What kind of drunk is the OC above you?

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Edited 6 months, 18 days ago) by Haggis hedgemaze

I love thinking about this for my characters, so I thought this would make a fun forum game! Look at the OC above you, then take a guess at what you think they're like when they're intoxicated, and post IC for the next person to guess for you!

Are they a happy drunk? Crying drunk? Horny drunk? The one who tries to fight everyone? The "watch this!" type? That one really affectionate drunk who texts all their friends at 3 in the morning about how much they really love them, man? Let's find out!


  • Read the profile of the character you're responding to, or at least skim it to get a sense of their personality. This is not intended to be an appearance-based game. Claim first if you need time to read the profile.
  • You can answer in only a few words, but it's more fun if you write a sentence or two and explain why you think that's how the character would be!
  • Please don't pick underage characters for this. Use your best judgment.
  • Keep your answer PG-13. This isn't a NSFW thread.
  • Let a couple of people go before posting again, and try to vary the OCs you post.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   

Important note on character ages: I didn't want to put a hard age limit on this game because legal drinking age and cultural norms vary a lot by location and era! However, I realize that can lead to problems. If you are uncomfortable making a drunk headcanon for a character in this thread because of their age, you can say that and skip them. Feel free to message me if you have any concerns, but let's please try to keep this thread to characters old enough to legally drink, for everyone's comfort.

All my forum games and threads

Delaney FourEyedNerd

I feel like James is probably a teary drunk - He has a tough day job, so just cries it out when they drink to let it all go.

Digital Dragon StarKrawler

Definetly a happy/party drunk / drinks when they wanna be more social

Garth Elliott danlion

There's no info on his profile so just going by his appearance... I think he'd be the type to go "BRO LOOK WHAT I CAN DO" and do some seriously stupid shit. 

Chrysanthe Argyrou Nuclear-Hydrangea

Character's on point, really likes to drink.

Probably the "stupid drunk" type. Might have accidentally typed anything or had no idea why you did that...

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Arrio LightsKameraAction

I get a "chaotic drunk" vibe from him, probably lights buildings on fire?

Or the sorta "flirty" type? All suave and crap

LMAO exactly what I imagine he'd be like 

Puzzles Zinkyzor

I get a very chaotic drunk vibes personally. Very impulsive and makes desicions his sober self damn well knows he cant handle. This leads him to wake up with a hang over and a few injuries.

Pushumo NockeyNoo

i'm going to say awkward drunk, she will be shy and walks like dancing, her heart goes thump-thump if someone near her. Although she's intelligence, she make a nonsense opinion when she drunk

v eh? is that all? feel let down :(

supa drone 3000 nba

Probably silly drunk.

Donnie Belle danlion

Dumb, bonks into walls like a moth on a porchlight

Edith Lancaster nazzeroid

Stuffs his face with nachos while he pesters his friend to put on "Minions the Rise of Gru"

Tarus ArtisticTiger

Hmm probably a very affectionate and flirtatious drink. Then it suddenly turned escalates into violent drunk.

np: Tarus doesn’t drink often and he’s very picky with what he drinks. He prefers semi expensive wine and champagne.

Ieli Carmes ZeCrazyAngel

I feel like he'd be an affectionate kind of drunk that tells everyone he loves them very very much XD Especially with his family


Maybe like a happygolucky drunk since he's a good happy father  with a very happy life

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