[IC] Show the above OC around your home (world)!

Posted 11 months, 27 days ago (Edited 11 months, 16 days ago) by confusedthing

Whether it's your OC's actual living space, their favorite café or a cool forest in their fantasy world - give the OC above a little tour and show them around a place!
Since a lot of OCs from a lot of different settings and worlds come together in the forum games I figured this might be fun.
This is supposed to be a lore sharing game, basically. It's up to you whether your character is a history nerd and has endless knowledge about local myths and legends or if they just find something cool.

If you want to ask a specific question check out this thread by fizzelston: Ask the OC above about the world they live in!


1. This is an IC game, so don't forget to post in character!
2. Please put in some effort, I don't really like naming minimums but please let it be at least more than 5 sentences, as a rule of thumb. There is no upper limit, but no requirement to match a full page of text either.
3. No godmodding.*
4. Try to finish your claim within 6 hours.
5. Wait until 2 other people have posted or two days have passed before posting again. If someone has blocked you then sit that one out and claim once you can.
6. Keep basic decency in mind. No bigotry or anything in that vein, but also no predatory behavior. Respect people's and characters' personal space.
7. That said, of course romantic interactions are allowed if the characters have that type of relationsip/the person above allows it, but keep it SFW, take anything else to dms.
8. It is suggested to at least skim bios, you don't want to show the guy with arachnophobia your pet spider collection.
9. Since this might take a while to put together don't forget to claim a post so you don't accidentally get sniped.
10. This is a lore game and we all know history can get dark at times, but please don't post anything too graphic/heavy and if it is sensitive, then either put it under a spoiler or black it out like so. Minors are allowed in this thread so be mindful.
11. Do not, under any circumstances, glorify, romanticize or sexualize pain or tragedy. Things happen, but they deserve to be treated with respect. This is non-negotiable and will be treated with 0 tolerance.

Not a rule but follow-ups are encouraged, but not required. I chose this specific order rather than the OC below because it hopefully allows for a bit more control. You might not show some places to a stranger that you would to a friend or loved one.

* in case you are not aware what godmodding is and what it entails, under the spoiler you can find a description:

A quick google search can provide you with lots of answers in a longer format, but here's the gist of it:

Godmodding is, in essence, taking control of another person's character in any way. This includes controlling their actions and speech, but also portraying them in a light that the character is not likely to ever appear in (reading bios is important for character interactions!) to make your own OC look better. Furthermore, it also includes your own character being powerful and invulnerable beyond lore-accurate reason, i.e. dodging every attack but in turn hitting everything and not giving the other player/character an out. Not doing so is basic roleplay etiquette to most, but I know that when you're just starting out you may not be aware of it.

Here are some examples:

  • do not take control of another person's character's actions.  Do not make them take any actions beyond the thread's basic description. In this case: You are allowed to lead/show them around, leave anything else to the character's owner.
  • do not write another character's response. What the other character may or may not say is up to their owner. The only dialogue you write is your own character's speech.
  • do not dictate another character's emotions. Similarly to speech, you also shouldn't write about their reactions, inner monologues or overall emotional state.
  • do not imply anything about another character's behavior. This includes implying a character hit on yours, is creeping on your character, but also includes their personal schedules, what their responsibilities are and whether they are fulfilling them or not - unless any of this is specified in the information the owner/the character's bio provides you.
  • do not give your character knowledge they cannot possibly have. No one knows everyone's secrets. I don't care if your character is a private eye, an all-seeing god or Jeffrey from down the street, respect what people write in their character's bios. Yes, some characters may know more than others given their specifics, but it is highly unlikely that anyone knows everything about another person, especially if it is the first time they meet. Similarly, I doubt anyone would be anything other than creeped out if a stranger suddenly starts chatting about that one awkward moment in 5th grade that you've never shared with anyone. If a character acts friendly and is described as such I don't care whether they have a secret shame basement, your character likely won't know that, they're just meeting a friendly stranger.
  • do not make your character disproportionately powerful and do not dictate the outcome of confrontation for the other character. Characters can be canonically powerful and have the ability Thanos snap things out of existence, that's okay. What's not okay is completely restricting another character's/player's actions. You can attempt to hit someone with a sword, but whether it makes contact or not is up to the other person. (I.e. they can dodge or parry instead.)
    As a rule of thumb, try to be aware of your own character's strengths and weaknesses and focus on their actions. Give the other person an out and respect it.
    A:*charges towards B, trying to bite their ankles*
    rather than:
    A: *charges towards B from 10 miles away, tackles them to the ground and starts chewing on their hair, securely pinning B's body underneath theirs*

...I hope this help!

Edit 25.06.2023: Added a description about godmodding!


OC 1: My flat is boring, but here is this cute café where I love to spend my afternoons!

OC 2: Great you're here, I always wanted to show you my porcelain doll collection...

OC 3: Let me show you this cool lake we have that is allegedly home to a sea monster!

Some other threads related to visits/homes:

- Your OC is having a sleepover with the OC above
- Your OC visits the OC above!
Your OC stays at the above OC's home
...if I forgot anything or this has been made already please let me know!

First poster can either claim one of my OCs or take a freebie! <3

Follow-up for Kvroii

He had never seen or been to a place that was comparable to Northern Curiah, so he was grateful for the opportunity to pay it a visit - and Kornephoros kindly showing him around. The look at the nearby mountain range made for a breathtaking scenery that he could probably spend hours just observing... ah, he got side-tracked, as Kor's voice reminded him. Of course he had been listening intently to everything she had said, a moment of silence merely had allowed his mind to wander a little. 

Zero's eyes focused on the temple his host was talking about and a faint smile could be seen on his face. "It looks like a pleasant place to be." he thought out loud, perhaps alleviating her worries at least a little bit. The reaper had never quite understood why some temples were built in a way to intimidate their visitors - wasn't it supposed to be an intimate place where people took whatever they needed guidance or comfort for? This house seemed much more befitting for that, at least. And, well, it was nice to see a place dedicated to death, outside of the necessary establishments. It was part of life, after all, even if some people preferred not to think about that (not that he blamed them).
"Ah, it's quite alright," the man assured Kor with a warm smile. "It's not like death fades out of existence whenever I'm not at work and I find it to be an interesting... concept." maybe that was awkwardly worded, he wasn't sure.

The sound of the bells was sudden, yet it didn't startle him. Not because he was that stoic but rather because it was so soft and pleasant that it just... didn't seem to have that effect - or maybe he just made that up because he was surprised that it did not irritate him. ...or perhaps his company's demeanor was the deciding factor, he didn't know.
He followed Kor, once again fascinated by his surroundings, specifically how the snow seemed to avoid the bell. Zero wanted to ask if it was enchanted, but somehow that felt inconsiderate, he didn't entirely know why, it was just... a gut feeling. Or social awkwardness, who knew? 

"A wish?" the reaper asked, lingering on that thought for a while. He almost said how he always felt like wishes were something for the living, but he stopped himself. That probably would have sounded very creepy, now that he thought about it.
Once again there was a smile while he listened to Kor's words, "So it is here because the legend of it is a comfort to people?" There was a pause, a comfortable silence while he took in the view that the platform provided. It did look lonely, but he had come to find peace in that.
"If you consider it worth doing then I shall try it," his smile a bit more subtle while he tried to figure out what to wish for, since he really couldn't think of anything. After all, for the first time in a long time he was actually happy and asking for more felt like asking for trouble. So... was it allowed to make wishes for other people?


She thought a man such as Joseph Thorne, if anyone, would like a place such as Northern Curiah. Maybe it was the fact that he must have been closely familiar with death, but it wasn't really a place she could show someone who wasn't. Death seemed to be a burden to most, one which they would rather avoid. Any funeral director would understand that it had its place too, and this just happened to be its place. 

"There's a temple here for that," she said, ever a terrible hostess, though she hoped her earnest attempt at connection would show. "For death, I mean. No one lives there anymore, if you believe in any of that." She didn't know why she was reluctant to say that she once did, or that Curiah's gods were present in the world. The building itself -- wooden, snow-covered, and cozy -- wouldn't be able to say otherwise. She almost wished it would. 

"Er, I probably shouldn't bother you about death when you're not at work," Kor admitted. She had no reason to assume he would be put off by such a thing (in fact, he brought her more comfort somehow than she wanted to admit), but she knew that if she was off the clock, she'd be reluctant to talk about work. Maybe she wasn't being empathetic. Maybe she was being abrasive again. 

The sound of bells, a rich and deep ringing, softened the air. "The wishing bell," Kor murmured. "I forgot to show you the wishing bell." She took the man's hand and guided him towards a large white platform, elevated by a thin stairs on each side. At the top, a single bell waited for visitors. It remained untouched by the snow that drifted through the air, as if some warmth or another protected it. "Ring it," said Kor. "If you want. I guess everyone has a wish they want granted, don't they?"

The town looked so lonely from up on the platform. If she were to make a wish, she wished she brought Joseph to the café instead. 

"...I guess it doesn't matter, though. The wishing bell is just a name. It doesn't actually do anything."

And such was the nature of bringing a new guest to one's hometown; the version worth showing someone was always somehow in the past, under a filter of nostalgia and time, and rather much of nothing was quite as it seemed. Kor gave a half-hearted smile towards Zero. "It's still worth making a wish though, just to do it. Go ahead, if you want."

np, If you don't want to show Kor around, you can show around anyone in this folder or this one!


"If you hadn't shown me such hospitality, those words would be worth leaving over," the Lady warned, her cold eyes narrowing. "But surely I know you not to be a fool by now, so I suppose I could answer your question. Coldness is a form of preservation, you know. It slows the onset of rot. You never know when being frigid could keep someone from spoiling."

She let out a long, uneven breath and sipped the wine the lovely housekeeper gave her. "I may have once been different. Let's say, to entertain the idea, that I used to be less guarded. Do you know what happens to people who aren't guarded, Mr. Passacaille? They lose everything they love." With this, her eyes trailed the night-cloaked coastline, as if looking for something she hoped to see in the water; something she would never find, but softened her gaze for just a fleeting moment. "Does anything live there? No, no, certainly not. Forget that, would you?"

If Ren's words stung, they stung for good reason. She had been made like this. For that Count to have refashioned her in his carelessness and his cruelty... Don't let it get to you

"That woman you know," she said, her countenance sharpening once more and locking onto Ren, "I would dare to assume she is cold for a reason, too. No one is born like the harsh ocean, Mr. Passacaille. I assume she, too, had to freeze out the rot out of her life."

She laid down the wine glass. Her tense grip had caused it to crack slightly in her hands.  

"...Thank you for showing me your villa."

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Enigmatic Deity DAMNFIEND

(Pretty much a follow up to this) :)

"I don't typically get visitors here. My shrine gets little to no offerings from the people, but I still try to protect them and the land all the same," his steps were slow yet graceful as he made his way to his shrine. He was as mysteriously beautiful as the shrine itself as the moon painted everything below in it's cool light. A flowerbed laid out like a decorated carpet in front of the large shrine, forming in the shape of an eye. The flowers were foreign. Beautiful but unknown. His delicate fingertips brushed against one of the flowers. It's petals were in such a magical form and the filament reached out like strange tendrils. 

He pulled it off tenderly yet perfectly. Not needing to struggle or rip it off like some wild animal. Standing up slowly, he handed the flower to the entity, giving him a warm smile as he did so, "It's quite beautiful, isn't it? I don't know where it came from. All I remember is that I shed a tear over the beautiful metamorphosis of a caterpillar I had known for years and it began sprouting after I opened my eyes. I thought you'd like it. Think of it as a gift from me to you. Oh! I have a better idea." Taking the same flower, he tucked it behind Ren's ear. "I think it suits you more like this."

Now the deity brought Ren into the shrine. It was almost that of a Shinto shrine. Though with the top having an extra room or space of some sort. It had wind chimes and decorations galore, most definitely made by the deity. After all no one else really came here. "Unfortunately I don't think you can enter considering the fact your not a part of my people's culture and you have nothing to offer me. It is a sacred place after all..." the deity looked down, feeling a bit bad that he had to say that, but those were the rules. So unfortunately he couldn't bring Renard inside all loosey goosey. "But we can sit down on the few stairs leading up to it. There are no rules for sitting outside I'm sure."

And so he sat, looking up at the moon as the breeze calmly swept through his curly locks and played with the wind chimes, creating gentle noises. A butterfly flew to the deity and he held out his finger to let it land. It was as is he was smiling upon an old friend. The little winged insect slowed the movement in it's previously dancing wings. It's little feelers waved around and all was calm.

The shrine had a feeling of security and a still comfort to it. As if all time stood still.

Pretty fitting for a deity just as himself now isn't it?

The Continuum. AKA Connie. Edge_Goldie

She wasn’t used to visitors like this. Rarely anything was let in, much less powerful beings such as deities. However, considering how well the animals got along with him, she could see why. No matter how warped by her presence the creatures of the forest get; they will always follow the natural instinct to approach those they feel is safe. Many of them greeting the new face with curious sniffs and observing eyes. She suppose’s that she should also greet the deity. 

Slowly from the shadows of her currently sparkling tree’s, she forms into her usual shape. Taking a slow approach to the hydramimi, sometimes with steps, and sometimes gliding. She stops as soon as his attention is turned towards her.
“You are quite popular among the critters. Is that what brings you here today?” She tilts her head curiously. Yet regardless of what he may or may not have said, she turns and gestures him to follow. “Come along. I would like to talk without so many listeners.”
And with that, she begins her walk to one of her many places to rest. 

Past the tall trees, and flora which seemed to shine unnaturally underneath the golden leaves that attempt to cover the sky, a small village appeared. The villagers appeared human, yet sported gray-scale colors much like the animals whom even roamed the walkways of this village. The homes dark shades of gray-ish blue, a sense of overwhelming calm to each. A farm in the middle, and a odd looking house at the very end of it. She guided the deity through, silent yet keeping tabs on her guest.
”It’s not far now, my apologies for any discomfort.”

When they finally reached the house at the end of the village, the door opens. Allowing the deity to walk right on through, and giving a good peak at what was in there.
Inside were a bunch of trinkets lining the dark walls, with a bed at the very end of the home. There were no others rooms, but there was a pool of.. what looked to be water reflecting an image of a vibrant field of natural grass and flowers; three places to sit around it. Some animals whom followed the deity curiously, gleefully jumped inside. Once finding a place to sit, they stared at him. Waiting. 

”Seems we’ll get a few listeners after all,” She breaks her silence, walking inside, “I hope you don’t mind.” She slides over to one of the cushioned benches, looking up at staring at the deity. “Come in, stand or sit. Whichever feels right,“ she shifts slightly. Inviting him to come in, which the critters seem to want. “If you‘d like to chat, I’d love to hear one of your stories from roaming. Unless you’d prefer to go home?”

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