Your OC Takes Care of the OC Above

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 1 year, 10 days ago) by PicklePantry

Because I'm sick and I want to know what would happen >:'[

The OC above you is sick. Caught a nasty cold. Nasty. Maybe it's the flu, idk.
Your OC is the only one that can take care of them. What do they do?

OC 1: I'm sick.
OC 2: I'll make you soup so you feel better.
OC 3: I don't really care, so have some Tylenol.

- Wait after 3 other people have posted before you post again, unless 12 hours have passed.
- Claim limit is 3 hours.
- Don't be too rude or lewd.
- You can give a prompt or notes, but it's not required.
- No post length limit. Write as much as you like, but do not be upset at smaller replies.

Your OC is gets hurt more than sick? Try this game:
The OC Above is Hurt

Maribelle Burnett Vapor

Maribelle couldn't help herself. If not for the expectations she was forced to live up to, her envy would have overtaken her, made her turn away from the woman who needed her help.

Maybe it was pathetic. It was pathetic. Dumbly, she shambled about, visage vacant and arms moving stiffly, like someone puppeting the limbs of a dead animal. Her inferiority caught her, but she was willing to be bitter, as she always was, even as she prepped chamomile tea for the older woman. She glanced from the corner of her eye at Ecatarina. At Ecatarina's dress. A sore familiarity. All the elegance made the girl sick to her stomach.

She plopped a tea bag into the cup, mindlessly busied herself with organizing books and papers for a few minutes, and then returned. She scooped the bag out with a spoon and placed it before Ecatarina. "These parties will... make you sick..." she muttered, "Haven't they already? Chamomile helps, anyway. Chamomile helps with most things. I think." When awkwardness fell back over her, she then quickly added, "I don't have peppermint, though, and pepper-- peppermint would have been better. It's better for your stomach. It'll make you smell better."

Was that supposed to be a jab at the other woman? If it was, it wasn't well done, instead bland and half-hearted. Her tone of voice didn't help her any. She sounded tired, and if not that, she sounded bored.

"I need to light the fire. You might not care for it, but it's getting too cold to be without fire." Maribelle continued to drone, growing quieter and quieter, shyer and shyer. Then, once she lumbered over to the hearth, she was near inaudible. "My mentor will want it hot, anyway. Old."

She left it at that, no longer up to chattering. With that same meekness, she peeled herself from Ecatarina, letting the woman drink her tea in peace whilst she herself readied and maintained the hearth.

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clownwormz Heyo, don't forget your claim!

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Tekuka Kvroii

Tekuka didn't expect to find someone asleep in the middle of a busy coffee shop, but as he sat down across from Oliver, he realized that the stranger wasn't just taking a regular nap. He had heard of people suddenly falling asleep or catatonic before, and he wanted to make sure Oliver would be safe. After all, with how crowded the shop was, Tekuka worried someone would bump into Oliver or knock him out of his seat. Even worse, Tekuka was worried someone would try to steal the gaming console that lay on the table in front of Oliver. 

Tekuka decided to give his coffee to Oliver, and he placed his green sweater over Oliver like a blanket. I hope he won't be too surprised to see someone here when he wakes up, Tekuka thought. Until then... I'm going to keep him safe!

 Talyn Ekimzestra HardyLark

Truth be told, Talyn didn’t know much about taking care of people when they’re ill. Which migh be a bad thing considering that it might be useful if she ever needed to bring someone back alive. The bounty hunter shakes her head and sighs. It didn’t matter now, the fact is that Tekuka looked extremely sick. At least to her. Truth be told she doesn’t quite understand Cyborgs as well, so she can’t tell if it’s an illness or something else entirely.

It didn’t help that she thought he kind of smelled odd too. Though if she’s honest she can’t tell if the new smell is all new. It wasn’t  like she’d taken the time to get to know his scent either so it may now even be part of it. 

Pacing anxiously, she feels a frustrated growl grow in her throat, she shakes her head and uncaps her water skin.

“Hey, you should probably have something to drink… I think that’ll help” she sounds uncertain and crouches down to pass it to him. Once he has the water skin she starts pacing in front of Tekuka muttering to herself about soups and remedies. After a moment she sighs and her shoulders lower in defeat.

“Um maybe I could get you to a doctor or somethin? I don’t know, what do you need” despite the harsher tone of her voice it’s quickly becoming obvious that’s she’s panicking a little. Being in her line of work, staying still for too long was nerve racking, especially when someone was sick. it was the perfect opportunities to get jumped or worse. 

“So, I can carry you or… I can try and help you walk to town… either way, I’m not leaving you here.” The bounty hunter sets her mouth and crosses her arms. Unwilling to budge. She only hopes she can get him to a doctor or something  before he gets worse.


Ah I hate to be picky about this, but Talyn is a girl. Thanks for responding tho!

Dorothie D’Anatolio CometTheMountainLion

Talyn has the worst toothache of his life. Writhing in pain, Dorothie finds the young bounty hunter. Luckily, there is a piece of paper nearby and a fountain pen and inkwell. Thinking on her feet, Dorothie proceeds to draw a dentist’s office as fast as she can. The two then skidoo into the paper. Dorothie takes a look at Talyn’s tooth and sees that it has a massive cavity. Dorothie grabs a pair of pliers to pull the tooth, but this seriously pains Talyn. Dorothie finds a canister of laughing gas. She then opens the valve to give Talyn a dose. However, she too inhales the gas and laughs uncontrollably. The gas then escapes the paper out into the real world, and going through an open window, people and objects alike are laughing throughout the city.

Cheetah Princess Marclyn

"Here, this will help." As the princess lifts up Dorothie's head to help her sip some tea. She readjusts the blanket plopped over Dorothie. "The drink is made from the herbs we harvest here within our tribe. Probably not known to the world of men. But my people like to drink it when we are ill." Cheetah Princess reaches over to rub the pup's forehead. "Your fever isn't getting any better. My sweet girl. You're sweating all over... I'll have to go gather the leaves from the mountain side. It'll be a half days hike. I'll send a guard to go gather them for us. Don't worry, I won't leave you." The princess lifts Dorothie to sit up but made sure the blanket was still on the fur's lap, keeping her warm. The princess tries to untangle and comb the shepard's hair. Making sure the fur's hair was neat. "I know it's silly to want nice hair when you're sick... But I know how icky it is when we are sick and sweaty with long hair. I don't want you to have to worry about that." She continues to gently brush the other's hair at the same time, making sure her hair was drying up. The elf princess sets Dorothie back down to rest once more. She tucks the blanket ontop of her once more. And begins to pet her head gently until the canine fell back asleep. The princess quietly gets up and orders one of her guard to go gather the mountain herbs. But quickly came back to sit with Doroathie, making sure she was resting well.


(ohh NV you sweetie. they remembered her words... so touching... )

They actually offered their home for her to stay at? The princess' blush hidden behind her already red and sick fever. She weakly touched their eager hands, grasping onto them. She didn't want to be dead weight, so she stood up on her own and started to walk, opposite of where she lived.  "No! I'll be just fine. Please... You don't have to do so much... I... I'd love to see your home. Where ever you may call home." A soft smile across her face. She was so touched they cared so much about her and willing to take her all the way back home. But she did not want NV to go through all the trouble. Especially if her tribe saw them. She knew what they'll do to NV. Call them a monster and kill onsite... They'd judge them before they get to know them... The thought of someone hurting NV almost made her cry. Her eyes tearing up. It didn't help that she was sick too. "Please... Don't do so much for..." Before she weakly collapse in their arms, her face pressed against their chest. She looks up at them. "I.. I'm fine. Let's go to your plaace..." As she coddles herself in their arms to keep herself warm.

NV PicklePantry

     "You're sick," NV murmured as they stepped closer to Cheetah Princess, ready to catch her if her illness got worse. Look at her, out of breath, red in the face, and yet still so beautiful. She was still working herself so hard, discarding her own worries for the sake of her people. Beautiful and selfless, she was truly a princess.
     And so vulnerable, too.
     They could steal her looks right now-- not just her looks, her charming voice, her dazzling personality; it could all be theirs and none would be the wiser. They looked down at their hand, at the wraps that twitched between their fingers, aching to wrap around her. They recalled one of the first things she had ever told them, about how wraps were typically when people were hurt. Were they hurt, too...?
     Amidst all those bandages, they could barely make out the ones she had made them themselves.
     NV clenched their fist then looked back at Cheetah Princess. "I can help you, if you'd like," they offered quietly. "I only know store medicine-- I'm not sure if you'd prefer organic kinds. You can stay at my place. It's not clean, or big, but you can rest there as long as you need-- or want-- to." They hesitated, but placed their hand on her back. Warm. "I can also take you to your home, if that would be better," they murmured. All things considered, that was probably the best bet. A princess of a dying clan is sick? Why risk anything? For all they knew, the pollution in this very city is what caused her illness, and would continue to.
     Although, for once, NV wanted to be a little selfish and keep her just for themselves, if even for a day.

Odette Alkaev Vapor

"You caused quite the stir when the guards found you in the snow." said Odette, and gently so, as she paced around the parlor. The hearth was lit, the flames crackling over the sound of the winter winds whistling outside the window. A blanket had been placed over NV's lap, protecting them from what cold was still present in the room. Odette, even in her robes, still felt herself freezing. She never fared well at this time of years, forced to stay close to the fireplace. She faced the light, her blind eyes half-lidded.

Admittedly, she liked having NV around. Maybe now, in this situation, wasn't the best meeting with them, but it was a meeting nonetheless. She wasn't going to keep them for long, certainly, but she enjoyed the quiet. Mutually agreed upon silence was more calming for her.

Odette seated herself in an armchair, some ways from the fire but closer to where NV settled on the chaise. She had to contradict herself. "I'm uncertain what you hoped to find here, but do be careful, alright? Maybe I should get a drink for you as well. When the maid comes in to look at you, I'll ask for something. Would you prefer water?" ..She had no idea NV even had wraps all over their body. Or, that's what the guards described them as, but their face? She was oblivious.

"One of them wanted to put you away." she then uttered, "He thought you were strange, it was the state that followed you, if that makes any sense. I never felt it, personally." Maybe she should have trusted the guard's gut feeling. If she were to know NV was a thief, it was easier for her to imagine them stealing petty things. Rings, money, food. Not her appearance, not her personality. She didn't even think about it now.

Maybe she wouldn't care, either?

Maybe she would think of it as a bad joke?

"..That said, maybe I should go on and ask for your water, anyway." Odette took a minute to rise from her seat. She was cold. She was tired. "Don't leave here, please. Please wait for me to return. I will be here."

little baby folwou-p i need 2 pee so bad

Odette didn't know where her retainers were, nor where she was. All she knew was that she needed to get home and also that she had apparently been abandoned after a spark of chaos on the road. It wasn't uncommon at all for her to fall ill. Born sickly, her stomach was never any good at doing its job apparently, and anything that smelled or tasted too strong made her nauseous. It was a shame that she couldn't smell or taste anything right now, though. Her headache, pounding on her, made it difficult to even hear.

But, she did hear. She heard someone huff and slowly march towards her.

Odette held her hand up and muttered a small "wait", before being lifted up into the air. Oh, God, did that terrify her for a whole one-point-seven seconds, as she feebly flailed for a moment before falling back, almost sluggishly. These hands felt strange. This person couldn't be one of her guards, could he? After a series of harsh coughs, writhing slightly, she soon decided... this was apparently how she was to die. She was going to get kidnapped by some pseudo-Italian twink and murdered. Why was this happening now, though?

"..Please just take me home." She murmured, barely pleading with the man, although completely unaware of the situation. Man, he was a champion at playing quiet as a mouse, wasn't he? Nevertheless, in one last half-assed display, she added, "I have gold."

En Litari II ([BrokEn AU]) PicklePantry

     En stood ways away from Odette. It seemed that she was ill, most likely being taken to a doctor, and by the looks of it her bodyguards either had to leave to get more help from an ambush, or they were taken care of. Whatever the case, it just left her alone now, weak and sick.
     She seemed to notice him, however she never looked his way. The longer he stared, the more he realized she was blind. He silently clicked his tongue in annoyance. A blind woman and a mute man, this would end in disaster if he tried to help. Why should he even try? Because he just happened to be in the area? Because she was helpless? No, she certainly didn't look it with that dignified expression. She reminded him of the upper class back home. He hated them. He hated her. It was best to leave her.

     ... En exhaled slowly, angrily through his nose and hoisted her up bridal-style. He offered no reply to anything she said, but repeatedly gave a reassuring few taps on her arm, hoping she could at least interpret that as him saying he's trying to help.
     The doctor wasn't too far away. He couldn't believe he was taking her, but that little voice in his head wouldn't shut up otherwise. There was also something about her, something beyond that dignified posture that made him think she was different. It felt like she'd been more familiar with the harsh side of nobility, so maybe she wasn't as uptight as them.

You can take care of him, his good self, or his older self!

     This place looked different. Yes, it was clear she wasn't taking care of it anymore, but it was different in his eyes. When he was last here so was she, and there was still a small glimmer of hope for his future. Now harsh reality had settled, and he saw this as the lonely shrine it was. He wasn't sure whether to pity it or not.
     En glanced over at the fellow shrine keeper. When asked his reason for being here, he first looked to the flower, then down to the charm resting off one of his sword's hilts. Why was he here? He didn't plan to take the time, yet he somehow found himself wandering here as if out of habit. Could that have been it...?
     He sharply glared at Kisiel's scoff, but he had to admit there were truth to his words. He'd only heard of her passing through gossip in the places he'd passed, maybe that's what carried him over, some dim fear that it was true. It was, and a small part of him wanted to blame himself. Tragedy and death seemed to love him, it reached to her even when they had parted ways. It didn't seem fair, but Fate never was. It made sure to remind him of that.
     When his swords were brought up En hesitated, his thumb subconsciously brushing against the charm. A minute later he silently removed them and set them at the shrine's gates, then followed Kisiel towards the well he'd mentioned. There was an answer there. To what, he wasn't sure, but he felt that some sort of closure and peace would come there. It had to.

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Illanya Mariold HardyLark

For what it was worth... she was trying her best. Illanya had been sure to compensate Kisiel for the lessons this time since it was worth being able to learn at least. This evening though Kisiel hadn't joined her in a spar for the day, instead electing to sit off to the side and watch her go through forms by herself. 

Of course, even if it was her best effort, she wasn't paying attention enough. Her foot slips on a rock and she loses balance, her armor clattering as she hits the ground. Probably as good of a sign as any to stop practicing for now and take a break. Illanya still grumbles as she gets to her feet, and kicks the rock she'd tripped on loose and away from where she had been practicing. As the paladin turns to Kisiel with the wooden rapier held loosely in her gloved hand, as she makes eye contact and immediately frowns. It may be getting dark, but her eyesight is good enough to catch that unusually sheen of sweat on the man's brow and the abnormally dark circles under his eyes.

"I'm going to take a break if that's alright with you." The words leave her haltingly, her distraction with his appearance clear. Illanya settles down next to him carefully, and she lets her fingers trace the grain of the wooden rapier's handle in her hand. Typically, she'd have a smoke or go and do something else for a break, but this was worrying, more so than usual. Her green eyes flick between their surroundings and the man next to her.

"Kisiel, are you alright? You look unwell." The paladin says bluntly, finally focusing directly on the bridge keeper with a serious expression. She doesn't seem satisfied by any assurances he gives her and she sighs, pulling her gloves off her hands. Something glitters along the backs of her hands, but it couldn't be more than a trick of the light, right? Illanya wastes no time in getting close and pressing a hand to his forehead.

"Bullshit, you're running a fever already." She says after a moment, pulling her hand away from his forehead with a frown. The paladin takes a moment to look him up and down carefully before she presses both hands to his chest firmly. For a brief few moments, her eyes glow gold, and light emanates from where she presses to Kisiel's chest. Then all at once, it's over, the light is gone, and her eyes just barely hold traces of gold in them. Illanya lets her hands fall to her lap, she looks incredibly exhausted, drained from her use of magic.

"I of course couldn't heal everything, but I think I got that nasty cold you caught, and then some of that soreness." She smiles weakly, and pulling her knees closer to her body, she rests her head on top of them. "I think I've had enough practice for tonight... I hope you don't mind if we end early tonight..."

(That was great! Illanya would definitely appreciate the gift, though be insanely worried about how it got here in the first place at all once she wakes up. To be entirely fair, Illanya doesn't typically get sick as a paladin except by magical means, so when she does get sick, it's usually very bad and takes a lot longer for her to get well. Too bad for her that she expects him to be like... a friendly person and not an assassin out to kill her AKLSJLAKJF. >:3c)


(Don't mind me using an oc I have hardly any lore for ghjbvghy

This was it, he could finally make a difference. Kill the thorn in his side since sneaking his way into this castle. Slinking into the room of the castle knight through a window he made not a sound. His single good eye scanning the room through his mask found a letter opener. Just sharp enough to make this quick, but blunt enough to have them wake before their death. Grabbing hold of it with ragged hands he loomed over the woman. But something was off about her, she seemed flushed. An uncomfy heat emanated from her. 

A heartstring was plucked and played at the sight of his sick victim. Sickness was a horrible way to go, so why shouldn't he just KILL her. His job would be much easier. It wasn't honor holding him back, just moments ago he was trying to dispose of her in her sleep. So what WAS it? It did not matter. He set the letter opener back down on the bedside table. He would do it when she wasn't sick. Whatever memory hidden in whatever mental vault he had closed long ago was tugging at him. He would be a fool to try and fight it. 

Reaching into his rags he grabbed hold of a small package. Golden Leaf Bread wrapped in clean paper, he had stolen it not 3 hours prior to this. He thought of treating himself to it, despite how hard it'd be to eat. It would have been after overcoming a major hurdle. But now the major hurdle needed it more than he did it seemed. Zastavil let out another gurgled curse as he set the bread down, hastily writing on a nearby envelope "Get well, I wish to meet you properly later -ZZ" setting the envelope next to the bed with the bread he climbed back up into the window. One more glace at the sleeping woman before he slipped back outside.

NP: He is probably bedridden from infected wounds, go crazy