what's your impression of the TH user above you?

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 years, 2 months ago) by Aarix

This thread is largely based on "what impression does the above user's icon give?" thread and the "what do the above user's characters say about them" threads, but it's bit more general!

What kind of vibe does the above user give off, just as a whole?

What do you assume their interests are? What kinda person do you think they could be? Are you even familiar with them at all? Do they have a certain skill that really stands out to you?

And, if you wanna take it a step further, there anything you've ever wanted to say to them but haven't really had the chance? This is the thread for it :v

You can base your assumptions on anything, from their characters, to their profiles, to their forum interactions!

Time for some Rules:

  • Number One Rule of this thread is please don't be unkind! Even if you're not really a fan of the above user there's no reason to be  mean. Hurtful comments have no place here-- this thread is meant to be a fun and positive one.

  • Do be wary that, while nasty comments aren't allowed here, someone's impression of you could be surprising! Just remember that none of what people assume about you is necessarily true. Again, this thread is just for fun!

  • Try to wait until a few other people have posted before you post again!

I'm not sure if this thread will be a big hit 'cause it's very similar to those it's based on... but we'll give this a go!
Also, if you have any concerns about this thread please PM me and I'll do my best to sort it out! If this thread gets too mean I will have to close it so... be good to each other, guys!!!

Now that all that's out of the way, go for it! Have fun   


Hey I'll start .w.

Tbqh, you were intimidating to me at first because you had so many characters with such in depth work put into them. But the more I saw you in the forum games, the more I realized that you were easy to approach and are really fun!


i see u around the forums a lot and tbh to me u seem really easy to talk to and generally chill all-round! another impression is that u seem like u'd have a great sense of humour and would be a great person to get along with :D


EDIT: aaa ur characters seem great u have to give urself more credit ;w; and ur so sweet thank u <3


Okay so honestly, I'm intimidated by everyone I don't know, especially when they have such lovely characters, but after playing around in the forum games for a while, your posts and characters have me intrigued <3 I would love to get to know you and your babs better outside of the games, but I don't feel like I have my own characters fleshed out enough to be worthy of that hhhhhh /////////

//blows you smooches

You are lovely in the eyes of this awkward little banana <3


I haven't seen you around much (maybe because I'm new) but from what I've seen you look like the type of person that's really chill and easy to get along with! Your characters are also so cute and aesthetic too-


Ah, I was going to say that you seemed new, but you already mentioned it!

I get the impression that you're very nice, probably because your icon looks so soft and friendly! Your characters also seem fairly laid-back, and I'm guessing that might be a reflection on you? Hope you have a nice time here!


We haven't talked with each other all that much but I have been following you for a good while now, and you have always came across to me as a really chill and relaxed person! You have an A+ taste in older Japanese music especially and from your characters and their storylines it's easy to see you love them a whole lot!


i really want to talk to you about your stuff since we have similar interests, be it supernatural themes, touhou, and umineko. i actually cried in joy when you faved my art of netto on dA tbh AAAAA

you're that one person who really works hard on his passion because from what i've seen from you:

  • your replies on the forum games are GORGEOUS- lengthy at times, but they always stay on point!
  • your characters may have long bios, but they're readable!

tldr you know how to sort because of your passion


I've seen you around a little bit and you just overall seem really chill and fun to be around/talk to.

you seem to really care about your characters, which is great.


ahh, i was always kinda intimidated by your icon a bit? not in a bad way, more like this person is a really good artist and they have really nice characters,,, but your art has always been really cute!!!! plus, your characters are adorable on top of that,,, oof


You seem like a active/energentic person, easy to approach n' talk to c: 

There's a lot of effort and thought being put into your characters, which it just amazing and your style of art is really adorable :0 


you seem very friendly, and the kind of person that likes to joke around and make others laugh! possibly energetic too, and very good at conveying emotion through your art. 


Well. We meet again. You seem like a really chill person who's easy to make friends with. Your characters have really distinct designs, which is super neat. While they have varying levels of development, Mako is really fleshed out. I'm sure there are others like that; I didn't click on a lot of them.


I remember seeing you in a forum game one time, I think it was a "would you steal my username" one.. You seem very friendly!


(oops, ninja'd, but I'll leave this here anyway!!) Orca I see you around a lot and you seem like a really friendly, fun-loving person! You give off this vibe that I admire, and all your characters are super charming and cute!

@pasteliio I haven't seen you around a lot but you seem like a nice, sweet person! All your characters are really fun and varied! <3


(@pasteliio) you seem really sweet but perhaps a bit shy! i get the sense that things might be tough sometimes but you try to keep being optimistic.. ive seen you around a fair while in the past and you seem like youre interested in growing and being a positive presence, its nice !