❲IC❳ Corrupt the wish above you!

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 6 months ago) by colorful

The title is self-explanatory, but you will corrupt the wish of the OC above you! Just like how Sayaka Miki wished for her crush to be cured so she can hear him play the violin once more, only to get a result where her best friend dates her crush! Yes, be Kyubey using your OCs!


  1. Damien: I want to discover the truth behind Thalassia.
  2. Motoco: You encounter the scroll of truth that holds the reason why Thalassia exists, only to realize that it was made so you could respect women. I want this oni boy to see colors.
  3. Mircalla: Uuu... I'm sorry but he will be able to see your scary face and he will become stone... Uuuu... I want to eat cheesecake!

And so on.

My only rules are:

  • Abide the Toyhouse rules
  • Only post again every after 2 posts (like wait for two more different people to post)
  • You may edit your post to correspond to the corruption that the OC below did!
  • Claim your posts for less ninjas! Though if a week has passed and you didn't edit your post, you will be skipped
  • Black out explicit content such as extreme lewds, traumas, and hardcore gore such as gut spill or bones being exposed!
  • Have fun, upupupu~
 ♛ Micah kharina

"Granted, but you won't have any freedom and will have to life with a random family you can't choose."

"I wish my partner would stop suffering because of me."

 Anne arrowXflight

“You’re wish is mine to grant. You’re partner will no longer suffer because of you, but beavuse of a external curse that will slowly make them insane.”

“I wish I could have a avacodo.” xiukoto

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Faith HoneyDrizzled

"Your wish is granted, however he's now physically stuck to your side for the rest of eternity."

"I wish I could breathe underwater"

Flora Alexg47

"Aaaand now you can only breath water, sorry about that."

"I wish everyone knew how I felt about them..."

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Kiki witchyr

Your wish is granted. You successfully avenge your brothers death and receive praise from your boss, however in the process you end up accidentally harming an innocent. The innocent's sibling now wishes to exact revenge on you to avenge their sibling. You're now unable to show your face in public without fear of being targeted.

"Hmmmm...If I were to have a wish, I would have to wish that I was born more healthy. My condition doesn't allow me to do many things that I wish I could do."


“Granted, but your life is shortened by a considerable margin as a result. How long? I dunno...ten years?”

“Now how’d that song go again...Oh yeah. Millions of peaches, peaches for me~ Yeah, I wish for that.”

Jackson Aukerman Zaten

"millions of peaches...... granted but they are unripe. millions of unripe peaches for you~"

"i wish that no one sneaks into the basement and finds the dead body down there..."

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Cassine tori34

"Your wish is granted!  You have an endless supply of toilet paper that appears when you need it.  The only problem is, the paper is laced with poison ivy toxins, which will cause a painful rash to whatever part of the body it touches."

"I wish a cute mortal boy would come here and kiss me."

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Zinkur Esterofila

"You and me both. But, your wish is granted. You aren't trapped on Earth. You're trapped inside your mind. Constant fears, anxieties, cruel words, and disgusting thoughts will constantly circle you until the very end of time. But, hey, you aren't trapped on Earth! Yay for you!"


"I just want someone who appreciates me for my mind, and not my body. I'm sick of people only having an interest in me because I'm thin, smooth-skinned, and let's face it, absolutely beautiful. But I have an amazing personality too!"

(no she doesn't)

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