Shipping Roulette

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago (Edited 1 year, 9 months ago) by JadeWizard

Are you tired of plain old canon ships? Want some noncanon ships to think about?

Then I present to you the Shipping Roulette!

The premise is you make a numbered list of OCs and the person below you randomly picks two characters. Then after getting the numbers you must edit your post explaining how the ship works. 

While filling out the shipping meme is not necessary, doing so results in kudos and internet kool points.


"Oi, give me a ship! OC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" Edit: "Yeah, I could see 9 and 6 being together they both love popcorn and throwing buildings. They would be the ultimate power couple."

"9 6" "Another OC list. 1 2 3 4

You can make separate lists for gender, preferences and ect.

Females: "1 2 3" Males: "1 2 3" Ferals:"1 2 3 4 5 6"


  1. Please give a reasonable amount of OC's to choose from. 5 at least, the more the better. Too little OCs in your list will break the spirit of the roulette.
  2. You do not have to link the OC's in your list. Looking at them is not necessary to play the game.
  3. Feel free to pick a random number anyway you want to. With dice, your brain, random number generator, ect...
  4. While ferals are allowed here, ferals are not allowed to be shipped with anthros or humanoids and must be put in a separate list entirely. See examples.
  5. Don't ship minors with adults. Just don't.
  6. No NSFW.
  7. There is a huge chance of the gay happening. Deal with it. >:3 Or ya know make separate lists for genders and orientations. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. If you don't like your ship please don't make a fuss.
  9. Play nice and have fun. This should go without saying but if I see any meanness and phobic comments, said perpetrators are going straight to baby jail for their crimes.
  10. There is no post limits right now, just don't reply to yourself.

  11. There is no 11th rule.


No one is here rn.

      OC list:

  1. Colin
  2. Morrison
  3. Cashmere
  4. Mable
  5. Cain
  6. Theo
  7. Alexis
  8. Dracula
  9. Ballina
  10. Arlo
This is interesting for many reasons. First of all Mable is probably the most shipped oc for some reason I dunno why. Second, she's into vampires. Third, both of them are inspired by castlevainia and exist in the same time periods as each other.

Both are the last resorts to save the world if the heroes fail, and I think they would first meet in a situation like that. And afterwards Drac would let her stay at the castle cause that's what Drac does for monster people. Mable would probably be clingy and Dracula, who is awkward as heck, does not know what to make of this little demon. I am certain this ship would be tooth rottingly fluffy.




Ilya & Nat!

1. Leighla

2. Dione

3. Ambrosia

4. Callum

5. Marvin

6. Loui

7. Kimmy

8. Ashlyn

9. Poppy

10. Casius 


Kimmy & Callum! A fun and interesting mashup for friends but definitely not a couple!


Callum and Kimmy sound so nice together :0c 

1. Hanako
2. Cupid
3. Reign&Ericka (dating+poly - can also do solo)
4. Mayhem
5. Casimir
6. Evelynn
7. Adonis
8. Quinni
9. Cecilia
10. Megumi

I cant be bothered going into detail about existing relationships... Short and sweet : Hanako knows everyone (9 and 10 too) 1-8 know each other, not including Mayhem. Cecilia and Megumi are from a completely different story/universe and kinda know each other.

i'd love a ping :3c



this is PURELY self indulgent because i love these types of characters together (also wowza adonis is dreamie material) but yea i want Adonis and Mayhem to [REDACTED] they'd be a good aesthetic couple

  1. Hachi (gay)
  2. Tres (pan)
  3. Yurii (bi)
  4. Una (bi)
  5. PANDORA (lets go w/pan for now)
  6. James (undecided, anything goes)
  7. Mai (pan)
  8. Serra (bi)

Tres, and Hachi are related so I am crying and screaming do not put them together.


the randomly pick pair: Yurii and Serra

People to choose from:

1. Sotiris Athanasiadis (Bi, 27)
2. Kyrillos Kritikos (heteroflexible, 26)
3. Chrysanthe Argyrou (pan, 25)
4. Spyridon Toutziaridis (abrosexual, 24)
5. Artemis Diamantopoulou (abrosexual, 28)
6. Glykeria Athanasiadou(unknown yet but open to anything, 29)
7. William Brennan (pan, 25)
8. Évariste Sanguinetti (pan, 28)

Note: Sotiris and Glykeria cannot be paired as they are siblings

ohhhh A pairing between a mineralogist and a medical doctor. Though Glykeria never met Chrysanthe before, but it's a chance they will meet because Glykeria knows her brother's band which Chrysanthe is in.


i am going to randomly select Chrysanthe and Glykeria!

these guys are in my pokemon story here if you want to go look at them. or you can decide to look after you choose so you can compare. whatever you want lol, go ham

1. Maxwell Burnham

2. Patrick Hill

3. Oscar Graham

4. Rancor Blackburn

5. Luna Hennessy 

6. Diesel Miller

7. Nancy Collins

8. Archard Buchanan

9. Maverick Russell

10. Orion Lafontaine

11. Jeffrey Tucker

hmm interesting, you have got two tall, charming, and confident people. now Rancor is apart of a villainous organization and Orion plays a part in stopping them so that's fun. and they do not really like one another anyways from where they stand there LOL so would it work? probably not, even without the bad organization stuff they'd likely still not get along due to conflicting views and such honestly XD 


bump because yknow this would be fun

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Awani and Emerson have come out of my random choosing

Some of these characters are already in relationships, have sexualities that don't go so well together or have an age difference but pick whoever you want! I can describe their relationship as friends rather than lovers

  1. Collin
  2. Dewie Dan
  3. Trevor Andrew Badger
  4. Pitoko
  5. Melissa Fox
  6. Sandra
  7. William
  8. Ikarus

Claim! Either list is viable I guess(?)

Trevor Andrew Badger and Lilium. They would not get along but platonically I think? Idk haha.


  1. Lilium (lol?)
  2. Angitia
  3. Corinne
  4. Miro
  5. Eos
  6. Lina
  7. Liana
  8. Galena
  9. Neroli
  10. Alethea


  1. Vaniúsha
  2. Miche
  3. Dematiaceous
  4. Snowbell
  5. Chevron
  6. Starch
  7. Chicory
  8. Vedere
  9. Florens
  10. Rosetta

Angitia and Galena! I like that Galena is calm but spontaneous and Angitia is pretty resolute. Galena would keep things interesting, and Angitia would follow along quietly.

Most of them have canon partners, but feel free to ship them romantically or platonically! I'd consider any romantic shipping as an AU, haha









irrie and corrie? mostly going off of appearence c:

(all these r under my current ocs folder if np wants to look im too lazy to link :sob:)

1. alitsoi

2. ezra

3. neo

4. froystein

5. nutty

6. will

7. river


Going completely by name and not looking at the characters profiles... Ezra and River?

The following are all humanoid and above 18, everyone marked with a * is blood related:

1. Luca

2. Blake *

3. Yael

4. Beatrix

5. Eli'or

6. Aryeh

7. Silas

8. Knox *

9. Lachlan

10. Zog

11. Hazel *

12. Calhoun *

13. Kahoku

14. Vivian

15. Ravid

16. Adour

EDIT: Huh, interesting..?? They're both very set on their canon partners so I'd never have thought about shipping them. Definitelly wouldn't be a very thirsty combo. Both are rather extreme personalities in their own way. Their relationship might be very "practical". One needs to love, the other needs to be loved, basically the only thing that'd keep them together. But being co-dependent can go a long way.



eli'or and ravid maybe, they both have cool names:)

using person aboves method- anyone marked with * are related - all characters are humanoid, ages 15-16 :)

1. paradox

2. X *

3. scorpi

4. newt*

5. junior

6. arrow


honestly never wouldve even considered scorpi and X, if scorpi wasnt dating lucy, honestly, X and scorpi probably would be a cute couple (might throw together that couple sheet everyone has been


Scorpi and X look like they'd make a cute pair :0 Idk I just think they match really well design-wise!
They give me cryptid lovers vibes ^^
I feel like they'd be the type to just cling onto each other when some random poor person stumbles upon them in a forest or some dark alleyway. Deer in headlights sorta way

- Next person  v -

1.) Isahray

2.) Esicus

3.) Ordis

4.) Dr.Foreman

5.) Faion

6.) kazimir

7.) Caligo

8.) Harpie

9.) Tobiie

10.) Calvel

Nobody listed is related or has bad age gaps or anything of the sort. Many are from different universes so if you pick two from a different universe I will put them in a scenario where both are in the same universe for the shipping meme. Most my characters don't have info written on their pages as I hoard everything in a doc so feel free to just go off a vibe ^^

Links woo:


^^ Decided to not look at the links and just go solely based off of names, as I feel like that makes more chaotic outcomes, so, Tobiie & Calvel?


vv for the next person! here's a list of some of my ocs !!

1. Ace

2. M1ke

3. Emerys

4. Berry

5. Gold

6. Ambrose

7. Hartford


All characters are of age and there's no like, insanely weird gaps in them. no one is related as well so no need to worry about that. this that or the other thing.  literally just go crazy I don't care
If you wanna take a look at their profiles, scrounge around a bit they're easy to find [pretty much everyone is in my persona/main folder]