Did this happen to me or my OC?

Posted 8 months, 4 days ago (Edited 7 months, 26 days ago) by 💀 | Sergeant of Darkness BaliSTAR

Basically try and guess if the situation described by the person above happened to them or one of their OC!
A character trait instead of a situation is OK too

Example :
Person 1 : Burned a toe during a camping trip
Person 2 : Hm I'd say that happened to you! Is an avid fan of ramen noodles?
Person 3 : I'd say your OC! (etc.)

Rules : 
- Avoid NSFW/sensitive subjects (we're looking for silly situations more than tragic ones! Though injuries you find funny are ok)
- Please don't skip anyone. If someone blocked you, just wait until someone else does them!
- Don't go check the person's oc! That would make it too easy ;)
- Not a must but you can edit your original post to IC the character the situation happened to or to say it happened to you
- (Added for clarification) Either post as a specific character or let people guess amongst all of your characters
- (2023/10/11) Using pagedolls in your post is alright, but animated, brightly colored and big ones that cover screens in mobile are not and I will ask you to remove them (if this gets abused they won't be allowed at all). Feel free to ping me if you have issue navigating a page because of a pagedoll. 

Have fun!

NP : Either claim a freebie or try to guess if it was I or my OC who owned a poetry blog

v hehe no I had a fiction writing blog but this boy had his poetry blog! 


I am thinking you might have a poetry blog at one point

is it me who are part of a band or one of my OCs?

v nah, I'm not part of any band. But a lot of my OCs are

 Aurelio Lucille D. S.
Évariste Sanguinetti (Modern)
This entire folder

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Duncan apodoforcas

based off of the avatar alone they really give the energy of putting their finger over a candle unsupervised

is it me or my oc who went to the hospital as a kid for jumping on a toothpick 

v yep, that’s me aha

🐴 | Bonnie Jensen BaliSTAR

Omg that sounds like something very plausible so I'd say you? 

Is it me or one of my oc who asked my/their gf out before leaving for two weeks?

v nah it happened to this gal XD

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Cielo comedy_pink

now idk anything about you but i'm feeling it was You who did it

is it me or my OC who got their head slammed by a metal swing that one time?

⬇️nope… it was me </3 i was like 7 or whatev. that being said she's definitely the kind of person to have her head slammed by a swing so kudos either way i suppose


she has the (adorable) face of someone who got their head slammed by a metal swing so I will say her!

is it me or one of my oc who has the habit of sniffing around like a dog 

v it wasn't actually part of my original vision to have people add an oc to their post (I thought it might be too easy XD) but there you go!

nope, she's more bird like than dog-like in her behavior XD it's meee


BaliSTAR hey, i'm pretty sure u forgot to add in a oc :p

Anyways! so, i assume it's Ao cuz... y'knbow, dog... wolf, whatever

was it me or my oc who ate ants that gor stuck on pop tart icing

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Sperdan KingYoshi

im guessing it was you. i didn't see much about Chris being clumsy, more lazy if anything so if could be possible. but admittedly as someone who's already done it before, im gonna go with the "it takes one to know one" method and say it was you lol

Was it me or my OC that broke a computer by spraying cleaning materials on it trying to "clean it"?


okay look i was like 4-


I'm guessing that was you! This guy seems more like they're from a fantasy setting than anything, so I don't know whether or not they've had a computer at all. And by the way, no shame in it if it was you. I've nearly done the same shit.

Is it me or IC who is the current Wizard Guildmaster at their LARP? (Both of us do LARP, if that makes things more interesting for you--it's just a matter of guessing which of us has Guildmaster position!)

(v) Correct! (But I’ll be running for Assistant Guildmaster when elections run in Novis (November)!)

Ryker Raevii ghostNoetic

I'm guessing IC. They look mysterious and would make a very sophisticated guildmaster. I think lol. 


Was it me or IC who cracked a thumb once and refused to go to the doctor with it?

V It was actually me lmao but Ryker would totally do the same, he's a wimp. Two years ago, on the first PE of the term, I failed to hit a volleyball properly and my thumb bent backwards and outwards. I still haven't gotten back all movement which kinda sucks but I got used to it

Lui Tosdohl Skykristal

I'm guessing your character? based on icon alone, it kind of seems like it fits Ryker.. for some reason haha


Was it me, or my character who ended up sitting in a ton of ants as a kid?

v lmao you right. 

zeph derose pepperpenguin

im gonna guess u, and if so, then same......

was it me or my dude who stepped on a nail and didnt notice until like 5 minutes later

V actually.... my dude!!! i DID step on a nail once but i immediately noticed lolz :333

emelda alcaraz creatfran

LMFAO i'm going to have to guess it was you because even though it sounds improbable, you probably wouldn't have made your oc gone through it unless you actually experienced it first and knew it could happen (i hope that sentence made sense)


was it me or my oc who broke a window by throwing a hairbrush at it?

v HAHA good reasoning...but it was me LMFAO (not even elaborating cause it's more funny that way)