❲IC❳ Corrupt the wish above you!

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 6 months ago) by colorful

The title is self-explanatory, but you will corrupt the wish of the OC above you! Just like how Sayaka Miki wished for her crush to be cured so she can hear him play the violin once more, only to get a result where her best friend dates her crush! Yes, be Kyubey using your OCs!


  1. Damien: I want to discover the truth behind Thalassia.
  2. Motoco: You encounter the scroll of truth that holds the reason why Thalassia exists, only to realize that it was made so you could respect women. I want this oni boy to see colors.
  3. Mircalla: Uuu... I'm sorry but he will be able to see your scary face and he will become stone... Uuuu... I want to eat cheesecake!

And so on.

My only rules are:

  • Abide the Toyhouse rules
  • Only post again every after 2 posts (like wait for two more different people to post)
  • You may edit your post to correspond to the corruption that the OC below did!
  • Claim your posts for less ninjas! Though if a week has passed and you didn't edit your post, you will be skipped
  • Black out explicit content such as extreme lewds, traumas, and hardcore gore such as gut spill or bones being exposed!
  • Have fun, upupupu~
Aurelianus Alexg47

"Ok, but it's infested with mice."

"I wish Sulfur would leave me alone... "

Orna Swissy

"Well, well, lucky i'm here. Wish granted, but hope you don't mind that your girlfriend lefts you for Sulfur"

"Hmmm... I wish noone will attack or kill me. in other words, everyone will be passive towards me"

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Nitrogen Irvinol

"Wish granted. Your professor is cured. However, you must forsake your status as his student."

"I wish my daughter would return to me."

Worm BaskingCrow

She will return to you, in a body bag

"Im afraid to wish for anything too big" she teetered "How about a beetle- a real pretty beetle I could keep as a pet?"


The beetle mouth drips with venom as it flurries round and round her head "Oh GOsh Oh nO, caLm beeTLE, NicE beetLE!" she panics, jumping in her lake and hiding underwater.

 tbn colorofhardwork

They’re absolutely stunning, except that they’re poisonous and aggressive. 

“I want my lover Shaoyi to have a lifespan as long as mine so I don’t have to watch him die every reincarnation.”

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 Katu Gelui Blonda4

"Well good news is you no longer have depression! Bad news is you... don't have any other emotions either."

"I wish that ROXY would love me back..."

Patches colorful

"Ehhh, reciprocating feelings? You called the right man, but this techno bullshit ain't my thing, so I've reprogrammed her to have quite the wild and crazy personality! Good luck with that and adios, ahahahahaha!"

"Nyeh, I wish I wasn't so weak to sunlight so I could d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel better. I'd even give up my vampire heritage for it, kyahahahaha~"

Bryce BaskingCrow

Cant be weak to sunlight if there is no sun!

"I wish I wasn't a werewolf" he murmured, staring knowingly at his hands and the deeds they have done

"So I still have to feed in the vile manner I have been, just a new shade of paint," he lingered, his long cat tail coiling around his leg "I guess having a wish was too good to be true" pupils sharpening in realization.

 Kyo Hareryuu

Ok well...... now you're a werecat instead.


I wish I could just sleep for once..

 Sekhmet VioletVulpini

You will sleep once.


I wish I could kill my mother, proving my superior strength to her once and for all!