❲IC❳ Corrupt the wish above you!

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 7 months ago) by colorful

The title is self-explanatory, but you will corrupt the wish of the OC above you! Just like how Sayaka Miki wished for her crush to be cured so she can hear him play the violin once more, only to get a result where her best friend dates her crush! Yes, be Kyubey using your OCs!


  1. Damien: I want to discover the truth behind Thalassia.
  2. Motoco: You encounter the scroll of truth that holds the reason why Thalassia exists, only to realize that it was made so you could respect women. I want this oni boy to see colors.
  3. Mircalla: Uuu... I'm sorry but he will be able to see your scary face and he will become stone... Uuuu... I want to eat cheesecake!

And so on.

My only rules are:

  • Abide the Toyhouse rules
  • Only post again every after 2 posts (like wait for two more different people to post)
  • You may edit your post to correspond to the corruption that the OC below did!
  • Claim your posts for less ninjas! Though if a week has passed and you didn't edit your post, you will be skipped
  • Black out explicit content such as extreme lewds, traumas, and hardcore gore such as gut spill or bones being exposed!
  • Have fun, upupupu~
Edward Varoski Zaten

"big strawberry? sadly all of the ones i could find were rotten or filled with ants."


" I wish... that my hips were narrower. I don't want them."

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Sachi ParadiseLost

“Granted! Unfortunately he’s now a zombie. Braaaaaains~”

“I wish April Fool’s Day would cease to exist...It’s so annoying.”

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Nimhr cosmic-cockatoo

"Kay. Instead of ceaseless laughter, it's now a day where everyone cries hysterically instead. Actually, let's make every day like that."


"I really wish I had a small animal to pet right now."

Luna Swissy

"You get a small animal of your choice. But... It dies once you pet it.. I'm so sorry-"

"I really wish all the price of all items in every stores were to be very cheap so my broke ass can afford them ;;"

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Rai ParadiseLost

“Granted, but it’s in the future, of however long it would take for you to be able to return. Sorry.”

“I wish I was full.”

Jackson Aukerman Zaten

"full... ok, i'll grant it, but you won't be able to poop so you'll be constantly full of crap."


" i wish... that my father was still alive. that's harmless... right?"

D. Vin Milkman

"Sure, but your father is a completely different from what he was before. Perhaps adopted a different personality or a different form. ...Perhaps he's a monster with no desire of his children or just perhaps loathes you. Clearly there's many bad things that would happen."


"I wish the years today was just like the years of my younger days; where my friends had never left me and went on playful adventures everyday."

Fresa ParadiseLost

“Granted. You are magically transported to those same younger days, uncluding across time. Whoopsie.”


“I wish I could fly...”

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Henry Sawyer FlyingHybrid

"Oh yeah, granted. You're gonna be so toned down from neon, that you've turned completely grey scale!"


"I wish I could get some cheesecake..."

Erisa cosmic-cockatoo

"Oh, that's lovely, darling! Enjoy your Auntie Eri's special recipe, made with Limburger!"


"I wish I had more jewelry."

Jiya TiredSpider

"Done. But now wearing it causes discomfort- constant pinching, burning sensations, etc- beauty hurts."


"I wish people were more open-minded."