kind, whatever you find stands out the most or seems like a stroke of genius can be mentioned!!

You can go as in-depth as you’d like and remember to reply to the person above you about the character they’ve given 

Please give some time for at least 3 people to reply before adding in another oc ^^’ 

Starting off with my funky lil dude above

 Zhan Xiangwen nuggetmachines

Not gonna lie: My eyes are drawn to the marking on his arm and the gem on his arm! They're just interesting to look at!

V(Nope, he's not a Gijinka, he just likes matching with 'em! Esp since they've gotten a close bond despite only knowing each other as trainer & partner for a few months story-wise.)

Ichiro MidnightFever

Oh I love the traditional clothing he have :0

Is he a Honedge gijinka by any chance? I also love the resemblance he has to the Pokemon!

Aileth -Pareidolia-

I really love the lantern on the sword! I love lanterns so much as well as weapons so I find it so cool, yet so elegant. I'm not sure how practical it would be for fighting since the lantern's so big but thats fine XD


(Use the first reference for Aileth)

Zoë Admyth spitmoth

Oh i loveeee her design!!!! I really like her 2000s rave-ish style and the color green!

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Zanzibar MeowMeow422

I love the lil bandaids lol. It really gives off the vibes of a rather clumsy/ reckless but prob outgoing kinda guy imo

Maybelle DreamyDinosaur

I really like the hat, it looks cool and it really makes him look mysterious which, combined with his colour palette, is really nice!

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Spider-Spark (Cyrus) oliraptor

The energy hand??? That's so sick!! (and I really enjoy the stickers on the helmet)

Goof (sona) (Mootykins Fangirl) maxglover

the jacket intrest me :3  .... my type of jacket I LOOOVE IT

Dante dandikix

I could smell the 4chan energy from them even before I've seen their bio... That's pretty cool actually lmao. I think it's the face with the smug look and silly little eyes.

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Stormy (Refs) MeowMeow422

My fav part are how his arms are like not connected/ detached sorta? Anyways, it just looks hella cool!

His question mark eye is also interesting, tho that's a species trait I'm guessing?

Lottie Vic CometTheMountainLion

I like the black part of his face. It acts as a natural mask of sorts for his mercenary work.

Tuga MissEljebel

I like her hair!! The two tones are really pretty!