What Do You Like About The Above User's OCs?

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 9 months, 13 days ago) by bulgariansumo

You can talk about all of the user's ocs, or just one or a few. Let's get those good vibes going! 

I haven't seen anyone do this yet, but please wait until at least 3 people post after you to post again, unless 24 hours go by. That way more love can be spread around!

[EDIT 8-24-23]: No backhanded compliments. If you don't have anything genuinely nice to say about the above user's OC, please wait. 

If there are any problems with the thread, please let me know.


I should probably do the one below me!

@nekokurisu Your character designs are really cute! I like all the pastel! I think my favorite design overall of yours is Danni!

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I like their designs and well their stories seem good too


Very good stories and ideas that are well put together!

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You have a large cast of all sort of characters and I think it's really admirable! All the body sizes and shapes etc really vary and the characters are easy to tell from each other! ;v;
Also C.S. is probably my fave, I love his design and character so much ;;;;


castra holy moly what don't I like about your babies? I've low key stalked most of them. I like how most all of them seem to be from the same era. They're just all so precious and I want to put them in my pocket! The stories are compelling like wowow!! Vivian and Fyren are always going to be my weakness because I'm a sucker for nuns and priests that are dark. Kekeke

 Seriously keep up the amazing job!! // holds ;;;v;;; <33 


@lainykins oml where do i start, ive lowkey been in love with your bbys forever >//< your charas always have this bright vibrant feel to them, even the ones that are darker still kinda glow and really stand out. you always come up with really interesting and clever stories. i wanna read the bios all the way to thier end, and am left wanting more info on them ((for the ones that have their bio written out)). i think i went and faved a few just going through them again.   



I've only gotten through a few of your characters, but how they're written definitely makes me want to see more! I really like the detail you put into their personalities, and how their life affects them. I think my favorite so far is Bukka. Poor thing can barely lie to save his life! I wish the best for him!

Aaaaaaa, thank you so much!!! :'D





Okay I must start saying that I don't usually like setting where there's no magic, but your characters stole my heart anyway! I like the scifi part of it tho, but mostly the more i read about them the more i love them!! they're all so endearing but also so different among each other, and i love their relationships! they make me feel happy. i also love how they're all pretty different from each other in various senses but come along in teams or groups and it works well!

I love the little animations you make of them as well <3 They're super adorable!! They really give a lot of personality to them and I swear they totally look like a webseries lol


Ok I love your characters, everytime I see you post them on threads I get kinda giddy because I love how unique they all are! Even when you have OCs whose color palette isn't vibrant, they all stick out wondefully. I have yet to get through all of your characters, but I really like how well detailed and straight to the point their bios are! I love, love quirky magical settings and seeing so many of your OCs that fit that is so appealing to me. Quite frankly, I have a MAJOR soft spot for witches especially when they don't fit the 'traditional' definition of one so the Scoville S. sisters are my favorites out of your characters. Heck, most of your OCs have unique abilities and themes and that's probably my most favorite aspect of them. I genuinely cannot wait to see more content from you as well as any other stories you have in store! <3

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You have quite a few OCs, and I really like how varied their designs are. That's one thing I really like to see. Having so many of them, it must be hard to keep track of them all! :o 
Semi-unrelated, but I love how their organized neatly. :D
I love a lot of the ones in the secondary OCs folder. Lots of good designs. It's also refreshing to see that not all of them are human. Very nice :)

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I think a lot of your Ocs have very pleasing to look at designs! The colors are very soft and nice to look at.  I did a little digging and saw that you had a closed species character, too? I think it's a really cute species and it would be cool to see you make more of them! Your style is really cute, too!


@rainbowarp Your OCs are really delightfully colourful! Looking at your OC list makes me feel so cheery because of all the nice colours ; v ;
And you have a lot of really unique and interesting designs, I'm especially fond of those with sharp teeth! I really like especially Hakori's design