Praise/compliment the OC above you!

Posted 7 years, 6 days ago (Edited 5 years, 7 months ago) by Cryss

There's been a lot of negativity lately, so why not have a thread focusing solely on positivity? c:

This game's purpose is to say what you like about the OC posted above you! This can be about anything you can see on their profile, whether it's design, written content, or both. 



✨New ▶︎ It wasn't clear if you can also post your gallery and let the person choose an OC. You can, but don't have to! If you want a thread specifically made to drop your gallery rather than one OC, go check out @judas-la-carotte's thread here!
▶︎ This thread was written with the idea for the praise to be written OOC. For an IC version of this thread, go here!
▶︎ Don't forget to post IC if you want a specific OC to be praised! Otherwise people have no OC to give praise to and they might have to base the praise off your icon instead.
▶︎ Post a claim comment first, then edit it with your words of praise. That way you're less likely to be ninja'd.
▶︎ You can make it as short or as long as you want, from a single sentence to entire paragraphs.
▶︎ That being said, more complete reasons are always more fun. Try to give it your everything and give the other person something pleasant to read!
▶︎ Don't be rude or passive-aggressive; please refrain from making up things or lying. I know there's no way to verify, but try to claim only if you actually like something about the character!
▶︎ If any issues arise in the thread, please contact me on my main account ElithianFox to resolve them.


Please also only claim at most once every three people to give more people the chance to participate!

Levi honeydont

oh i really like calypso! she's a lot of fun. i have a soft spot for pirate characters, i just really think they're so interesting and entertaining! i also have a bigger soft spot for the "woman disguised as man" trope (fun fact my obsession with stories involving this when i was a teenager is what led me to figure out i was nonbinary) and she's the perfect blend of both! 

i enjoyed reading through her page! i think her personality is especially nice, it feels super grounded and realistic while also being charming. she definitely feels like a pirate captain. i'd love to know more about her history and how she came to be in charge of a ship! i'd also love to hear some of her biggest piratey exploits, haha

Helios Bluesulfur

holy shit theres so much to love about this character, cowboys are always a winner to me, and the way he blends the western/ghost vibes is so awesome. it feels like he could be some sort of wild urban legend, i love his hat/outfit and the paranormal/western sort of story/setting he's in is so well put together

also you dont see a lot of necromancer characters with mostly-white colour schemes but i think it works really good, especially when you draw ghosts around him

 Raymond Chester Sockth

Honestly, I don't see many characters that have issues with motor coordination which brings me a bit of joy honestly. I really like seeing not entirely able-bodied characters made more often. Also, of course, I'm gonna simp for the weird visions of the future stuff. I just love that kind of thing in general, because it can randomly be thrown into any story and makes it really convenient to write characters. I like how you have reasons for almost every part of their design, such as the dark areas around his eyes actually being used to keep the sun out of his face. I at first thought it was stylistic, but it is actually something that Is convenient for the character which i appreciate! I overall love their personality too (I sort of adore the not-too-bright bunch but have a lot of important skills). I just overall adore their design in general. Honestly, wonderful OC you got there! 

Glacier Caine

Raymond's profile was a really fun read! I instantly noticed the quote about spines and was dying to see how it would tie in to his character and honestly? The results are nothing like I expected and at the same time the tone is totally laid down by the quote in a very accurate way. 

I really like how he has a lot of very strong traits like his cynicism and paranoid tendencies because they really make you wonder what made him the way he is now, and his backstory explains all his traits really well in my opinion. For some reason I didn't expect there to be death involved though and was taken a little aback by how rooted in reality it felt in many ways? There wasn't any huge spectacle going on, it was very domestic in the most horrifying way, and it's no wonder Raymond feels so particularly traumatized about it: not only did it occur in a place where he and his sister both were supposed to feel safe in, but the man who killed his sister ended up essentially becoming his guardian not much later. If I had to live with someone whose frequent presence overlaps with my sudden memory issues and who I'm pretty certain killed my sibling, I too would feel constantly distrustful and on the edge. I think you do a really good job at conveying how his family dynamics and life with Sean reflect in his other relationships as well. Which is why I'm also really glad he seems to start finding people to have in his life who he feels safe and secure with, I think it's honestly the absolute minimum the poor guy deserves after what he's been trough ;_;

The little bits of trivia relating to his likes and dislikes also make for a fun read! Mentions of real world things like Star Wards and 3DS make him feel very rooted in reality, but at the same time the differences between our world and his are nothing short of interesting and I'm honestly kinda curious of the decisions behind some of the differences! Anyway his interests line together super nicely and since I like a lot of those things too I feel super happy seeing a character also into that kind of stuff hehe. Oh and I like the detail about stealing stuff from around him when feeling paranoid, it's such a specific kind of coping method to deal with feeling like you're not in the control of your surroundings. 

His design is very nice too, with the relaxed kind of expression and the loose hair tied up on a bun! The mostly warm color scheme further gives him this relaxed exterior that contrasts well with how he's described to be as rather anxious around people and in general has this a little nervous energy to him, likely a result of his traumatic past.  


Glacier has a really pretty design! Its very pleasing to the eye, another pleasing aspect is his personality. I l9ve calm kind characters alot. Also the name is super duper unique!! So good job with that too!! Overall a really good oc!

calypso 🏴‍☠️ kiwitigers

i like his design a lot, he's cute and charming and i can tell he's definitely a troublemaker just by his expressions alone. he reminds me a lot of a mascot character from a video game, like monokuma from danganronpa or zero II from zero escape - just gives that personality vibe!! i also love me a good black and white outfit and he delivers on that hehe

☣︎ JUETTE ☣︎ juette

i looove pirate characters in general and calypso seems very cool!!! i like the outfit she has on her ref its like... simple but still recognizable if you get what i mean? after reading her profile i just wanna learn even more about her!!

also the world she's in seems interesting from the small description youve given!!


Oh my god they are so cute. Their face is adorable im gonna die, i love how simple the design is yet they have such a cool dark style

(choose from the my babies folder only <3)


i saw this so late but def answering the questions!!

Adelaide is and angel but she is not dead. There's the living world with all sorts of creatures, demons, angels, etc. All angels go to heaven and all demons go to hell when they die. But they all have levels to them 1st being for good people and the lowest for terrible scums of the earth. The cupids are, yes, and experiment by Mirai and Terra (overlords of heaven and hell) that usually use them as servants and are very useful to the overlords of purgatory especially since they can lay out someone's whole life and give them many paths they can end up at based on who they meet and their decisions. The cupids (there's only 5) were sent to Earth to see if they'd survive living and if they coudl reproduce and make their own population, they'd pretty much just be a new species. The 5 cupids sent were lucky to have met Adelaide since most people wanted to just kill them or use them for information since they have the power to see lovers' connections and wether their bond is fading and will change or if they're meant for each other. Though, some of the cupids sent there, such as Felix are "defective". Felix is the best example as he has no wings and his powers work in reverse, if people hate each other, his senses will tell him they love each other.

Lucifer princeloppy

I’m super fond of angelic designs and themes so Adelaide immediately caught my eye!

First off: I think she has a very lovely and cute design. It’s really harmonious and kind of like classic lolita or simple cottage core vibes with her outfit which I adore. The colors work well and I’m not normally the biggest green fan but you picked a great shade! And her hairstyle just adds too the sweet overall vibes-she’s just overall super cute 11/10

Secondly: I first read her height and smiled. Shorties are so cute haha! But I was really intrigued too see a poly OC! I just don’t think you see them as much so it was a neat detail. Honestly for a moment while reading her BG blurb I wondered if she was going too get a reverse harem-like go girl!!

The small bits of world lore also made me curious. Cupids work with heaven AND hell? Experiments? Is Adelaide an angel-and if so why is she in the mortal world? And if she’s NOT an angel what is she? Hmmm. You have some interesting concepts clearly so I’m sure whenever you write more too be seen it’ll also be a fun read! And I’m happy you also seem too have a friend you can share this world of yours with and just have fun, that’s a great thing and I hope you two keep having fun with ur OCs c:

Dolan honeydont

ahh done! sorry this took a bit, thanks for your patience!

i really like lucifer! it's always so fun to see everyone's unique take on the devil honestly. his design is super pretty and unique! i don't think i've ever seen a version of him like it. the floral motifs and soft colors really make him stand out - i like how you approach him from the direction of sweetness being more effective than aggression. it works really well! 

his character is a lot of fun too imo! i enjoy how he's just himself, outgoing and impulsive and self-centered, but still loving and sweet. he actually reminded me a bit of a cat before i saw that part in your description! i also love his backstory, i can tell you've put so much thought and care into it. i like how you've woven different mythologies together! it's fun seeing how different people tackle that. i honeslty super feel for lucifer, i'm a big ol' sucker for sibling angst and i'm glad he was able to start to reconcile a bit with his siblings! also "he missed being a child wrapped in his brother's arms" made me cry a little aaahh. him being into scrapbooking is also super cute!!

this was probably kinda inchoerent but i really like lucifer! he's very clearly a labor of love :)


would prefer ic but you can pick anyone :)



You do a very good job describing Dolan’s appearance, going into a lot of detail on not just what he wears but the finer details of his face and body structure. This is something I really struggle to do personally so I find it very impressive that you were able to give me such a good image of what this character looks like without me looking at his gallery.

Your character design and personality fit together perfectly.  After reading his description and looking at his art he gave off a very particular vibe to me, one that reflected his actual personality.

You are still missing all of his story so I can’t give too much into how he acts but Dolan makes me think of a jolly old man but still in their prime that make sense lol.

also as a side note it says in his personality section it says he’s waiting for Cranker to make the first move but in the relationship section it says that he’s been flirting with Cranker. It’s a little confusing and I suggest rewording one of them.

Anyone Here





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Chad Bradshaw PicklePantry

The profile isn't accessible, unfortunately, so all I can go off of is the icon. I've got to say, though, the icon looks REALLY cool! I love the filter used over it, it brings out the eyes, which I keep looking at. I love the style of the eyes, especially the irises, and the intensity of the glare. That expression gives me the impression that Mingo could be the type of character that's gone through a lot but doesn't give up? Either way, if her story is anything like that icon, I bet she's a great character!

I've got Chad up here, but feel free to pick another one of my characters!