⭐️Favourite a character and explain why

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Cryss

14/11 update - Rule update

From this point on, it's required that your post adheres to at least ONE (doesn't need to be all of them) of the following qualities

  • You give at least three reasons or elements that made you fave the character
  • You write at least three sentences explaining your choice
  • You write a full paragraph that details why you enjoy the character

Note you are allowed to do more than these, but these are the minimum requirements. 

If none of the above qualities are met, I'll issue a warning and a chance to edit your post to follow this new rule, and repeat offenders or people who won't edit their post to follow the rule will be banned from this game. This rule has been put in place to ensure everyone gets a response that is enjoyable to read. I'd also like to ask everyone to please read what the above person asks for, for example when giving a folder of characters to choose from or requesting to also read their profiles instead of just looking at the images.

Everybody loves getting favourites, so why not make a game where faves are guaranteed and people can compliment your OCs?


The game is easy to play!

▶︎ Post a comment claiming the person above you.
▶︎ Go to their gallery and choose a character you like most.
▶︎ Add that character to your favourites.
▶︎ Edit your comment to explain why you chose that character to fave. Your reasons can be anything, whether it's that you like their design, you read their story and think it's original, because you share the same name with the character, or something entirely different. Keep it nice!


Please also follow these rules to make sure the game stays fun for everyone!

❖ Don't be rude, insult people's characters, or make inappropriate comments. "I like Jef because I didn't think it was possible to be so ugly" comments are not a good reason to fave and will result in an instant block from this and my other threads.
❖ Actually fave the character! Don't only say what you like. Remember that this is a fave game primarily!
❖ Try to go into detail with your explanation. "The way his dress compliments his skin tone works so well and the texture of his hair is too gorgeous" is more fun to receive than "I like his design"!
❖ If there are any disputes that need my input as the thread owner, please PM me at my main, ElithianFox. I'll answer much faster on there than on here!


▶︎Also, only claim at most once every 5 people! This is to give others a chance to participate as well◀︎


◎23/03 update: a new rule has been added. Please only participate if you have 8 or more characters. This is to give people a broad enough choice and to prevent the thread from getting stuck due to little choice!


I favorited the wizard cat even though they’re a work in progress and don’t even seem to have a name.

They have a really cute design and they look like a playable character in an rpg game. I’d like to see what you come up with for them when you continue working on their bio.


Faved Lug because we stan a stereotype breaker! Also plague masks and big ears are two of my favorite things!


Faved Mishka because she looks like a total sweetheart though at the same time she seems tough like she can hold her on in a battle because of the nicked ear.


Faved Trolli because their design is so cute and I love trolli candy! 


Faving Skunk! Im a huge fan of dinos, esp carnotaurs!! Her colour pal and markings work really well despite being simple :D


i faved monika! she doesn't have much on her profile yet but the little bit that is there is super interesting!! i love concepts like that, where a character looks super cutesy and bright but is actually an unhinged murderer haha! her design is also just super eye-catching and fun in general due to her vibrant colors, she instantly caught my eye when i saw her! i love the idea of an octopus cat too, i've never really seen one before!


Faved Galileo! I find him to be interesting, with watching his path of science towards witchcraft due to not getting what he wants, and how it's mixed up in his story. Kinda makes me wonder what's the difference with science and witchcraft? Since you could say magic is science that hasn't been researched yet :0 either way, a very interesting choice for him! I also like how you write him, how he should totally be bothered and all. Even if i do feel bad for him, he did go out of his morals to achieve his research, even if it goes out of the ethics. 

nice lala manaka pfp btw

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Honestly, I was ready to favorite Vlakofrom the design alone, especially that hair, but now that I see the inspiration behind the hair, it's an easy favorite from me. I absolutely love when people use little-known things for character design, and locomotive boiler explosion is something I never thought I'd see on that front. Not to mention the rest of Vlako's design is really nice. I feel like I can get a good sense of his personality from his vibe!

Thank you so much!
"I'd love to read a book about it"
Lol well then you're in luck because all of my characters are from this novel series.

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I favorited Clarisse! Man in love the mystery dungeons series so much and reading her bio just give me that nostalgic warm feeling 😭. Her design is so cute as well, the pink matches so well with the blue and all the details on her dress are just stunning!  Her dynamic with Mewtwo reads like a fun one and I wish to read more of it 👀 (I'm all here for friendships and maybe more slowly developing over time, I eat that stuff for breakfast.)


Faved Pilot! I just like chibi anthro characters lol (Okaaay I also like how the colors go together and the use of the bandana and glasses)


I faved Saffron! He’s so bashful and cute I love him sm. His design is very well put. I kinda wish he was an actual AC villager! 


Faved Lavender!

Her color scheme and design is absolutely gorgeous, also she is very friend-shaped 🥰🥰

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