Shipping Roulette

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago (Edited 1 year, 9 months ago) by JadeWizard

Are you tired of plain old canon ships? Want some noncanon ships to think about?

Then I present to you the Shipping Roulette!

The premise is you make a numbered list of OCs and the person below you randomly picks two characters. Then after getting the numbers you must edit your post explaining how the ship works. 

While filling out the shipping meme is not necessary, doing so results in kudos and internet kool points.


"Oi, give me a ship! OC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" Edit: "Yeah, I could see 9 and 6 being together they both love popcorn and throwing buildings. They would be the ultimate power couple."

"9 6" "Another OC list. 1 2 3 4

You can make separate lists for gender, preferences and ect.

Females: "1 2 3" Males: "1 2 3" Ferals:"1 2 3 4 5 6"


  1. Please give a reasonable amount of OC's to choose from. 5 at least, the more the better. Too little OCs in your list will break the spirit of the roulette.
  2. You do not have to link the OC's in your list. Looking at them is not necessary to play the game.
  3. Feel free to pick a random number anyway you want to. With dice, your brain, random number generator, ect...
  4. While ferals are allowed here, ferals are not allowed to be shipped with anthros or humanoids and must be put in a separate list entirely. See examples.
  5. Don't ship minors with adults. Just don't.
  6. No NSFW.
  7. There is a huge chance of the gay happening. Deal with it. >:3 Or ya know make separate lists for genders and orientations. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. If you don't like your ship please don't make a fuss.
  9. Play nice and have fun. This should go without saying but if I see any meanness and phobic comments, said perpetrators are going straight to baby jail for their crimes.
  10. There is no post limits right now, just don't reply to yourself.

  11. There is no 11th rule.


No one is here rn.

      OC list:

  1. Colin
  2. Morrison
  3. Cashmere
  4. Mable
  5. Cain
  6. Theo
  7. Alexis
  8. Dracula
  9. Ballina
  10. Arlo
This is interesting for many reasons. First of all Mable is probably the most shipped oc for some reason I dunno why. Second, she's into vampires. Third, both of them are inspired by castlevainia and exist in the same time periods as each other.

Both are the last resorts to save the world if the heroes fail, and I think they would first meet in a situation like that. And afterwards Drac would let her stay at the castle cause that's what Drac does for monster people. Mable would probably be clingy and Dracula, who is awkward as heck, does not know what to make of this little demon. I am certain this ship would be tooth rottingly fluffy.



Let's do Kandi and Charlie! 

Alrighty here's the list:

  1. Opix
  2. Inaba
  3. Ithel
  4. Adven
  5. Illanya
  6. Freyja
  7. Thalia
  8. Cerys
  9. Talyn
OopS! How'd i miss this! It'd go badly I think. Cerys would walk all over Ithel tbh. I'm sure it could go well in some circumstances but for the most part I think Cerys would definitely be the mean girlboss gf. That poor little camera man 


Cerys and Ithel, how would that go? :0


ma list












Let’s go with Desire and Rita, feeling those two have a connection in some way based on the names 


For the characters below they are all in canon relationships or soon to be relationships already just thought it would be fun to see which ones you could see together by random occurrence, lol

1. Keegan

2. Ethan

3. Reece

4. Aiden

5. Velvet

6. Max

7. Weld

8. Lily

9. Dane

10. Kandi

11. Piper

12. Lola

13. Arizona

14. Charlie

15. Rodrigo

16. Andrew

17. Dolly

18. Olive

19. Emily

20. Piper



I let fate decide! I rolled a dice and it came up with Max and Keegan!

1.  Eren

2. Ester

3. James

4. Jeremiah

5. Jerry

6. Lou

7. Nala

8. Serenity

9. Cal (Callum)

10. Machie


I actually really like this! These two would definitely be cute together!


James and Jeremiah look like they'd be really sweet together. Like the type to hold onto each other 24/7 and fuss over eachother a lot.

Also they're both freckly lads and it just looks like a nice pair.


Ohh I'm glad you like it! The chart looks interesting too


1.) Isahray










Nobody listed is related or has bad age gaps or anything of the sort so no worries there. Everyone is humanoid too.

Links woo:



Their's not much info on your oc so I'll go purely on looks and what vibe they give me. I may not necessarily be the best shipper but I'll try XD

I would say Az and Viscarus more or less because of the energy they give off, Az looks like the type who's about to do some shit and Viscarus like one hell of a fashionista, just something about them sounded cute XD

NP : I have the tendency to make my characters straight, so since I rarely do something else I've put all of the characters who are at least attracted by the opposite sex. But I do have some who are attracted by both sex, some romantically and sexually, some only sexually. Also, Kjaya and Zen are brothers and sister obviously, don't ship them. I will write the ones I think could be Bi because sometime I'm not 100% sure XD
To give you guys more chance, the 5 first are woman and the 5 next are men)

1. Angel Reim'ul

2. Audrey-Anne Vanier

3. Yuki Crystalbane  (Bi)

4. Patricia Mary 

5. Kjaya Yamachiche (Bi? Not sure for her)

6. Zen Yamachiche

7. Mikala Kaewe

8. Ramirez Garza

9. Aevor Mayr

10. Jonathan Carmes


So, it says roulette, so I left everything to luck and let a generator pick for me lol

Sooo, pure chance has spoken and said: #2 (Audrey-Anne Vanier) and #9 (Aevor Mayr). So, how's that? How would that work for them? 

So, my characters:

1. Cecilia

2. Sophia

3. Samael

4. Akumu

5. Autumn

6. Lance

7. Didie

8. Selene

9. Maverik

10. Aidan

Full random is ok for me! Just don't pick Cecilia and Didie as a ship, they're sisters QwQ

EDIT: These two were so fun to work with, your parents did great lol  So quick and messy ship meme (?


They probably won't last (?

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Alistair & Willow! my brain just felt like picking the first and last on the list lol

(This game just made me notice how little male characters I have, and that the few I do have are either mlm or related lol.)

So here's all my girls in one big pile:

1- Taiyari

2- Venus

3- Eztli

4- Skylar

5- Zelene

6- Rosaline

7- Pandora

8- Arcade

All of them are human/oid and around the same age (early 20's) so don't worry abt that ^^

Edit: Oh I could totally see them being an evil pair, like a "partners in crime" sorta thing, Arcade is not a "bad guy" per se, but she does have the chaotic energy, and under Pandora's influence they would be more than willing to break a few laws here and there. I think their dynamic would be a mix between Team rocket and Morticia and Gomez


MangoZombie09 How about.... Arcade x Pandora? :0c


Here are mine! This is gonna be fun hehe

1. Eris 

2. Prinzessin

3. Elia

4. Mint

5. Danisa

7. M.B.

8. Kathie

9. Eel 

10. Pheasant

11. Robin 

Robin and Eel are brothers, so please don't ship them together! Other than that, go ham lol


What about mint and mb? :0


Heres my list!

1. cloudy

2. jinx

3. Chrys

4. Sam

5. secret (wip)

6. spark

7. akari

There lol-


Sam and Akari. I'm purely basing this on the idea that their shipping name would be SaKari and it's a fun name.

EDIT: Checked their profiles and they kinda match :D

I'm really pushing it, since their age range is 22-45, but it can happen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1. Altan

2. Nilas

3. Penelope

4. Kajo

5. Hermit

6. Annaliese

7. Wilhelmina

8. Rin

9. Elliat

10. Emily


Randomly selected Penelope and Elliat and honestly I can see them fit together so Imma stick with that pair!


For the characters below they are all in canon relationships or soon to be relationships already just thought it would be fun to see which ones you could see together by random occurrence, lol

1. Keegan

2. Ethan

3. Reece

4. Aiden

5. Velvet

6. Max

7. Weld

8. Lily

9. Dane

10. Kandi

11. Piper

12. Lola

13. Arizona

14. Charlie

15. Rodrigo

16. Andrew

17. Dolly

18. Olive

19. Emily

20. Piper


TheEliBlog Oooh interestin, how about #6 and #20?

And here are mine!

1. Felix

2. Kai

3. Nokknok

4. Gunnhildr

6. Drömigel

5. Lyriss

6. Ferris

7. Raxu

hooo boy so Lyriss and Drömigel, that certainly is a weird combination x) But ngl the more I think about it, the more I like the idea! Honestly not sure how they would get there, it would probably be a quite long and bumpy road with lots of mutual disliking in the way, but once in a relationship they would be a rather wholesome pair :) Generally I think that relationship would be on the more casual, platonic side, where they would mostly just hang out together, but Lyriss for sure would be the more active, affectionate one, not having any problem with occasionally teasing Drömigel with caresses and smooches and he would ALWAYS get embarrassed and not sure how to react, since he's so not used to stuff like that. He would also try to be affectionate in his own way, by not being such a massive bitch and always furtively trying to do stuff for her. So yeah, that for sure would be weird, but not impossible!


i pick drömigel and lyriss!! my fave names on the list

as for my characters, none of them know each other. so go crazy

1. pony
2. isra
3. ilya
4. adrian
5. yska
6. nat
7. harte
8. kostas

interesting!! so it would be difficult at first because nat has a pretty huge fear of anything supernatural thanks to his experiences. he read a book about an eldritch god which revealed its existence to him and made him aware of the supernatural/able to see and identify them. it was a terrifying experience and hes pretty fucked up bc of that. however i think it could work if nat had to help ilya in some  way. ilya is kept prisoner by a cult in his story and if nat was there to support/rescue him after that then they could form a bond. both of them have pretty sweet personalities; ilya is very loving and affectionate but has little understanding of the outside world whereas nat is a bit more socially awkward but still a friendly and caring person with a lot of drive. so i think they could form a cute slow burn relationship hehe