what's your impression of the TH user above you?

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 years, 2 months ago) by Aarix

This thread is largely based on "what impression does the above user's icon give?" thread and the "what do the above user's characters say about them" threads, but it's bit more general!

What kind of vibe does the above user give off, just as a whole?

What do you assume their interests are? What kinda person do you think they could be? Are you even familiar with them at all? Do they have a certain skill that really stands out to you?

And, if you wanna take it a step further, there anything you've ever wanted to say to them but haven't really had the chance? This is the thread for it :v

You can base your assumptions on anything, from their characters, to their profiles, to their forum interactions!

Time for some Rules:

  • Number One Rule of this thread is please don't be unkind! Even if you're not really a fan of the above user there's no reason to be  mean. Hurtful comments have no place here-- this thread is meant to be a fun and positive one.

  • Do be wary that, while nasty comments aren't allowed here, someone's impression of you could be surprising! Just remember that none of what people assume about you is necessarily true. Again, this thread is just for fun!

  • Try to wait until a few other people have posted before you post again!

I'm not sure if this thread will be a big hit 'cause it's very similar to those it's based on... but we'll give this a go!
Also, if you have any concerns about this thread please PM me and I'll do my best to sort it out! If this thread gets too mean I will have to close it so... be good to each other, guys!!!

Now that all that's out of the way, go for it! Have fun   



YOUUUU are probably on the path to being a witch, if you're not already into that, honestly. The love for celestial things makes me think that you're very whimsical and an daydreamer. you like to think about creative worlds and immerse yourself in them. you probably enjoy folk music, or the older age Celtic music too, since you have an admiration for fantasy worlds. i think you are also big on pokemon, as the icon has that little plush in it; but you might also like LOZ. pastel colors are your friend, though pastel goth seems to be where your heart is at. i feel like you probably like fantasy horror a lot, but not the deep, gritty kind. things that make you think might make you enjoy them more than the blood and gore. 


Looking at your icon, characters, art style, etc, I'm assuming you:

Have a big interest in anime, specially shonen, romance and slice of lifes. You like a lot of music genres, from rock to classic, but have a soft spot for pop. I'm gettin vibes that you watchd Little witch academia and sailor moon. You like to diversify in your art, testing brushes and different styles!


You’re a little hard to pin down, but I can see you definitely have a connection to animals, especially cats. You also like a combination of pastel colors and neon colors ^^


I would guess that you consume a lot of media, and you get your love of writing and ocs from that! The media also gives you a lot of ideas, maybe your art style is influenced by a combination of a few? I also get the feeling that you like bright colors and animation, just based off your pfp! You also are careful about yourself and pick your relationships carefully, but this is just a guess from me!

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yoo judging by your theme you seem to like tf2 [: and have aesthetic that's based around Engie, so i'd assume he's your favourite/main character maybe 

your artstyle also gives me tf2 vibes 

also your cardd looks really cool- and i look forward to seein the stuff ya make in the future 0:


You like Ena mlp and TF2? You like space designs? Your really good at pixel art


You're a Warriors fan? You like drawing lots of fluffy animals, mainly cats? You're very much a cat person.


I’m going to say you definitely had an LPS YouTube Channel or watched LPS videos as a kid. Would also say I could see you being a cat person? Idk why but I just sense cat person vibes from you /pos 

You also like children’s cartoons and watched a lot of CN and Nickalodeon as a child and even nowadays! This is simply based on your avatar as I’m 99% sure it is from the show We Bare Bears which ran on CN for a long time.

You mainly have and draw Anthro and humanoid ocs but you probably had a feral cat oc phase at 11-12, because who doesn’t /lh 

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You tend to prefer drawing in black and white when working with physical art, but with digital artwork you appear to have a decent idea of how colors work together and what colors work well! Judging by what you said about activism, and by you mentioning in your Carrd that you donate your money from commissions to causes you care about, I would say you're a charitable person who tends to look out for others. You generally go for backgrounds more intended to set a mood than give an actual location, often incorporating hearts and other abstract designs.


You're the type of person to say "It be like that sometimes" when something bad happens or just overall don't care. You also have a big imagination and make a bunch of ocs when the idea pops into your head, songs help you come up with ocs!


You're the kind of person who loves getting into popular fandoms and even gets an addiction/fixation of some of them, showing that at your chats also art

You also love pastel colors, cute stuff and j-fashion, maybe you see that as a big inspiration too

I also feel you might be a fan of madoka magica (or used to be) and basically media featuring cute elements/vibes/art style mixed with disturbing themes.


100% a fan of old internet forum aesthetics... Probably has/is interested in making their own website on an old website host like angelfire. It's also a safe bet that youre a fan of horror and goth fashion, as well as slashers movies and characters ^^

You probably like having your characters to have a unified theme between them, and enjoy making their aesthetics match

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