What does your OC envy about the OC above?

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by Echo knightofpherae

( 2020 october edit; how and why is this so popular cool tht y'all r having fun though. i still hate how i worded this post but it was like 2018 or smth ) ( this thread was made like 2 years ago, i literally hate how i typed back then hfdjvddjnf )

Pretty self-explanatory. You post IC *and also say it in-character* and look at their character (backstory n stuff, or just appearance) and say what your oc would envy about that oc. Optional: Edit your post saying how your character would respond to the OCs envy.

For example...

Echo: Hi (starter post idk)

Azazel: You have so many weapons and handy tools, dude, you gotta have one for like, every situation right? I'm so jelly man-


Rules: You can post again after 5 posts please do it with a different character or different version (( although after the second post of yours is uh,, well posted, and after 5 posts you can use that chara again! )) If you/your oc say(s) anything offensive, please put it as a spoiler, make the color white, or black it out. You can access the black out thing by using the color tool and going to background =P (( I regret using that emoji in my past, please end me ))

That's all I gotta say really. Hit me with your best shot~!

all of my forum games fail i swear- (edit: except this one apparently.)

(Wow, you people really like to be envious of each other.)

//////////// ( response; True, I-i suppose. All that robots really do need is an engineer, a-after all. Though a bad thing is that all of my friends who aren't immortal like some of my friends, i'll eventually see their d-death. Though, i could be reprogrammed to forget the friend(s) in question, but t-that'd be horrible!... )

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Blair Aarix

ramyune hehe hey. what's blair doing in this world? nothing good. I'm working with the idea that his powers go a bit weird with it...

"Miss Isolde!" Blair's done a good job ''acquiring'' something appropriate to wear so as to blend in to this black-tie concert, but the rest of upper-class decorum is apparently bit harder to come by. Yeah, he can make his hair look nice, put it away all neat. Get all cleaned up. But there's no killing all his impolite curiosity. He swans over to the composer. She is terribly beautiful up close, just as the rumors had promised. Blair smiles, and offers a polite dip of the head.

"That was quite the performance out there. Really quite the performance. I would go so far as to use the word enchanting--an' you should trust me, from actual enchanter, that means a lot." Honestly, this stuffy concert hall stuff is boring as shit for him, but that's besides the point. Smiling, he leans closer. Looking her over. Lingering on her eyes. Just as he thought, they're... different. Well, Blair's hardly one to comment on that, now, is he. "You know that already, though, don't you, Miss. You have a thousand people tell you that every night. Singin' your praises. Oh, you must get so bored of it. I'm tryin' not to bore you.

"Because, frankly, what really got my attention was you." A smile spreads across Blair's face as he stalks just by her. He chuckles, and shows his hands. A dozen rings glitter on his fingers. "Don't worry Miss, I mean no disrespect. Nothing untoward." She really needn't worry, she's not the one he's here to assassinate, and it's a good thing she isn't... for his own sake. "But, y'know, I see things.

"...Or... an absence of things." Has she caught his drift yet. Blair's not even great at the whole ESP thing, but this chick's something else. "You are one extraordinary girl. It's almost like I can look right through you. And yet." He shakes his head a little, puzzling it out. "The energy you have is really unlike anything. Do you mind me saying so, doll? I'm goin' with no, cos I know you could snuff me out like a light," he snaps his fingers, "jus' like that. An' everyone else in this building, if you wanted. Right?" That's the least of what he's gleaned. The rest of it doesn't make any sense at all, but he knows it is huge, and deathless.

He searches her eyes now, and his own narrow.

"Now... where does a pretty young thing like you get so much power?"


@/NP there may indeed be nothing to envy about blair, so u can pick from any of my other characters if you like!


Haia isn't a nice person so don't take that personally! I find Blair to be a super compelling character and I was very drawn to how similar some aspects of her character are to Haia!

There isn't much to envy about  this Blair fellow. The man is just about as messed up and pathetic as she is. She has observed him from afar, watching him grovel and suck up to those who will spare him a coin or two. That brooding energy...God she can't stand it. She can't stand how much he reminds her of her. That, of course, is how she knows that there is nothing at all to envy there. Or rather there shouldn't be anything to envy. As it were the man has his talents. Genuine talents. He wields his pyromancy with such an expertise that she has to wonder how he ended up in such a sorry state. With that much power he should have been able to do anything, cast anyone out of his way...

She folds her arms over her chest and sneers. And why? Why should it be him? Why should this man with that ridiculous macho bravado and that vile sexist spew he slings about be blessed with such power. Why, when she can barely conjure a single snowflake. It is a waste of magic really. Haimati watches him throw those flames around, his motions are quick and bold. They are grand and larger than life. Larger, at least, than the life he is leading.

Haimati takes a final drag from her cigarette and puts it out on the bench she sits upon. She wishes that she can snuff out his magic just the same. Or that she could take if for her own. But she hasn't even the know how to do just that. Instead she flicks the cigarette but in his direction and, once his attention is upon her, she throws her favorite finger into the sky and waves it in his general direction. That'll teach him!

Now that he is aware of her resentment she can move on with her night and forget about all of the unsavory things he reminds her of.

Roy Lane PicklePantry

     There was a lot to not envy about Haimati, admittedly. Her tragic past and the destiny seemingly attached to her at birth, the issues that sprouted from said issues, the constant moving around and new set of people to learn about and try to connect with. If anything, it made Roy grateful for the luxuries he had now, though he could empathize with some of her problems.

     "You're a fighter. Everything that's pushed you down, somehow you manage to get back up and live to fight another day. Even if those days are worse, or they add new problems to the list, you still keep going. You protect those close to you and you're loyal, traits that couldn't be taken down after all of that. I've seen a lot of people crumble over less pressures, and I mean a lot. You're no knight in shining armor, but all the good hasn't left you yet. That takes a lot of strength, and I'm jealous of it, honestly. I could sure use that strength now." 

     He laughed lightly and rubbed the back of his neck, "I also wished I could enjoy Gregorian Chant like you!"

PANDORA 99centsoda

While she was no important member of royalty, or very much important at all, she too has lost a parent. While PANDORA herself was never an important figure, she understands the pain of losing a parent. Had Roy grown up with them, PANDORA might have been envious of Roy's relationship with his family; she knows it would be unreasonable to be jealous of a simple biological connection. The responsibilities of being a monarch weren't something that PANDORA found herself craving either.

However, PANDORA does admire Roy's ability to express himself with emotion and vibrato in his voice, something she lacks. Speaking in a monotone, she finds it difficult to convey the depth of her feelings. "YOU HAVE A LOVELY VOICE," she remarks to Roy, "I WISH I HAD SUCH A COMMAND OVER MY TONE. IT TRULY IS ADMIRABLE."


bump? ;w;

Maxwell BubblyMuffinz240

Maxwell might be envious of PANDORA being connected into the internet! She lacks a physical form, making her hard to kill or destroy. Maxwell's body is a literal watermelon, and quite fragile. She has to make a lot plots to keep living. Being AI would save a lot of hassle!

Danndraa ProfessionalDumbass

"NOW I MUST SAY!" Oh, starting off great I see Danndraa. "I have ALWAYS wondered what it would be like to be smart in such a- SIMPLE way. I mean look at you dear." The mouth piece of a golden bird pipe poked against the shoulder of Maxwell. "You are not cursed with knowledge you cannot comprehend to get this smart. You were just GIFTED this life and skill, I had to work hard, to KILL to get as smart and powerful. But you, your simple gif of intelligence just fills me with- with- ENVY. A delicious envy which might just make me burn something. Not you of course."

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Pony silket

It was the middle of the evening. The lieutenant sat in the front row at Isolde's concert, waiting for it to begin, the lights not yet dimmed. The place was absolutely crawling with security that night, with himself counted among them. They were backstage, on either side of it, scattered throughout the crowd... with he himself as the leader. It was remarkable, really, how many of them there were, and how their talents were normally suited to more dangerous things than a harpist's performance. Such things didn't require such a well-trained security outfit... right? He was lucky, he supposed, to be able to observe the show so closely, though he was not sure anyone else among the vastly-overqualified security team cared very much about tonight's performance.

Pony, of course, did care. For a multitude of reasons, really. Music wasn't in his skillset, not at all, but he'd always admired those who were capable in the field. And Isolde- or Kari, as he knew her- was far, far more than capable. She was so skilled, in fact, that he didn't feel appropriately equipped to judge how talented she was. Such a thing was beyond his understanding. It was difficult not to envy someone so creatively well-equipped. After all, his own creative pursuits were on the back-burner, and he was quite certain that even if he had all of his time free to dedicate to art, it'd be a fool's errand.

Quietly, 'Kari' took the stage, elegant and classical in draping white fabric. Like Pony, she conceals her face, though only on-stage. He personally cannot fathom why. Was that what people thought about him, when he took the mask off? Certainly not. He'd heard that she was rumored to be beautiful, and having seen her backstage plus other times before (some of which were very embarrassing), he can assert that to be more than true. Perhaps she was so beautiful that she didn't want people bothering her, or didn't want to be recognized in public for her talents. Perhaps, Pony figures, that could be annoying. Certainly she didn't wear the veil for the reasons that he did. And, really, the veil doesn't cover much: yes, he can't see her face, but the way she carried herself was beautiful. Her body- though he did not appreciate it the same way others might- was beautiful. She had an aura of beauty, really.

And Pony had an aura of... what, exactly? The aura of making people cross the street at night to avoid him? He saw little value in being intimidating, and so that wasn't exactly a boon. Yet, he was. He was intimidating, and cold, certainly not beautiful- perhaps a bit lumbering and awkward, as well. Even if he put work into being something different, that wasn't his destiny. Not like Kari, whose poise and grace seemed effortless.

Well, it was time to settle down and enjoy the performance, and so with some effort Pony dispels the swirl of his negative thoughts.

Gidget Jedi_Bob

" You sure seem more capable of d-defending yourself than I am, you're a lot taller...a-all those guns....your collection, I mean. The gas mask is a little much but....t-that's cool too. "

Kier MeowMeow422

"You are completely mechanical while I am partially so... and yet you are more living than I. I both admire and envy that."


"Wow you're really good at hacking and cool computer stuff. Unfortunately I lack in that sort of talent. I barely even know how to work a phone. I guess my fingers are only really good for making weapons..."