


3 months, 22 days ago

Basic Info





Age - Level

Mid 20s - Lvl 60










She’s a bright, friendly and welcoming farmer who, while rigorous with her work, is always willing to drop whatever she’s doing to strike up a conversation with whoever stumbles across her wheatfields. Being young at heart, she’s very energetic and spirited, it’s very rare for the lilligant to be downcast or stressed, even with the work she has to do, since she has alot of stamina and determination.

Date of Birth

June 1st



-She lives in The Golden Wheatfields, which is a place is exactly how it sounds expect a lot bigger than you’d imagine. Her house is a small, yet cosy, shack. She also lives just a fifteen minute walk from a wealthy family who are the cousins of Gwendolyne and Knightley.

-She gets along well with the family and is considered a friend to them, they invite her to their house for tea and cinnamon rolls quite regularly. Cinnamon rolls became her favourite snack because of them.

-She also takes care of a small herd of tauros and miltank who do nothing much but chill in Southwest Nullax and eat the grass there. Sometimes, the miltanks will give her a few jugs of moomoo milk to show that they're friends.

-Despite having a pretty powerful move, she mainly fights with her pitchfork, using it both as a weapon and a way of traversal. She'll sometimes use her pitchwork like a mix between a sword and spear, but will also just pole-vault herself into the enemy.

-She's Isabelle's cousin and they're both really close. Most people would assume otherwise, however, they both live in the outskirts of Nullax and are more alike than they seem. Isabelle has even taught her some of her fencing skills and is a massive part of why Maybelle is a good fighter.

-At the age of seven, she evoled into a lilligant when Gwendolyne showed her a cool rock that she found and didn't store it away properly.

-Ginkgo has a small crush on her and gets noticably more giggly and nervous around her. Maybelle just assumes that how she normally acts, since she's seen her act like this with her friends before.

-While she’s a hard worker and fight, she loves to sleep and can sometimes be found lying on a field of grass. She'll also just randomly decide to take a nap while in the middle of something, mainly during battles inorder to heal herself.

-She can be quite ignorant about certain things. She didn’t know that allergies were a thing, until she found out about the reason why Ginkgo was only taking small nibbles of her home-made cheese. She’ll always be embarrassed about how personally she took it at first.

-Hendrix has gone on holiday to The Golden Wheatfields before and tried to convince her to move into his city, but she knows that she just would not enjoy living in a busy city.

-The one and only, Thundering Lonely Star, has gifted her a sign copy of a rock from the mountains. He also allowed her to do a quick photoshoot of him in her wheat fields, it was mostly of him prancing around(this was all in his therian form).

-She makes dairy products by hand with the moomoo milk she's given. It’s mainly just cheese and the buttermilk left over is sold off, but she also knows how to make plain yogurt. 

-She has a clay oven in her house and loves making pizzas with it. She’ll sometimes add sunflower seeds and whatever peppers she can find growing around as toppings.

-Unfortunately, there have been many cases where both humans and pokémon have stolen things on her farm before. A couple of Ginkgo's cousins do this on a regular basis and Siesta likes to use her status as a legendary pokémon to do what she wants.



-Her moves are Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Rest and Giga Impact; her ability is Chlorophyll.

-Sunny Day is a move that deals no damage and changes the weather to be more warm and sunny.

-Solar Beam is a move that requires her to charge up for it unless it's a sunny day. It's basicially a large beam of energy that can do massive damage if focused all on one targert. She can do smaller, much faster solar beams that can quickly go from one targert to the next.

-She's much more swift and agile then the average lilligant due to her family's closer resemble to the old, hisuian lilligants. Unlike this one, she's rarely crashes into things while running.

-Her accent sounds very much like that of a Texan person. You'll have to imagine it, I suck at typing out accents.

-The flower on her head naturally fall off yearly. It's a normal thing for lilligants in the Nullax region and they always grow back quite quickly when it's spring.




Maybelle was born and raised in The Golden Wheatfields. There she grew up with her mother, who was a farmer like her, learning how to tend to the wheat that grew in western Nullax and the bovine pokemon that grazed in Southwest Nullax. Despite the hard work she and her mother had to do, they'd always make time to play with eachother, it mainly consisted of them chasing eachother through the maze-like wheatfield, attempting to tag one another. Quite quickly, she ended up becoming really good at keeping up with her mother in tag. She'd also play with the tarous and miltank her age, chasing them around and leading them on adventures through Southwest Nullax. There in Southwest Nullax is where she and her mother met the, at the time, Kirlias, Gwendolyne and Knightley, and their parents. Since her mother was considered a friend of their parents, she was treated no differently. The two kirlias were much older than Maybelle and so saw her more as a little sister, especially since they were both occasionally assigned the duty of babysitting her.  




