would the oc above you bite

Posted 4 months, 23 days ago (Edited 3 months, 28 days ago) by apodoforcas

stole this idea from the “would the above user bite“ thread but i wanted to make it about ocs this time

you can kinda look at the above ocs profile and determine whether they’d bite like a dog or not; put a simple answer as a response, and you can choose to respond ooc or ic, but i would recommend putting ic responses in quotes


considering his nature, absolutely (ooc)

"considering his nature, absolutely" (ic)

rules are relatively simple

 wait until 3 people have posted after you before posting again; if 12+ hours have passed since the last post disregard this rule

be very mindful if you’re posting a mature-locked character or account; this thread is open to all ages; don’t make nsfw comments in this thread either

and have basic forum etiquette: don’t skip people; if the post above you is a “you blocked this user” or “this user blocked you” just wait until the next one isn’t or delete your post if you got sniped

Venus TransDragon01

Baby, baby child, they would never, they can be trusted with sharp teeth

Avalanche AvaTheAxolotl

They might if they’re angry 

 Cyrus Yavervin

Would absolutely bite you and not apologize 

Cleo TheEliBlog

I mean he’s Cyrus. Of course he would.

[1.] Anti OctoTape

I think Cleo is not very likely to bite, she seems very fun and friendly with all the bright colors! The evil version however...that's a different story, would definitely bite lmao


If pissed off or irritated, yes

Nyoom Gurki

yes I think they bite people for giggles

Khenna Khitch

Only very rarely. They seem like a pleasant and respectable little bean

Isaiah apodoforcas

on the very rare occasion for sure, like in times where she’d be particularly enraged, but most of the time she’s too scared to not attack back i feel like

Shene ♡ Lapkyns

He grew up with two older siblings so i think he def would xD

🌵🌩🌪 Moschus-Hirsch Missing_teeth

 University kids are crazy so I feel like if you pissed him off enough 


OH yes! Shene would bite you for nothing blink to hard bitten, breath bitten do nothing bitten! Bites 24/7 

Mycena DreamyDinosaur

Those canines are making me think yeah, probably

Ariamon endiria

I don't see potential of biting here


I'd say no, I don't get that vibe from him- MAYBE only if it'd save his life or something


Billy BBungle

Yes. It's smug aura mocks me /ref.