Did this happen to me or my OC?

Posted 8 months, 5 days ago (Edited 7 months, 27 days ago) by 💀 | Sergeant of Darkness BaliSTAR

Basically try and guess if the situation described by the person above happened to them or one of their OC!
A character trait instead of a situation is OK too

Example :
Person 1 : Burned a toe during a camping trip
Person 2 : Hm I'd say that happened to you! Is an avid fan of ramen noodles?
Person 3 : I'd say your OC! (etc.)

Rules : 
- Avoid NSFW/sensitive subjects (we're looking for silly situations more than tragic ones! Though injuries you find funny are ok)
- Please don't skip anyone. If someone blocked you, just wait until someone else does them!
- Don't go check the person's oc! That would make it too easy ;)
- Not a must but you can edit your original post to IC the character the situation happened to or to say it happened to you
- (Added for clarification) Either post as a specific character or let people guess amongst all of your characters
- (2023/10/11) Using pagedolls in your post is alright, but animated, brightly colored and big ones that cover screens in mobile are not and I will ask you to remove them (if this gets abused they won't be allowed at all). Feel free to ping me if you have issue navigating a page because of a pagedoll. 

Have fun!

NP : Either claim a freebie or try to guess if it was I or my OC who owned a poetry blog

v hehe no I had a fiction writing blog but this boy had his poetry blog! 

TOVA knokken

Ngl that character looks like they would bark at dogs, so I'm gonna guess it's your oc


Is it me or my oc who has a few scars from mishandling knives?

vv it IS a me thing😭 I got two different scars on my thumb FOR THE SAME DUMB REASON (I was checking how sharp the new knife is by cutting a string of my hair with it. It turned out a little too sharp. And I did that shit twice in the span of a year or so, because I don't learn my lessons.) Also got the tip of my middle finger cut off, but that one is because I wasn't careful, not stupid (for once)

Alessandro LittleRobot

that sounds like a you thing tbh


which one of us was raised to hate country music and still can't stand it to this day?

v yep! I hate country lol

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Faith Full CometTheMountainLion

I’m guessing it’s your OC just because I’m not so sure reptilians would like tea.

- - - - - - - -

Was it me or my oc who watched A Christmas Story 6 times this year?

Isaiah apodoforcas

i can smell that it’s a you thing; i can’t imagine she would really be a movies person considering her work schedule

is it me or isaiah that keeps a diary/does journaling

v yeah that’s definitely a him thing; i can barely keep up journaling

Creek Whitebelle dazey-the-goat

^ HONESTLY SAME HELP- i swear the amount of times i attempt journaling and fail to keep up- i tried changing to audio diaries instead and even then it's still hard to keep up <\3  

that might be an isiah thing? but like at the same time you’ve got some pretty cool interests yourself so i won’t be surprise honestly :O

profile safe! was it me or creek that got lost in a mall for 2 hours as a 5 year old

v nope, that actually happened to creek aha

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Swins Lappel Awake_Ache

I am gonna guess you. You should be more careful :(

 Was it me or my OC who decided to print a picture of our brother's horrible monstrosity arts and crafts creation on a shirt to encorage him and make him feel better?

Kitia Revlin angeliic_gestalt

your OC vibes SDJFKDSA iconic

was it me or my oc that tripped over their own two feet, broke their front tooth and cut their hand, and then died laughing instead of crying about the obvious injuries?


 Makoto Yavervin

that is... oddly specific? im guessing that was you yeah?

was it me or my oc who cries (on command) to get their mothers attention
sadly it was my ic character LMAO although he's menacing lookin' he still loves his mother

Ajax ViperPixels

I think its you! just based off the fact that when i look at that OC i cannot for the life of me see them crying (lol)

Was it me or my OC who accidently ate like 30 melatonin gummys without realizing they had melatonin in them

James Bone Captain_Fartbeard

Your OC? I think you'd die irl if you ate that many 

  Is it me or my OC that worked as a postman?   (profile not safe as it mentions his job) 

 v It was James! He was a postman before he got caught up in the whole spying thing. He misses that job a lot 

Stratus Wargeye

Im going to guess it was you! but i could see it going the other way really-

was is me or my oc that spent 50 bucks on fabric to make a cloak only for it to be the wrong kind?

 Mary Jane DvalinProductions

i'm guessing it's you? 


Was it me or my oc that accidentally broke a TV?


It was me actually! the tv fell while i was chasing my cat that was climbing on the furniture

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