What kind of drunk is the OC above you?

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Edited 6 months, 18 days ago) by Haggis hedgemaze

I love thinking about this for my characters, so I thought this would make a fun forum game! Look at the OC above you, then take a guess at what you think they're like when they're intoxicated, and post IC for the next person to guess for you!

Are they a happy drunk? Crying drunk? Horny drunk? The one who tries to fight everyone? The "watch this!" type? That one really affectionate drunk who texts all their friends at 3 in the morning about how much they really love them, man? Let's find out!


  • Read the profile of the character you're responding to, or at least skim it to get a sense of their personality. This is not intended to be an appearance-based game. Claim first if you need time to read the profile.
  • You can answer in only a few words, but it's more fun if you write a sentence or two and explain why you think that's how the character would be!
  • Please don't pick underage characters for this. Use your best judgment.
  • Keep your answer PG-13. This isn't a NSFW thread.
  • Let a couple of people go before posting again, and try to vary the OCs you post.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   

Important note on character ages: I didn't want to put a hard age limit on this game because legal drinking age and cultural norms vary a lot by location and era! However, I realize that can lead to problems. If you are uncomfortable making a drunk headcanon for a character in this thread because of their age, you can say that and skip them. Feel free to message me if you have any concerns, but let's please try to keep this thread to characters old enough to legally drink, for everyone's comfort.

All my forum games and threads

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Button Dragonalanah

I think a drunk that's a "watch this!" would suit, immediately gets on YouTube but then admittedly regret it afterwards

Kensa Courier

A "caring drunk"! Probably rambles about all the people they love until they fall asleep.

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👑 King Wredil (Humanized) MegiW

Hmmm he doesn't get easily drunk, its hard for it to affect him. But in rare moments when he does get very drunk, i feel like he would probably be a silent drunk as to not reveal any info. Tho its also easy to make him laugh but will punch someone as he would get irritated easily when drunk.

King Macleod / Mick (Modern AU) danlion

The sad, introspective drunk that will lay there alone and think about what they actually wanted for themselves and their life.

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Hachi 99centsoda

While I definitely don't think Thirst is super loud or boisterous or anything, I think he is probably more talkative and expresses himself more. Maybe less about like coming forth about trauma but more that his filter goes away and he just says what he thinks instead of keeping it to himself

edit: LSDFJSD YEAH-im gonna just go ahead and make that canon now thank you v much

Cyrus Beauregard Yamroll

I think he would be the kind to become more sleepy or just straight up pass out when he gets drunk lol. Either that or he’ll burst out crying and talking about some small annoyance he experienced like, 5 years ago lmao


that is canon now thank you vv

Hiryu Dragonierixx

This might sound really obscure but I think they're the type to gain a whole new skill and have no idea when they wake up. Like they'd wake up the following day to hear that they played Bohemian Rhapsody on a piano, but the thing is they DON'T play piano.

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Tommy Savapproved

Ngl I feel like Vyrik would feel really tired most of the time and anytime he tried to walk he'd probably fall down lmao. I also see him being all like nice and happy n' stuff but if you try to stop him from doing something he gets irritated 

Queen Yams Yamroll

I feel like Tommy is that kind of really loud, energetic drunk who would like, probably either get into fights or dumb contests. I’m kinda imagining him getting into a drinking competition and just- the more people cheer him on the more pumped up he gets and gets more drunk lmao

Silas Andromeda diatzk

I feel like Queen Yams is a giggly embarrassed drunk. Probably a bit flirty too

James Holcot gummy

I feel like Silas is the kind of drunk who will become a lot mroe open when drinking. Hes a lot more shy and nervous to talk to people sober, but when he drinks it begins to go away and he opens up more!