what's your impression of the TH user above you?

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 years, 2 months ago) by Aarix

This thread is largely based on "what impression does the above user's icon give?" thread and the "what do the above user's characters say about them" threads, but it's bit more general!

What kind of vibe does the above user give off, just as a whole?

What do you assume their interests are? What kinda person do you think they could be? Are you even familiar with them at all? Do they have a certain skill that really stands out to you?

And, if you wanna take it a step further, there anything you've ever wanted to say to them but haven't really had the chance? This is the thread for it :v

You can base your assumptions on anything, from their characters, to their profiles, to their forum interactions!

Time for some Rules:

  • Number One Rule of this thread is please don't be unkind! Even if you're not really a fan of the above user there's no reason to be  mean. Hurtful comments have no place here-- this thread is meant to be a fun and positive one.

  • Do be wary that, while nasty comments aren't allowed here, someone's impression of you could be surprising! Just remember that none of what people assume about you is necessarily true. Again, this thread is just for fun!

  • Try to wait until a few other people have posted before you post again!

I'm not sure if this thread will be a big hit 'cause it's very similar to those it's based on... but we'll give this a go!
Also, if you have any concerns about this thread please PM me and I'll do my best to sort it out! If this thread gets too mean I will have to close it so... be good to each other, guys!!!

Now that all that's out of the way, go for it! Have fun   

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Based on first glance you give off the energy of a sleep deprived gremlin, in the chaotic kind of good way if you know what I mean. But upon further look, you seem like a really kind and gentle person who is hardworking especially when it comes to goals or dreams. You've also got some really creative concepts/ideas when it comes to story verses and universe/worlds! Even just the blurbs or short tid bits are enough to give someone an idea of whats going on and keep them interested and curious. So that to me on another vibe note just says that maybe you're able to be direct and to the point while leading on a story or point! Maybe you're good with words idk


Overall ya seem like a decent person or present yourself as such. You are without a doubt skilled with art and languages. But due to me being a brainlet I can't discern much else from that. Sorry

Person below, yeah I am tryna slowly make different ocs but I’m a bit scared that I’ll fuck something up and make someone mad lmao


You are definitely into dnd and I would guess RPGs as a whole. From what you do have on TH, I think you mainly have male human OCs and, in games you get to pick, play pretty exclusively as a guy as well. You probably write more about your OCs than draw them.

You also strike me as someone who is pretty into the Fallout series as well for some reason.

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I'm wanting to say that you're a fun person with a great sense of humor and a love for cyberpunk aesthetics and sci-fi. You give off the vibe of someone who is maybe into weirdcore and liminal spaces? Someone who would perhaps like to hang out in empty/abandoned shopping malls, arcades, and/or amusement parks. I'm also getting biblically correct angel vibes; like you'd be into drawing nearly incomprehensible things with many eyes. I think that you'd probably be very good at urban exploration and that you'd be a fun person to go on spontaneous late night adventures with. 


You give off the vibes of someone who prefers fantasy over other genres, but you especially like more urban fantasy as well as fantasy mixed with mystery or thrillers, perhaps? You also prefer well-written dark stories and the like. You also strike me as more of a writer as compared to an artist, but are flexible in what you will do. In general, you just feel like a creative and level-headed person, and I like seeing you around the forum games! Honestly need to remember to subscribe to you, because your works are often pretty unique.


Been a while! I always thought of you to be a thoughtful writer. Especially when it comes to handling trickier topics, you handle them well! Your worldbuilding is detailed and beautifully developed with the characters you have. It's very rich and i enjoy how clean and sorted out your folders are. Judging from those i think you probably enjoy sandboxing worlds, especially dark fantasy. I feel like you'd be into dnd? That aside, You're pretty laid-back and chill but honest, in a way, someone who takes no shit lol (i'll be honest idk how to word this but. You are cool). 


I feel you have a positive opinion on most rodents, perhaps your favorite type of plants are ones that have unusually colored leaves like Cercis canadensis (Forest pansy), and maybe read horoscope just to entertain yourself and you don't take them seriously.  Weirdly specific, I know-

You usually prefer stories which don't center on a human main character, when story goes on an alien planet, and stories with deep world lore. 

Also get a feeling that you are mostly on introvert side and also daydream a lot. 


I get the impression that you’re a very warm person, more in the sense that you are a very friendly person to spend time around. 

You seem like the type to have some really cool interests that people don’t know as much about and you love sharing both the weird and bizarre facts that you’ve learned. The best part is, you seem the type to be able to tell it in a way that really catches peoples attention.

I also get the sense that while you give of a very friendly vibe you’re into some spooky scary stuff (whether that be movies or story types or music) and it’s something that catches people by surprise from time to time! Either way you seem very neat, and I think your characters are fantastic! <3


You are a fan of epic fantasy art and often create characters about it. Enjoys dark fantasy too. Probably loves animals and videogames. 

As a person, quite chill and friendly.


right off the bat i can tell you're super into scene culture haha, that's a definite 100%. you seem to be more of the extroverted type as well, but maybe you don't show it often? like moreso of an online persona. you seem like you'd love pop rocks and pixie sticks, basically anything super sweet; energy drinks, too. you probably have dyed hair, and wear lots of accessories. definite horror movie enjoyer too. you probably collect kuromi-related stuff too

basically all of your assumptions are true lol. tea my beloved

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I think you might be into fallout since I recall seeing a pip boy somewhere on your profile. I also see a ton of neons so I get casino or vegas vibes. I can't confirm this or anything but I feel like you'd like borderlands due to its casino-like qualities and dystopian features. I think you're probably very chill and a cool friend to game with!