the ultimate forum game forum game

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Edited 6 years, 4 months ago) by htespagheti

[infomercial voice] have you ever seen a forum game and been like "i want to tell someone what animal their oc seems like, but all my ocs already are animals!!"? have you ever thought "i wish someone would tell me which of my ocs are the most likely to use bitcoin on a scale of one to ten, but i dont have any friends and i dont think anyone else would participate in that forum game"? have you just not gotten an opportunity to respond to any? then i have the forum game for you!!!!

this game combines literally any forum game, existing or not, active or dead, in or out of character, no matter how dumb of obscure. so how does it work? well, first you think of a question or forum game, then answer the one above, put in your question, and wait for someone to respond! if the question could be perceived as either asking the next chara, or the actual user, pls specify who youre asking, or say you dont care (see examples)


  1. [posting in chara] (answer for the last person) if i were an animal, which one do you think id be?
  2. i think youd be a fox, because you seem cunning. which one of my ocs would you marry, if any? (out of character)
  3. id marry [link] because theyre hot and rich. which character of mine is the best looking? (in or out of character)
  4. [in chara] "i like [link], i have kind of a thing for multiple eyes" [this part is ooc >] would you trade outfits with any of my characters?
and so on. 


  • if its been 12 hours, you can skip
  • feel free to do totally dumb random questions like "what do you think my favorite shape is"
  • if youre writing smthng long make sure to claim
  • leave at least 3 posts before posting again
  • no art games/requests, just simple stuff
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I really like this game, haha.

I was tempted to pick "Hank" because of the embarrassing puns, and because his abilities sound useful, but I think I'll pick Emily, since she's landed on a lot of alien planets and probably knows how to survive. And she sounds like a fun person to spend time with. c:

If you were going to commit a crime, which of my characters would you want as your partner/accomplice?


"I'd chose Qiana cause I'm not looking to make friends either, at least when I'm committing murder~."

What British slang/insult do you think my oc Sean uses the most?


Crumpets. (SORRY KARA LMAO) to be honest seans a "doofer" kinda guy. (ex. whats that doofer? its a funny word)

If you were trapped in an escape room of sorts, which one of my ocs would you like to help complete it with you?


Oh, why.

Hm... Probably Victoria? She appears a good choice ;v;

Or Nathaniel qvq

Ok, so, You are in a whole new place, and you do not know anyone. Which of my OCs would you trust to guide you while you learn about this place?

(lmao, good choice. Ariel is a good person, but Star is one idiot without heart pwp)


Maybe either Star or Ariel? They both seem kind of ~wise~ and show me da wey >:)

Let's say,,,,you have a new teacher,,,,which of my OCs would you think would be the most chaotic and wild teacher?


Londyn seems like she would be wild, haha. I don't know how much learning would get done in her classroom.

What's your favorite book? (you can answer this IC or OOC)


"On Stranger Tides" by Tim Powers.... voodoo? magic? pirates??? YES


Pick two of your OCs and switch their backstories but keep their personalities... how do they turn out now?


oh jeez,,, if i ever switched chris and nathan's backstories, they'd look and sound so much different! since chris originally grew up in the uk and nate grew up in the philippines/the us, they would have different accents. they would have similar voices to what i originally imagined them to be, just with their accents switched. chris would look and sound like a generic american suburban guy who had an upper-middle class upbringing (being someone from the suburbs, i've seen a lot of them lmao) and nate would probably be first-generation english in his family. chris's pessimistic outlook on life would have possibly emerged from the evolution of the current state of american politics and the millennial generation. if nate went through the same things that chris did (which originally ended up w/ chris developing depression and anxiety), his positive attitude would come up as a coping mechanism.

this is so interesting to think about!! i might just make up an au about this wow

what would be one of your oc's first impressions of peter? post ic!

Junko spacecadet

"So... I hear you aren't what you seem on the outside." Junko's face showed no expression, but her voice was quite obviously interested and enthused. "I relate to that! I have the same problem sometimes... Well, most of the time. Would you like to come with me on a hunt, maybe? Oh, where are your ears-... they're so small and bald!


Which one of my OCs seems the most huggable? :DD


Easy! Reika is the most huggable!! 2000/10 very cute would cuddle all the time!

Out of my mobsters who do you think is the most powerful?

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Cecil and Cameron. I'd have that person charged (not necessarily arrested; that might be going too far) for harassment.

Which one of my characters would you most like to be roommates with, or at least tolerate the most?


Orca Clearly the answer is Sir Hottie McHottie. Who could ever resist the chance to live with THAT.

Which of my babs would you least likely want to encounter?