Favourite artwork from the person above

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 months, 5 hours ago) by FellowPigeon

The rules of this game are pretty simple: look through the art of the person above, pick the one that is your favourite and write a bit about why you like it. Whether it's the colours, the composition or just the feel of it, anything works, try to write a couple of sentences.  But remember this isn't a criticism thread so make sure what you say is nice. 

If you have most of your art on a different site (e.g Instagram or DeviantArt) feel free to include a link to your account. Instagram doesn't allow you to insert an image's address so simply linking to the image you like is fine if you are claiming for someone. This is also an all-ages thread so please DO NOT  link to galleries with uncensored or easily viewable NSFW images. If the person above you doesn't include a link you should be able to see their art in their toyhouse gallery. 

Reminder: Please include at least two or three sentences in your reply. It's always great to receive a thoughtful comment so including more than a bare minimum "I like it" level response is encouraged

(If there are any problems in this thread feel free to shoot me a message about it)



It would be this one for me! The characters are pretty expressive, especially in that one bottom panel

Next person can pick through my art tab or look through my art twitter!


okAy first off- I love your art style fricC- <3

I couldn't decide between these two, because they've both got such different vibes, but they are both gorgeous. The the way you colour and shade brings so much life to these pieces. The background on the first piece is so serene and peaceful looking and the whole drawing is very balanced and pretty. The second one, while a bit simpler looking, is just as expressive and gorgeous in the colouring and lighting, capturing the perfect mood. 

I'm shook-


(whoever's next can pick from my gallery.. i don't really use any other sites much anymore)


I really love your artwork, especially the traditional sketches!! Even though there's no colour, the expressions of the characters are so well drawn and it certainly reeled me in! This one has to be my favourite of the bunch. Such raw emotion.15744063_5BLNfgkL1KokQZ9.jpg

You can pick something from my art tab here or on my da!


I like this one the most because Crimson King is one of my favorite JoJo stands next to Killer Queen and Star Platinum. It also seems a bit... Menacing. I like it


You can see my DA but you can also see my art here Here, Here, and a little bit of art Here

May or may not have gore but there's nothing NSFW


I like this one!! (Spoiler because gore?)
It's spooky/gore with nice movement of the creature busting through the other character. I also think the creature kinda looks cute though, so that makes it gore but cute which to me is a really interesting combination!!


My art can be found on my DA or Insta


I really really REALLY love this one drawing that you did of Sev to be honest. Just look at all of the little details and everything! It looks like an actual page out of a story book or something! You have really put some work into this one! :3



Just click my art tab. It has everything!



I think that this one is my favourite drawing of yours! I really love how you shaded the entire drawing (shading on the hair is especially beautiful) and the glow on the necklace looks amazing! I also love the background, it's such a nice detail! 


Here is my gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/triachi/gallery/



i really like this one, which also happens to be your icon!! the colors r rly aesthetically pleasing to me since i love golds and purples, and everything that goes nice with them!! the character herself is also really cute, and i love the props / background and how they frame the whole piece !!

either my th gallery, my twit, or my dA 

(th has most of my art, while twit has more than dA, but dA has my portfolio pieces )

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Gotta say I really love this piece. turning random objects into ocs out of boredom is a mood and i dig the stylization, color, and pose! The static in the screen of the character is really well done and looks real nice!

The composition makes everything nice and clear, and draws the eye correctly by keeping everything properly in the middle! good work, keep drawing! :0


Pick from my art tab or preferably here


I like this one!


I think both the character and the background are both well drawn!
I like the textures used in the trees and grass, and the colors reflecting in the water. The overall dark and reddish brown color palette used makes it appear to be early in the morning, while the sun is still rising, and gives the image a somber feeling. That with the character's solemn expression makes for an interesting piece! It makes me wonder what they're thinking of?

Most of my art is on my deviantart!

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BeeTheBean my eyes were immediately caught by this one!


the lines aren't pure black and instead are a softer color and even white and it's just always great to see non-traditional linearts! the white lineart you used for stardom gives them a lovely glowing effect that looks just so pretty... the expression of surprise and wonder in celest's face is absolutely adorable, and i love the contrasting design between stardom's spacey aesthetic and celest's simple, more earthy one. 

my art

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i adore this piece:


you have a lot of really cool pieces so it was a pretty hard choice. but, the mood of the piece is so eerie. the color palette with muted pinks and black is so perfect. the contrast between the generally simple background and the more detailed character even with the similar tones. i also really like the neutral nearly dead expression on the character's face, it really sets the mood for the whole piece. also the texture on top is a great touch. i just love this piece.


use my da or my art tab on here!