What job do you think the OC above has?

Posted 7 years, 15 days ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by  Aster unused-account

Wooo, another game! Here we go!

The title says all. You have to guess what job the character above you has without looking at their profiles!

I'll start off with Aster here!

vvvv I'm crying that's great

but she's actually a boxer! It's because she gets to punch strangers and get paid for it tbh


Ashley McMillan Aerospiders

I'm getting some librarian vibes or maybe a baker (or fashion designer!)

Helga Waren MeowMeow422

Ngl, he kinda giving me musician vibes—especially rock or punk

V lol, not even close /lh ! She's a film producer

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Namono SileneV2

I am getting science type of stuff vibes from this character!

Imma go with biochemist!

Maribelle Burnett Vapor

honestly . also getting some scientist vibes, albeit maybe not anything "huge" -- might just intern for a laboratory?

ラブ・バイト heroicallyheroic

im thinking a musician of sorts! they give off musician vibes. maybe violin? or something like that? either that or a butler.

Indy Valentine ♡ vanillaflavouroddish

gymnast/professional dancer ????

Mikhail♥ panicbubble

to be honest your character looks like he could be a detective/criminal investigator? maybe i get these vibes because of the pipe

Carina De Luca Roheryn

They feel like they'd be very interested in art of some sort, whether visual or music. Maybe a guitar player in a band?

[2.] Uni/Sea Urchin Cookie OctoTape

She looks like she would have a job as a palm reader/fortune teller!

Alessandro Smile_Always

I don't know why, but I feel like they'd work in a Hot Topic. probably because of their style honestly /lh

v he's a clergyman!!

One-Zero CrzzyCat

Programmer! [Going off vibes purely]

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Audemus pocketbrows

Ngl kind of giving tortured accountant or mob character based on pfp alone

v well i mean you're not wrong atm he's just the head of the necromancy dept. at the greatest arcane school on his continent

Whydah Caloris AsianTapWater

i'm guessing some sort of religious figure? like a priest or something like that?

v close!! former scholar, currently a sailor (and unwilling vessel to an elemental prince)! :D