The OC above you is disappointed 😔

Posted 9 months, 18 days ago (Edited 9 months, 18 days ago) by fizzelston

I am not mad, I am disappointed.
McDonald's messed up my order and that inspired me to make this thread. 

You can interpret 'disappointment' in any way shape or form that you like, but, keep it the center of your post/interaction! 🙏

Here are the rules:

  • Let your character interact with the other. Please read the other oc's bio
  • You don't have to describe every move, swipe or swag, but put some afford in your claim
  • Please, no NSFW or violent stuff. If you really want to go dark, please black it out. Like this!  Or slap a spoiler on your post.
  • You can post again after 2 replies, or if 12 hours have passed. 
  • Please fill in your claim in 22 hours. I'll try to send you a reminder after ±10 h. We want to keep the game flowing!  If you fail to do so your post gets skipped.

Similar threads: (I didn't forget to add these this time!!!!!!!! You can't be disappointed in ME)

first poster gets a freebie
(You can always add a scenario to your post where the next user can react to!) 

Hason Mariold HardyLark

I’ll nab that freebie and hopefully once I’m done unpacking I will have a prompt. Hason is prime disappointed dad material hehe.

I am so late with the follow up so idk if you’ll see it but I wanted to so bad gahhh.

Hason’s normally stoic expression is surprisingly expressive for something others might consider a small setback. Truth be told, it wasn’t the end of the world, the death of this little plant but the disappointment at knowing those delicate little bulbs would never open, strike an existential sort of sadness in the old man. 

Though Enette assumes the worst of Hason’s reaction, all that was on the old knight’s mind was the many times he’s killed his fair share of plants with his clumsy strength, and overeagerness. It’s only when he turns back to the Princess, expression still regretful but relaxed, that he realizes Ennette’s torment of the situation. 

“Oh! It’s quite alright Princess, it happens to the best of us, though I know the disappointment well,” he says, raising his hand in a placating gesture.

“Come, let’s find another plant, I’m sure it will be a good one.”

Ennette PicklePantry

     The two had been gardening during a pleasant day. The weather was nice and the two sat in a comfortable silence. Was this the start of a strong bond? Ennette certainly hoped so. Alas, someone up above did not like the idea of her having anything good happen to her, and mercilessly struck her down with misfortune.

     She sat on her knees and stared at the plant now snapped in half from just one wrong movement when she tried to place it into the ground. It was a frail thing, and the only one of its kind that she had. Gardening, that was one of the things she was supposed to be good at! How could this happen? And in front of someone so highly esteemed like Lord Mariold!

      Ennette dared to look over her shoulder, wincing when she saw him turn to look away at the same time. But he wasn't fast enough. She saw it. She saw the disappointment on his face. What a terrible thing to witness. How ashamed she felt. He would never want her around Illanya now.

      To fail so tremendously at a skill she bragged about, and in front of someone so nice and honorable! She wanted to cry.

Chan ïżŒ C3H

Ennette and Chan... Isn't this a strange chemistry between each-other? Barely they had anything in common, but if there was at least one prominent thing they shared, it'd be books.

Chan was slightly weary, but maintained a face and kept going along with the princess' rambling about love stories, heroic tales that also included love stories, maybe a bit of health and medicine? Chan wasn't very keen about the last part though.

After a few mere hours of conversation that they wouldn't expect to go around for that long, their discussion slowly shifted to their favorite foods. Chan surely had a lot of choices, but there was one word combo that changed Ennette's face.

Shrimp Tempura.

Chan realized the sudden switch of atmosphere. It was getting... menacingly awkward. Reading the princess' face, Chan was sure a huge mistake had been made. Making her disappointed. Did she not like shrimp? Did something wrong happen again?

Internally blaming one's self, Chan felt like the real loser than anyone else in the world, yet again. But it's too hard to even tell behind the glowing mask.

np: it's kinda easy to make chan mad, but if it's to a disappointing extent, it's recommended to give a character that share similar interests - if there's any. lol

 Picket Whitefence (D&D) fizzelston

"I mean, I looked cool, right?" Picket said. He'd turned around and faced Chan with a big grin. He held the other's digipen-6000 in his hand, his chest still heaving. Picket had struck a pose that was.... Underwhelming at best. Bad at worse. He'd waved his arms, kicked his legs and blown air in his cheeks while all trying to get the digipen-6000 to work with little success. "I think it looked cool! Made me feel like... Like a Jedi" He said, as he made another swooping movement with the pen. "You know what Jedi's are right??"
Picket is easily disappointed, I am sorry 😔. He has high expectations about EVERYONE he meets and easily looks up to you(r oc). All you need to do is breaking his illusion by not writing the hero he thinks your character would be. 

 Nerine Diadrakos Vapor

         There was so much to be disappointed about when it came to Nerine. How could a valiant knight become so disillusioned and so...


         In other words. She smelled awful. She looked awful. It wasn't even in a cool, badass-walking-away-covered-in-ash-from-an-explosion sort of way, she was just reclined on the dirty, creaky porch of a dilipidated cabin, picking at the sores on the bottom of her feet. She had come into some form of custody over the boy, at least for some hours, assuming his work as a cleric would be of some use to the doctors in Haratel. Unfortunately for Picket, she wasn't embarrassed. After over a decade of living like a Fucking Rat, she lost all shame. She didn't even feel bad for him when she glanced up at him, catching his expression.

         Wouldn't be the first time. Whatever happened to that little blonde guy she tried to make a squire of? ..Did he even finish building her that fence?

         "Don't be moping around like that, boy." she said to him, bluntly, "You think I've got the time to be all nice? ..Come here." She beckoned him closer. Whether he approached her or not, she continued to speak regardless. "You're gonna be just like me when you're grown, so we might as well just break you while you're fresh. Fancy magical armor's not gonna do you a lot of favors. But. You think you can deliver something for me? I want to get some packages of medicine down the cliff. To the pretty lady. The one with black hair. You know?"

         Now pray that Picket didn't run off, too.

@ NP: she'll be disappointed if your character is a pissbaby about anything whatsoever sorry. and at this point in her life nothing pains her more than incompetence too if you want to go with that. she's a mean butch milf.