Predict the character above's future!

Posted 6 years, 18 days ago (Edited 5 months, 14 days ago) by hedgemaze

Hello folks, I'm back with another forum game! For this one, you're going to take a look at the profile of the character who posts above you and predict something that you think will happen in their future. Then post IC as a character for the next person to make a prediction for.

Your prediction can be short-term or long-term, and you can be specific ("I think when Joe Hero finally makes it to the faraway castle, Princess Fairytale won't be waiting for him anymore"), vague ("I foresee great strife with your loved ones, but you will be able to overcome this test"), lighthearted ("I bet you're going to become one of those people with 10 cats someday"), or serious, just keep things SFW and friendly.

You can write your post IC as your character ("Friend, you're going to flunk out of college if you keep partying like that"), OOC ("Xondu the Great seems like they're ultimately going to fight their brother for control of the kingdom"), or even in the format of a fortune-teller or horoscope if you like; just have fun.


  • BE NICE   
  • Try to use characters for this game who have at least some kind of story, background, or personality description. There are plenty of other, more general, headcanon games if you just want people to make an assumption based on the character's icon. That isn't this game.
  • Write something with a little substance! It doesn't have to be a long answer, but "I think bad things will happen to them" isn't enough effort. Read the character's profile, and write the kind of answer you'd like to receive!
  • That said, while you're basing this on the character's profile, don't actually write something that's already in their profile. Extrapolate based on what's given.
  • Claim first if you need time to read the character's profile and think of an answer.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your comment! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your comment in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Let two people post before going again, and try to vary the characters you post here.
  • You don't have to edit your post to respond or say if the person below is right if you don't want to give away your story's plot, or something like that, but you can if you want to!

Have fun! The first person to post gets a free fortune.

All my forum games and threads

Erika Fujimoto atacalepsy

hmmm, for some reason i can see nea experiencing financial struggles in the near future. this is merely a bump in the road for the most part , but it will cause her to rethink quite a lot of her business planning. once things have settled down , nea will come out of it slightly more matured — and she and her wife might adopt a child ! 

The Carolina Column CometTheMountainLion

Erika gets super into true crime that she waste’s all her money on merch. This, combined with her complete disgust at society for not honoring her for solving the great time loop, motivates her to rob a bank by bringing a mirror into it and using it to teleport away with the money.

Aokuro Mattie_Aokuro

I've never seen someone have a literal building as a character but aight cool here I go

Several years after The Carolina Column was created, citizens started to hate the dark green and orange colors. They then started doing something insane: paintballing the whole building! Afterward, the building was a shining tower of rainbow colors, making it even better than it was. People took photos with the building like it was a celebrity. Even the people who made it actually started to like it! Nowadays, the building is a landmark, dubbed as the "building of the rainbow."

Li zidanetribal

one day, during a round of sharpshooting practice for a competition, a new figure appears at her training facility. one far better than her, admittedly, and everyone's attention began to fixate onto the figure from that point on. aokuro felt a little cross with the situation, and began overworking herself to the point of exhaustion to try and beat this stupid person that just waltzed in like it was no big deal. somewhere in between, aukuro really overworked herself, enough to wind up in serious trouble. she began to wonder if it was worth it, then took a hiatus after the difficult decision that it wasn't. just like that, after returning from a turbulent few months, she beat that figure by the skin of her teeth, and never felt happier!


I think in the future, li may have to see his mom again. Maybe li is in a tough spot, and im thinking his mom  is fairly successfull in her career at this point. So li may have trouble getting to talk to her

Delex ArtisticTiger

   Delex smiles as his eyes disappear to show Malcom His vision. “I predict you will lose a valuable item! Will you find it? Who knows?!” He chuckles.

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❤ Marius Horsefinity

I can see Riley growing up and graduating out of school, but struggling a bit with how much like his father he tends to be.


I predict that he will fail to overthrow josephine, and thus have a difficult time dealing with that failure

Tauni Lamp CometTheMountainLion

Due to him being immortal, he witnesses the deaths of all he knows, the end of non-immortal life on Earth and Earth itself, and eventually, everything that will ever happen in the history of the universe, and then, the end of the universe itself.

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Vieri IronyMobile

It seems like The Boss would be very successful at what he does for a very long time. Not indefinitely, as nothing lasts indefinitely -- but why he stops could be just from leaving work.

Taylor poicyss

I think (or hope!!) that vieri will accomplish something big in the future so he doesn't think of himself as such a disappointment to his family and stuff.

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