Your OC Takes Care of the OC Above

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 1 year, 10 days ago) by PicklePantry

Because I'm sick and I want to know what would happen >:'[

The OC above you is sick. Caught a nasty cold. Nasty. Maybe it's the flu, idk.
Your OC is the only one that can take care of them. What do they do?

OC 1: I'm sick.
OC 2: I'll make you soup so you feel better.
OC 3: I don't really care, so have some Tylenol.

- Wait after 3 other people have posted before you post again, unless 12 hours have passed.
- Claim limit is 3 hours.
- Don't be too rude or lewd.
- You can give a prompt or notes, but it's not required.
- No post length limit. Write as much as you like, but do not be upset at smaller replies.

Your OC is gets hurt more than sick? Try this game:
The OC Above is Hurt

Pixel JadeWizard

Pixel saw quite a strange creature laying by the side of a dirt road. He was quite cautious to approach her but when he did, she did not move a muscle, only giving out sounds of discomfort. He wasin't sure what race of Geoform she was, or even if she was a one in the first place. Well, she wasn't corrupted by the Unity virus, so it didn't really matter. He inspected her closer, wondering what the matter with her was, slightly wishing he had paid more attention when his mom taught him about plant care.

Fortunately, the issue was clear to him. If this creature was anything like a cactus, then she should not have been red and purple where she would normally be green. While this could've meant other things, it had been a tad cold these last few nights, and cactuses don't like the cold at all.

"Can you move?" He asked, rolling her onto her front and helping her up, "Come on...lets get you warm."

Somehow, he got her off the road at least and to an area he quickly made into a makeshift camp. It didn't take long to make a campfire either. Pixel hoped it was good enough, though he did note how her backside still was red with cold. Without a word or second thought, he called a blanket from his inventory and draped it around her. Thinking about using that blanket again made him wince but he was in need of a new blanket soon anyway.

He hoped she would feel better by tomorrow.

Pixel has a habit of fainting, basically whenever he runs out of color/magic. He doesn't like to make people worry about him, and he might get depressed if he really doesn't feel good. Have fun!

En Litari II ([King En]) PicklePantry

     "Awake?" En smiled from Pixel's bedside. "Someone from my security brought you over. You had way less color that time, I'm glad to see you're doing better... You are doing better, right?" He laughed once it was confirmed. "Now, I can't make any assumptions, but I have a feeling your condition has something to do with the criminals that were knocked out cold a little ways past you? They had all kinds of stolen goods on them, too. You're a hero."

     The king gestured to the night stand, where a tray of food stood. "I brought all kinds of food. I wasn't sure what kind you'd like. If there's anything you want specifically, let me know." On the tray were apples, grapes, a red onion, blueberries, and some tomato soup. "This is the hotel at the center of the city," En continued, "Feel free to rest here as long as you need to. I'll take care of it. It's the least I can do for your bravery."

You can reply to him, his younger self, or his evil AU!

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Emelia Hearheart CaptainRobi

Teris' eyes awaken to the sound of sharp finger snapping. 

"He's comin' round! Quick, let the boss know!" A voice cried out followed by rapid footsteps. Once his conciousness came round, he found himself in a lone room encased in wooden walls with a swinging lantern swaying on its chain from the ceiling whilst keeping the darkness at bay with its warming light. There were two inhabitants with him, one of them retreating to fetch their leader, while the other kept watch; A blond haired female with a blue bandana, dressed in a brown leather jacket.

Eventually, slower heavier footsteps clapped the wooden floor as the brunette strolled into the room, adjusting her spectacles as she neared. Emerald eyes affixed to the male held in his chair by binding rope. She smirked whilst feeling the edge of a knife.

"What's yer name, handsome?" She asked when the other female spoke up.

"We found him unconcious near the nest, on the surface of the jungle. We were going to let the monsters feast on him but... he looks kinda cute..."

The boss tilted the man's head with a curious intent. "Ya don't look like yer from places here... how did ye wound up near my pad?" She quizzed further. "If ya tell me who ye are, or whit yer up to... I might let you go... don't... and you'll be joining the others in the brig....."

Nethersong honeyshuckle

At first, Emelia wouldn't even know she's not alone.

Nethersong would emerge under the cover of darkness, cleaning up what mess was there, leaving water and food, and easing the intensity of fever dreams; lulling her into a deep deep sleep. As she'd recover however, they'd slip, she'd catch a glimpse of a vanishing tail, or a dark feather left on the ground.

One evening, right as she was finally about better, they'd be caught red handed with a glass of water, bread, and what looked to be an attempt by an amateur at soup. They'd be frozen stock still, before placing the supplies by her bedside.

"... Rest. You'll be better soon." Was all the explanation they'd give, before vanishing once again into the many deep shadows onboard the vessel before she could get a word in edgewise.

They made a point to not be found after that.

(Note for the next person: Don't worry too much about their curse trapping them in a particular setting, we all know this thread ain't canon.   )

Arsenio Herzana PicklePantry

     As he wandered one of the towns around his kingdom, Arsenio noticed a crowd of people huddled tight together. Curiosity got the best of him and he tried to peek from above. When he couldn't see, he resorted to peeks between people, but even that didn't yield any results. With a small huff, he squeezed his way through until he found himself towering over a demon. He blinked. I am surrounded by demons today, he noted.

     The people around mumbled about the stitches, or maybe all the feathers with this sweltering heat was the cause of the demon's struggle from the ground. It was truly a mystery, but one Arsenio was willing to help solve. He crouched down and picked Nethersong up. Yeesh, heavier than they looked.

     "Let's get them somewhere out of the heat," he instructed the people. He nodded his head at one person. "Go get some water. Bring me a doctor while you're at it, eh?" Nethersong looked interesting to fight, so he wanted to make sure they were at full strength in no time. Until the doctor comes, he'll need to see if they're conscious enough to tell him what's wrong. Maybe some simple AC and painkillers will do the trick.

If he gets a cold he WILL grovel and whine until you stay with him the whole time and coddle him   

Daisy | デイジー Spinebby

Caring for someone suffering from an ailment -- whether it were mild or extreme -- wasn't something Daisy was a stranger to. After having multiple kids, she would almost call herself a bit of an expert. However, the one problem she had was that she didn't know Arsenio all too well. What exactly would he want or like? There was only one thing she had in mind; tea.

Daisy didn't even have access to a teapot, but heating some water in a microwave then just putting a bag in it should be fine. She probably should've asked him if he even liked tea first, and if so, what flavor. Part of her felt a bit intimidated by him, but the way he'd been whining and complaining had made him just a little less scary. Her impression of him was that he was just a big baby, though that was more amusing and charming than annoying to her.

She'd insisted he stay in bed, so she peeked into the bedroom with the cup of tea and a saucer. "I made you some tea..It's chamomile." It was softly set onto the nightstand. "I know tea isn't everyone's thing but, it'll definitely help." She didn't want to order him to drink it, but she looked at him expectantly. 

She wasn't sure how long the complaining would stay funny to her.

@ np - Daisy has a history of getting injuries ajdhjd whether it's her being clumsy, purposefully inflicted.., or an attack; if she's ever sick she can normally handle herself, but if you want to go along with that you can definitely make her rest hehe

Tenebris starb3rr1

"What is wrong with you?" Tenebris' tone feels more-so accusatory than concerned as he watched Daisy lurch over and find some sort of stabilization, which happened to be Tenebris' shoulder. Though inconvenienced by the contact, he felt there were much more pressing problems, such as her odd behavior.

Tenebris knew.. a decent amount of human anatomy and functions. He buried his nose in books detailing such, and so, he was able to mentally flip through pages to deduce the problem. A pale face, nausea, vertigo.. Ah, some sort of sickness.

..But that was it. Tenebris wasn't exactly certain of how to rid a human of sickness, but he wasn't going to leave Daisy alone either. She didn't look so great— Humans were frail and squishy, at least relative to Luminaries. Surely, he must act.

"Hm," The cogs in his brain turned, and soon enough he found himself leading her to any place that looked comfortable enough for her to sit. "Apologies. I think I understand, now."

Tenebris knelt in front of Daisy, his cold hand pressed against her forehead as to further gauge what was necessary to do, "You are sick, yes? Is there.. something I can do to help you? Anything?" Tenebris felt like a fool for being left in the dark about something that seemed so simple, but he implored Daisy for that nudge in the right direction.


np: tenebris isnt used to getting sick like. At all so he'll downplay it until he's literally splayed on the ground barely able to move bc he overexerted himself

"Urk..." Now, this is just plain embarrassing for Tenebris. He didn't want to admit to Basalt that he was right, but it was hard to back up your case when you were full on incapacitated. 'I told you so' was a phrase Tenebris was used to saying to others, but hearing it against him made his fists ball up.

Tenebris let out a slight groan as he was unceremoniously rolled onto his back, preferring to curl into a more fetal position to cope with the pains in his chest. "Heat," He rasped out, the idea of being curled up to something warm, bright.. anything that emitted light, really, sounding quite appealing to him. "Please."

Basalt Levelup

"You are....not well" Basalt didn't really have a lot of ways of expression emotion using his voice, but he found that pausing before a certain word helped, especially in times like this, when an organic needs help.

"I believe I told you this until you passed out." He stated, more bluntly than rudely, unconcerned with how it might have come out, the robot kneeled in front of the being laying face down on the ground, wondering just how to proceed. Humans and rabbits were common where he came from, so he thought repairing organics was pretty easy when it came to them, but Tenebris here seemed to be something else entirely, made out of dust. Still, a sickness is a sickness, so Basalt casually flipped Tenebris over on his back to get a better look.

His tailed swished a little in slight agitation over how preventable this seemed, but there was nothing to be done about the past. "Are you feeling alive?" He paused to see if Tenebris didn't actually just die in front of the robot, he was pretty sure he saw him breathing. "Will staying here help you? Do you require heat, or coal, or anything?"


NP: He's a robot, but he needs wood and/or coal to function, so when he's in a low battery state, his programming mimics symptoms of a cold so that he or someone can know to quickly tend to it.

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Junior Otto myoukyomou

The Division Agent's mouth narrowed, forming a small pout in concern for Marjorie, who was obviously quite under the weather. It was inevitable, given how she wasn't wearing a coat, or really any sort of long-sleeved shirt, and working out in the cold for such a long time per day. Despite any sort of insistence from the girl, it was apparent that she was most definitely not fine, considering how much she shivered in the cold air. "No no no, let's go inside. If you continue to work like this, it's only just gonna make you more sick." Junior urged, shepherding Marjorie indoors. He didn't actually know if continuing to work outside in the cold could make an individual's condition worse, but that's what he had assumed.

After he had gotten the farmer indoors, Junior briskly slings his backpack off his shoulders, placing it down on the ground and pulling open a zipper. He begins to rummage through his backpack, pulling out a folded, silver blanket of foil. "It's a mylar space blanket. It'll retain your body heat." Jackie apprised to Marjorie, unfolding the blanket as quickly as he could, in order to wrap it around the rancher's shoulders. "Just wrap yourself in it, like a caterpillar in a pupa. That's the most effective way to keep warm."

Once he confirmed that Marjorie was snug in the space blanket, the agent goes back to his backpack, opening up a different pocket. "I should have some medication or something here..." He mutters, before he slips out a little box. "Ah-ha." Junior regularly kept medication around, even if he didn't need it. Never know when someone else might be in need of it, and this was the perfect time. He scurries his way back to Marjorie, handing the box to her. "This one is cold medicine. Helps with decongestion. They're in little tablets, so just take one or two at a time." Jackie explains, while also handing a bottle of water to her that he had also kept in his backpack. "And some water, too. I don't know whether or not you're able to chew them or not, I haven't looked at the instructions in a while." The agent closes his bag up, putting it back on before he takes a seat near the girl.

Taking a quick glance out the window, Junior takes note of the vast scenery of empty plains. He sits in silence for a little while, before he turns back to Marjorie. "You know, it's not always that I'm out in rural areas. I've always just been used to the city. Some might describe little rural towns as desolate, but I think it'd be a little disrespectful to describe it that way." While the Division Agent was no man for small talk, something struck a chord of guilt in him for pushing around the rancher so suddenly out of concern for her health; he may as well destress the mood. "I can see why you'd like it out here. Sounds really peaceful."


As part of his recruitment into the Strategic Homeland Division, Jackie had received a series of vaccines and access to plenty of antiviral medications in order to reduce his susceptibility to sickness whenever he was out on the field. So, it's unlikely that he'd get sick, but for the sake of the game, do whatever you'd like with him. But if you wanna stay accurate to his lore, then he'd probably come down with something really heavy, perhaps a bacterial infection on a wound or some other virus. Chances are he'd be pretty scared, as the story of the franchise he's from revolves around a viral outbreak.

If you'd like, you can choose any of these characters instead, Note that it'd be hard to take care of Coyote since... well, look at him. And Psi is an android, but I've noted procedures for taking care of him in this post.

Cartography Witch (for buddy!) sharpkiwislayer

Zeeke Wisewhisper, had been studying the constellations when he noticed a change in the energy around him. Turning from his star maps, he found Junior Otto looking paler than usual, his usually vibrant energy dimmed.

"Junior," Zeeke began, his voice carrying the calm and composed tone he was known for. "You don't look well. Are you feeling alright?" He knew Junior was a tough one, always pushing through no matter what. But he also knew that even the toughest of them could fall ill. He moved closer to Junior, his tall and lean figure casting a comforting shadow over the other.

"Let me see," Zeeke said, reaching out to gently place his hand on Junior's forehead. He could feel the heat radiating off him, confirming his suspicions. "You're burning up, Junior. You need to rest." Zeeke moved away, heading towards his stash of celestial confections. He picked out a few that were known for their healing properties, their sweet taste a bonus. He then prepared a warm drink, infusing it with astral spices that would help soothe Junior's symptoms. Returning to Junior's side, Zeeke handed him the drink and the celestial sweets. "Eat these and drink this," he instructed. "They will help bring down your fever and soothe your discomfort."

Zeeke gave a nod, soon going beside Junior. He knew it would take time for Junior to recover, but he was willing to do whatever it took to ensure Junior's his well-being. After all, they were in this together, under the same stars that Zeeke loved so much.
NP: Zeeke tends to travel around quite a bit enjoying new places.. but that comes with getting sicknesses, most common a cold

Smiley PicklePantry

     The stars were exceptionally bright tonight in the quiet forest. The animals and plants seemed to appreciate them just as much as their latest visitor, Zeeke.

     So, too, did the bloody visitor.

     Dragging himself out of the shrugs, he rose to his feet and brushed off the stray leaves and feathers on his body. Despite the mess, the paper bag over his face stayed on, unscathed. He tilted his head back to regard the traveler. "Hello, hello. :)" he cheered quietly. "Are you here to look at the stars too? :) So pretty, so bright! They sure are a wonderful sight, aren't they? :) Do you think they are? I think they are. :)"

     Smiley turned to look over his shoulder. "So did the family over there. :) They're having a camping vacation! Isn't that so, so fun? :) They were having so much fun, with such big, bright smiles! Just like the stars! :) I roasted some marshmallows with them. :)" You could barely make out the roaring fire from where they were.

     When Smiley looked back at Zeeke, he realized the flushed cheeks and deep frown-- one that could surely only be associated with one thing. "Oh dear, oh dear. :) You're sick, aren't you? I can tell, I can tell. :) Being outside in the cold is not good for that. Not good at all. :)" He crouched down to be better eye level with him. "Say, say, say, why don't I go get some medicine from that family? :) One of the kids was sleeping soundly in the camper. So soundly, so soundly. :) I'm sure she'll help me out and give me some medicine. That way the rest of the family can continue having fun with their marshmallows! :) Oh! I'll bring you some of those too! :)"

Bucket Fullo Bolts lezbtron

GRAHH hope this is good for you ! ^^ (HELP pinging since its been like 3 days aoog PicklePantry

Caring for what seemed like an organic didn’t seem like something within her programming but alas! Here she was. This was a peculiar case, sickness was it? A common cold? The robot wasn't too sure about organic, let alone human sickness, but she'd sure try her best!

"I hope the arrangements made suit you fine , dealing with organics is rare so I hope the accommodations are .." She'd pause, staring at Smiley for a moment. "..Well liked." She'd finish with a nervous chuckle leaving her voice box and a smile, albeit off-put smile. The accommodations consisted of a small futon that Smiley would be settled on along with a few things that Bucket believed organics found 'comfortable'. 

Bucket would shake her head as her antennas twitched, her optics scanning over the patient to check for anything worse than a simple sickness. Afterall, the organic seemed to have strange red stains amongst his clothing and Bucket didn't think that was too normal even if at the same time Smiley didn't seem to be reacting much to the possible wound, if there was one of course! 

Her sensors couldn't detect anything so she'd relent, clasping her hands together as she'd begin speaking again with an attempt to make a point with her words. "Im going to– I'm going to go check for anything we might have for you in the back–, think you could uh, handle a few minutes on your own?" She'd ask with a slight nervous chuckle that accompanied her words. It wasn't a secret, even if this man was infected with something Bucket was still a bit scared if not terrified by his presence.

She would twitch her antennas as she replaced the frazzled look on her screen with a more friendly one, of course bearing a smile. "Aha, I'm just playing , I'm sure you can, just uhm– it's preferred if you don't move from your current spot." She would beep as she fluffed his pillow a bit before standing back up and turning heel. 

She'd open the exit to the room to go searching for some kind of ailment, stopping at the door frame before looking back at him and narrowing her optics slightly. "I mean that by the way!" She'd shout slightly, clasping her hands together as her tone would soften immediately. "..If you'd uh, like to that is!" She would beep, motioning to her optics then his before leaving the room, leaving Smiley to his own devices. No need to fret though! The robot would be back soon with something that should give him clarity from his sickness. 


np: since bucket has a virus she'd either have a virus or just a bug in her system eee , very sluggish acting and slow , like if a puter had a virus or trojan horse 

Candy wickerbeastinabasket

Careing for a robot that has a virus was hard even if she was a robot herself she had no idea what to do her friend was the expert on that kinda stuff afterall so have a cupcake