What Do You Like About The Above User's OCs?

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 30 days ago) by bulgariansumo

You can talk about all of the user's ocs, or just one or a few. Let's get those good vibes going! 

I haven't seen anyone do this yet, but please wait until at least 3 people post after you to post again, unless 24 hours go by. That way more love can be spread around!

[EDIT 8-24-23]: No backhanded compliments. If you don't have anything genuinely nice to say about the above user's OC, please wait. 

If there are any problems with the thread, please let me know.


I should probably do the one below me!

@nekokurisu Your character designs are really cute! I like all the pastel! I think my favorite design overall of yours is Danni!


I love how you go all out on your MLP AU with so many highly developed ocs. Your Ainad world also looks so promising. I hope you get it developed as well.


I like how diverse all your characters are. I also enjoy how most have backstories or some sort of bio. I like reading them.


i quite like that you stay relatively true to their settings. 1800s? a city full of strange creatures? there's nobody that sticks out like a sore thumb to me; they all belong in there well :) i hope that made some sense!


OK LIKE! They are all friend shaped, an feel like people ya wanna meet for a nice stroll in the park and chat. Could I be more specific? Not really. I just wanna hug all of em

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I really enjoy the aesthetic you got going on with your characters' color schemes. It's obvious that you like your OCs a lot (specifically those with a bio) and I love how creative you are with them, especially with the robots/droids/AIs. Not to mention the little Deadpool reference is fun. :) The designs you got (purchased as well as the ones you made yourself!) are all so unique and I enjoyed going through them a lot.

v omg, thank you so much for your kind words   


honestly, there's a lot of things to like! i like that you have a balance of characters and everyone is different. there's several that i've interacted with here and just want to get to know and learn more about. you have good taste in designs and put a lot of thought into character stories. i also like that you have characters that work in places that aren't approved of a lot and they're just overall good characters/people! i like your characters a lot and really enjoy seeing them!


First, I really like the names! They're all really cool, I like the use of nouns as the names.  I also like the hair, they all have hair that looks a little bit similar (consistency, very good) but for each it is unique.  Finally, they all have really well-developed backstories and equally well-written bios.  Loved getting to read over them!

(a note: the characters in corruption squad and mains are the most well-developed)

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I just love the overall dark atmosphere of the ocs! Has something dystopia-like!

I love the more muted colors and how one or two colors stick out in them! Each of them looks unique!


I love the variety of your characters! It kind of feels like you have most tropes/vibes down, from dark to angelic!

Also, SUCH a nice range of colors, literally every single OC of yours has a good color scheme

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OH MY GOOOOOOD your characters. they are so pretty . like grilled cheese to my eyes (topical because grilled cheese is current fave food)

it's really evident you love your characters a lot with all the pretty art they have *--* like i kinda wish i could look at a cohesive gallery of all the art is so prettyyyyyy

just like. in general the commitment to making things look nice is something i dig a whole lot!!


@ np : preferably stick to my default folder + subfolders , those are active story character and everyone outside is retired or a sona


WOOOGGGGH i just love how most of your ocs are pokemon ones because it gets me feeling really nostalgic. plus i really love how varied your cast is; not one character feels the exact same as another, like in personality and in design!! it's such a lovely cast i want to see more of because they're all splendid lil guys 🙏


I love how different and varied the characters are and the designs of them too. I also really like your Pokémon OCs a lot