Did this happen to me or my OC?

Posted 8 months, 5 days ago (Edited 7 months, 27 days ago) by 💀 | Sergeant of Darkness BaliSTAR

Basically try and guess if the situation described by the person above happened to them or one of their OC!
A character trait instead of a situation is OK too

Example :
Person 1 : Burned a toe during a camping trip
Person 2 : Hm I'd say that happened to you! Is an avid fan of ramen noodles?
Person 3 : I'd say your OC! (etc.)

Rules : 
- Avoid NSFW/sensitive subjects (we're looking for silly situations more than tragic ones! Though injuries you find funny are ok)
- Please don't skip anyone. If someone blocked you, just wait until someone else does them!
- Don't go check the person's oc! That would make it too easy ;)
- Not a must but you can edit your original post to IC the character the situation happened to or to say it happened to you
- (Added for clarification) Either post as a specific character or let people guess amongst all of your characters
- (2023/10/11) Using pagedolls in your post is alright, but animated, brightly colored and big ones that cover screens in mobile are not and I will ask you to remove them (if this gets abused they won't be allowed at all). Feel free to ping me if you have issue navigating a page because of a pagedoll. 

Have fun!

NP : Either claim a freebie or try to guess if it was I or my OC who owned a poetry blog

v hehe no I had a fiction writing blog but this boy had his poetry blog! 

Keegan TheEliBlog

Your oc, just look at Cassio he looks like a literal menace to society


Was it me or my oc who decided to lock themselves in a bathroom stall to sob their eyes out?

v it was keegan (and me, but technically I held it back in, a terrible attempt but yeah)

Porpoi Aguilar PK_Skeletons

Oh gosh. I'm gonna say you, and if I'm correct then I'm so sorry for ya

Was it me for my OC that was forced to drink a whole can of beer at the age of 8 after showing mild curiosity for how it tasted?

Ran Devereux (Young [before the deal]) denishdraws

I think it's your oc

drink water from a measuring cup?

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Jonathan Donelly dazey-the-goat

nah you did that once probably/j

was it me or jon that nearly lost the class pets once?

v jon may be impulsive but guy knows how to take care of animals better than me help- when i was still in elementary i brought home the class pets to take care of them during the holiday/weekend? and i didn't locked the cage door properly so the hamsters basically fled from their cage- fortunately my parents managed to find them before i had to bring them to school again jskxkkss 

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TBN MeowMeow422

Your bab seems like such a sweetheart so... you? No offense /gen


Meow or my bab that has a biting habit?

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Miura raikufu

Hmm I'd say you! I thought your oc first but since your oc has sharp teeth, a biting habit would probably hurt!

Is it me or my OC who had to take a swim class for kindergarteners as a middle schooler? 

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Stormcloud Ghoul LittleRobot


me or my OC who burned themselves like an idiot trying to take their chicken strips out of the oven without oven mitts because they're a dumbass

v ME ACTUALLY LMAO I still have the scar!

Kier MeowMeow422

Your bab?

Me or my bab that like to play the dinosaur jumping game when there's no internet.

It's Meow lol

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