❲IC❳ Corrupt the wish above you!

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 7 months ago) by colorful

The title is self-explanatory, but you will corrupt the wish of the OC above you! Just like how Sayaka Miki wished for her crush to be cured so she can hear him play the violin once more, only to get a result where her best friend dates her crush! Yes, be Kyubey using your OCs!


  1. Damien: I want to discover the truth behind Thalassia.
  2. Motoco: You encounter the scroll of truth that holds the reason why Thalassia exists, only to realize that it was made so you could respect women. I want this oni boy to see colors.
  3. Mircalla: Uuu... I'm sorry but he will be able to see your scary face and he will become stone... Uuuu... I want to eat cheesecake!

And so on.

My only rules are:

  • Abide the Toyhouse rules
  • Only post again every after 2 posts (like wait for two more different people to post)
  • You may edit your post to correspond to the corruption that the OC below did!
  • Claim your posts for less ninjas! Though if a week has passed and you didn't edit your post, you will be skipped
  • Black out explicit content such as extreme lewds, traumas, and hardcore gore such as gut spill or bones being exposed!
  • Have fun, upupupu~
 Saryn FoofyFaun

"Your wish is at my command!" She cooks quite an elaborate meal for Taesha to try. Unfortunately, it all tastes terrible.

"I wish I had better social skills."

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😇 | Aio Appicot

"Bah~ Simple, simple wish. Easy to do" The winged feline said with a 'humble' laugh "You will find your one true love- but they will already be in a happy married relationship, most likely to never leave their relationship for anyone" He said, contorting the wish like an easily tie-able string. "There~ You got what you wanted fuhuhuh~"

"I want people to give me riches and jewels~! A simple wish, isn't it?"

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Desmond ChaosGrizzly

"You want to feel the warmth of the sun you say?? Interesting request you got there. Let's see what I can do." 

Desmond goes into his workshop and build a sort of portal. He presents it to Khi. (Wow, khi must have stood there for hours. A portal cant be built in five minutes! lol.)

"Alright! Now, just step through this portal here and you will find yourself in an alternate universe where the sun always shines!" 

Khi nods and steps through the portal. As soon as he is no longer in sight, the portal closes and Desmond laughs evilly. 

"Oof! I forgot to mention! The universe that you are entering takes place billions of years from now. The sun there is on it's last day of life, which means it will expand and engulf the entire doomed planet. At least you get to see the sun for a last time while your flesh melts off of your bones! Heheheh!~" 


"I want to be seduced by a very sexy woman. hehehe!"

Zinkur Esterofila


Uh oh. It's her. >:)

"Fine! I'll help you get your dumb wish! Stay right there, idiot!"

Zinkur stomped away, and left Desmond to stand there alone for at LEAST 18 minutes. She then comes back with a decent looking woman. She wasn't bad looking!

"Go on, then!", hissed Zinkur. "Talk to the hyoooman!"

The woman struck up a conversation with Desmond, while Zinkur sulked in the corner. It was going pretty well, and getting pretty steamy! Desmond even got felt up! Woooh~! But as the conversation went on, Desmond noticed a VERY crucial fact!

This lady was flat... familiarly flat...

"By the way.... and I'm not an expert on humans here...", Chided Zinkur, who was smirking almost violently. "I think that would be a male!"

"That's right, handsome~", the NON FEMALE whispered, winking at Desmond.

His screams were something that would be forever locked in everyone's memories.


"Honestly... I want a new dress.", Zinkur mumbled, looking down. "I've worn this for, like, 16 years. I think I need a change... literally!"

 Alexis del Rey Gipsy_Danger

- Oh sure lady....let's see how this work out!

Alexis was never good at fashion, most the stuffs she make or buy is hella outdated and wasn't that good looking. The angle girl wasn't sure what color fit in with Zinkur so she ended up giving the green woman a coffee-color dress that literally older than 16 years. All Alexis could do is found it in her old treasure room, it was in such a good condition but extremely old, and with the coffee-color.

It even smell like coffee for some reasons.
_ __________

"I wish I have friend..."

( feel free to let her be torture by the "friend", I don;t mind any kind of mistreat )

Prisma Jade-Everstone

"Granted, but you'll only meet them a few times... before they dissapear forever..,"


"Hmm... I wish I could start up my own fashion line,"

Rai ParadiseLost

“Granted, but no-one buys it because it’s too expensive. I mean, do you know how expensive designer clothing is?”

“I wish I had a triple cheeseburger.”

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"I mean, it cures any illness, sure... You can't be ill if you're dead." Minke pulls her mouth into a forced smile, passing Thangam a nondescript pill bottle full of cyanide capsules. "There's more than enough in there. I made sure."


"I just want a goddamned nap."

Dragon Lord (Human form) Gipsy_Danger

"You can take a nap but you will wake up every 1 minute and doesn't matter where you at, there will be loud people and many more reasons to keep you awake."

_ _________

"I want my pilots to love me more!"

Chernuki ParadiseLost

"Granted, but they distract you while flying because they want to talk. That's what people that like each other do."

"I wish I could cook something without burning it."

Lee ch1mer1cal

He chuckled. "That sounds like something my brother would wish for. Granted, but all of your food is undercooked now. Have fun making vegan dishes!"


"I wish for... a lifetime's supply of raspberry crowns."

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