The OC above is your servant for the day

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 1 year, 10 months ago) by Gomji

(why am i IC lmao )

The OC above lost a bet and is now your servant for the day. What would you have them do? Embarrass them in public? Make them do your homework?

...or maybe you're just a big sweetheart who lets them relax in your house and hang out with you for the day.

-[A little rule change :3] there's nothing wrong with writing shorter responses, but it may be interesting if you wrote why your character decided to order the one above to do certain chores   

-You may post after every 3 posts, unless 24 hours have passed.

-If you feel the absolute need to censor, please do so.

First person gets a free reply!

Heinrich PicklePantry

Arms folded behind his back, Heinrich waited at the steps leading to the castle's large, front doors for his temporary employee. He couldn't recall the purpose for this, whether it was due to the newcomer fell on hard times or wanted to see the castle and work for the opportunity. Frankly, he didn't care. This was tedious and took up valuable cleaning time! He didn't want to train someone who was going to leave in a day! Maybe he'd give them the job of standing outside.
Finally, the person arrived. Wait... He recognized that face. That was the man from the pictures in the woman's house he cleaned. Heinrich quirked an eyebrow. "You chose to work here?" he questioned. He wasn't sure how to act now. Normally he'd take pleasure in verbally lashing his employees, but this was an aristocrat! Or was he still...? Heinrich's true feelings won over, and he gave Smithson an impish smile. "Well. Maybe "work" is too kind a word. You are a minute late. That can make all the difference, I am sure you have said such words to your help, yes?" He clapped his hands. The doors opened behind him. "Now come along. We have one hour to prepare the courtyard for His Majesty's relaxation time, then we must prepare his tea and snacks. I will not slow down for you, so keep up."

This was a terrible, most foul day.
Heinrich tried his best to keep a strong, defiant stance as he braved this vicious beast, but his shaking legs were betraying him. Losing color in his face didn't help, either. Oh, he could not BELIEVE the king's hound would dare order him to work for... another hound! A literal hound! Every time Aldrik smiled he could see those large fangs just aching to chomp into him. And the way he worse that hat, oh! It's like his hound ears were too defiant! Heinrich shivered. Just... Just a day. Twenty-four house. He could brave this for a day. He'd done worse.
Gulping, Heinrich followed Aldrik, but made sure to keep a distance. The place was relatively clean on its own. Had Aldrik done this? The work was better than some of the servants back at the castle. Of course he'd never admit it. Finally, the two stopped at the kitchen. Okay, good. Snacks. He could make plenty of them to keep Aldrik full and not thinking... about...
The butler's eyes bulged out of his head when he saw the dish. L... Legs...?
It was like seeing something out of a horror movie. He knew it. He KNEW it! That hound ate frogs! And if he had these at his disposal already then... th-then...!
Heinrich looked up at Aldrik in horror.
It was the last thing he saw before fainting.

This post has been removed.
 Aldrik Gomji

"Oh geez, I'm not a fan of ordering people do you feel about cooking?" Aldrik glanced down at Heinrich, who seemed absolutely panicked by his presence. It wasn't the first time the werewolf ran into this man. In fact, their first meeting wasn't a very pleasant one either. He tried to smile but Heinrich didn't show even the slightest bit of happiness.

"I know! How about I put on a hat," he grabbed one of the old newsboy caps sitting on top of the drawer. "Like this?" He tried smiling friendlier this time but the lad proceeded to show a negative response. Hm, was Heinrich always that pale?

Aldrik lead his 'servant' into the kitchen with that hat still on his head and prayed to God for their relationship to get better. He pinched the cloth covering the main ingredient for the dish of the day. "Don't worry, this is actually really simple to make. I just need you to season these-" before he could proceed with the instructions, he uncovered the cloth to reveal frog legs. "-with that spice over there." 

Then there was a moment of silence.

Aldrik stared at the frog legs, then back at Heinrich.

God would never be able to grant that wish.

Aldrik felt bad for the wolf standing before him as the spoke of the constant bullying. He was used to protecting territories, so Alpha's request did not seem foreign to him. "I'm truly sorry to hear about all this. I'm not sure if I'd be of much help but I'll try my best." He said with a smile. "Karma really is a terrifying thing, so those two will never know what's coming." At one point, Aldrik's eyes turned to saucers as Alpha's voice suddenly turned into a threateningly low pitch. Did he really hear that?? In response, the werewolf shook his head to see if he was just hearing things and was confused when the boy's tone turned back to normal. 

"Oh hey, you should come inside! It's getting pretty hot out here, don't you think?" he patted Alpha on the back and invited him inside, "If you need anything, feel free to stop by and I'll try to help as much as I can." Aldrik scratched the back of his head in confusion. There was no way such a sweet little guy like Alpha could appear so threatening, right?

Konae Pinkapop

"Uhh...hey..." Alpha scratched his head "It might be a biiiiit of a hardship for you today...I want you to..." he dragged the sentence, as he was thinking if he should be asking this. " my bodyguard for a day?" he smiled awkwardly "I mean, you see...those bullies at my class are sort of harsh. Once they pushed me off of the hill and I got It's going to be a feildtrip today, I wouldn't want that to happen the second time..." Alpha sighed

"I mean, look at these!" Alpha rolled up the sleeves to reveal bandages all over his body "They were the wounds that weren't healed yet, it been months! And it hurts...a lot...I used to let them do what they want, but I think I will need some defense now." He rolled the sleeves back down and huffed with an upsetting look. "Both of them, I don't think they know the concept of karma and sin...they could've gotten me dead. Seriously, I felt like I did really died back there! Every single bones in me was broken and I somehow survived, that was a miracle, wasn't that? But when I came back from the hospitle they still won't stop harrassing me! I wish they would stop...I wish the y  w o u l d  e x p e r i e n c e  w h a t  I  h a v e  g o n e  t h r o u g h ." His voice gone deeper for a moment. He spoken with his fangs bare out. But then he was back to normal afterward "Huh? That was weird...did I said something? Anyways...I wish they would understand that I don't want this anymore...they are wro..."

He rambled on and on, turned out Aldrik was here for listening to his vent rather than being his bodyguard after all.

(Follow up! This is the first time I do this so it's probably bad X'D)
Alpha was flowing with the mesmerizing twirling until she mentioned slicing his own ear "W-what?!" His face was pale, not that it can get anymore white. He shook as he picking up the dagger, looking at it with nervous look.

Turned out that was just a tease to entertain the gem, Alpha sighed in relief "Phew...I thought I actually had to slice off my ear..." he smiled, with a hint of gotten tired "That got me scared, I thought Adrian telling me to slice of my own head was the last time I'd heard the last of it" he sweated. But now that he know the intention, he think he can handle this.

 Fire Opal Jellysideaccount

“Serrrvant?” The Opal hissed. “It’sssss about time!” She snickered as she opened her mouth wide, her inky black hand reached through her protective red bubble and into her mouth, retrieving a dripping black dagger. “Take a looook,” she waved the knife in her hand, and did some mesmerizing twirling with it around her fingers.

“I outta disssssembowl a little organic like yoursssself.” She rolled her s’s. Her lazy way of speaking was infuriating to listen to. “I want you to prove your worrrrrth.” She tossed the blade at Alpha’s feet. “Sliceeeee your ear off.” She purred.

The look on Alpha’s face was all she needed. She burst out into hysterical laughter. A gem that lived to capture and break needed a laugh every now and then. 

It became increasingly clear to Alpha that she didn’t need a servant, she needed an entertainer. A jester to balance things on his nose and tell jovial stories and stand the way she dragged out certain syllables without fail.

(Pleeeeaaassse ping ;-))


She played with her dagger. It was a harsh black silhouette in one of her blood red bubbles, it floated around in a perfect rotation. “That’sssss it?” She rolled her eyes. “Such a triiiivial and simmmple request.”

When she gripped her knife the bubble popped into a thick red liquid. “Ohhhh how harrrd.” She put her hands on her cheeks. “Oh wow is me I can’t neutralize a simple beast.” She mocked.

“Howwww pathetic is that?” She slashed the air, “I neeeeed no reward, not from the likes of yoooou.” She laughed. “I’llll take careee of it.” 

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leraikha muwi

"Oh dear," she says. Leraikha is not sure what to do with this fine looking, but clearly black hearted fellow. For one, he had no place in this city where she lived, and secondly, she really had no use for someone with connections made out of deceit and blackmail when she herself had plenty made through goodwill. It was easy to see--maybe not, maybe she was just perceptive and she was used to dealing with people of his nature-- that he wasn't quite the sociopathic jerk that he presented himself to be. She smiles at him, and motions to the seat across from her. There's a waiting cup of tea for him, curling steam inviting. 

"Sit down, young mister. I'm not one for punishments, especially not poor boys with clouded hearts like yours. Come now." The tea is probably something calming, perfect for the volatile. She would have no trouble dealing with a troublemaker but it would be best if she didn't have to do anything. The tea might be too hot, so she tweaks his pain threshold just a little so his throat can handle it. She hopes he doesn't notice and get aggrivated. That is one of her favourite teacups. "I have nothing for you to do, little one. I suppose my command will be... to drink your tea? Slowly? So that we can have time to talk. We have all the time in the world today, I have cleared my schedule."

"I sense a great storm in you, little one. But you must know that even storm clouds must release their burdens, whether they be over the desert, or over the rainforests. It is their nature. You should take a leaf out of their book, and do away with anything that hides away your own true nature. People who believe that holding onto something that does not represent them are a tad foolish. It is best to embrace oneself, and then work on fixing on those flaws. Much healthier."

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M. Pourife (Human) kafkaesque

Claiming anyone as a servant was... Always a bit of a stretch for M. Pourife, who found that term too feudal and medieval. It was unprofessional in his eyes, and it conveyed a sense of superiority that betrayed arrogance - as much as he did like the idea of exercising some form of definite power over his subordinates. To be honest, he tended to use the term "intern" to get his point across, because it at least implied that the person working underneath him would be able to achieve the same ranking as him if they just worked hard enough...

As was the dream, the tradition that was part of his residence's ideology, of course. But this man was no philosopher, and he only regarded this twenty-four-hour intern with the most objective of terms as he scrutinized her in the doorway of his lab.

"I do not know about you," he stated with a wringing of his hands, "but the fact that you ended up here of all places should be considered an honor. Even if you are a noble, it is good to be humbled every so often, hm?" M. Pourife chuckled to himself before shifting out of the way so that she could enter. However, he made sure to conveniently turn his face away so that she couldn't look into his eyes; if she did, she would've noticed a peculiar sparkle that would've meant nothing in the moment, but in hindsight... That was a classic sign of a man who saw potential in her, and it wasn't for professional reasons.

He had taken one look at her income and rank, then decided to capitalize upon it like his life depended on this decision. Brutal, Machiavellian, but ultimately effective. Hopefully.

M. Pourife peered over his shoulder as the woman finally entered his lab before shutting the door. He was tempted to lock it, his hands shaking as they hovered over it for a solid minute before he shifted them away. Such an action would've been futile, and he knew it. His clammy hands knew it too, and that was why the man decided to amble up to her instead so that he could further dictate her terms.

With a hand rubbing his chin, he told her, "You know, miss... I think you can work easy today. How about that? For someone of your rank, you honestly should not engage in hard labor like the rest of us." He chuckled wryly before adjusting the lens of a microscope. "I plan to receive shipments later on today, so when those arrive, I recommend that you help me move them into the storage rooms, hm? Then during the time that does not include that... You could just clean the equipment. It is surprisingly delicate labor. You would be surprised as to how many you can clean in an hour, even with no prior experience." With a coy wave of his hand, he allowed his chuckling to escalate into laughter. "But do not worry too much about that!" he exclaimed cheerfully, "For you always have other interns to help in that regard! Besides, this only lasts for a day! Then you can go back to bossing me around if you so please, with your money and power and all that!" Way to be patronizing there, sir.

Ben is..... so sweet..... valid....

here's a somewhat quick follow-up because rip M. Pourife. :")

It was a bit surprising that M. Pourife hadn't fallen completely unconscious by now considering that he had engaged in - and lost - a drinking contest just several minutes ago. His head felt like it was going to spin itself until it broke free from his spine, always a lovely sensation when you were hideously sloshed. Amidst the alcohol-tinted mist in his brain, though, he couldn't help but question why he had even lost. He was supposed to be a bit of a heavy drinker, after all, so alcohol should've come easily to him.

There was also the rumor about his alcoholism...

He coughed before looking up at the younger man and nodding. Though he hated the idea of losing, least of all to someone whom he thought was inexperienced compared to him, he was also a man of his word. Usually. And if he wasn't, it didn't matter, because the poor scientist was too drunk to really think of a cohesive escape plan. Guess he really did have to be this man's servant for a day.

Still, he couldn't help but at least be a little bit of a brat as he groaned and compressed his face against the desk, probably trying to simulate a blackout. Fun.

"That is good at least," he opined with a muffle underneath all that facial hair and wood, "I would really appreciate that right now." The older man coughed again before raising a hand so that he could give the other party a shaky thumbs-up gesture. "I get the feeling that I will be ridiculously hung over throughout the day, and I do apologize for that..." He trailed off so that he could sigh and rub his temples, though he did also consider finishing whatever alcohol he had left in his shot glass so that he could at least not waste anything.

M. Pourife listened to the items that his victor had listed before nodding again.

"Yes... I think that could work," the drunken man mumbled, "At least you are not trying to exert me and exploit a poor drunkard's misery... Now would that not be... A bit of a hiccup..." He tried to pat the other man's shoulder but failed so miserably that he likely ended up slapping a stool instead. Nice. "... I should likely repay you once everything is done, just for that one gesture of kindness," admitted someone with known budgeting issues. Gee, wonder if he was actually going to go through with this particular promise, huh.

Ben Dover kabuto

"Well, looks like I won the bet- and you know the rules, loser has to be the winner's servant for a day!" Ben grinned. "Don't worry though. I won't have you do too much, M. Pourife. You're getting off relatively easy with me." He said, trying to reassure the mustachioed man. "All I'll be asking you to do is a few little things..." He pondered for a second, going over a mental checklist in his head. "Tidy up the apartment, cook dinner for me, Sumire, and yourself, and clean the dishes afterwards is all that needs to be done, as far as I can think of." There were other things that Ben could've feasibly made him do, sure, but he didn't want to overexert the man. Just a few simple household tasks that Ben really wanted to get out of doing himself.

Ben didn't expect to lose this bet, but here he was, having to serve Mr. Macho Man over here. He scowled when Marcus started to manhandle him and insult him, but bit his tongue, lest he get his ass kicked or something. No, he preferred getting his revenge in a much more peaceful manner. Once Marcus left the kitchen, it was go time. Rule one: never be rude to your chef. Enjoy a healthy heap of spit in your food later tonight!

Marcus Marclyn

Marcus carelessly grabs Ben and pulls him in close, arm around the smaller man. "Alright you tiny girl. My men are hungry. These men want a man's meal! You know how that looks like? Food fit for king! None of that sissy girly meals you fancy attorneys eat. You'r captain isn't asking for legal aid. Your profession will be of no use here boy." Marcus roughly pats Ben's chest hard. "I am talking about beef, chicken, lamb. Get all the meats and cook it up for the boys." Marcus lightly slaps the lawyer on his cheeks, "I will not accept anything less. Get in that kitchen and whip us some beefy sloppy Joes, some of them manwhiches. Ha!" Marcus finally lets go of Ben and messes up his hair.

"I would do as you ask of me ma'am." As he pays respect to his new boss. Marcus was a prideful man. So he did felt awkward having to follow a lady's order. However he was a lawful man. So he will honor her command.

"Who wouldn't want to be with you ma'am. You're a beautiful woman. A prize worthy of a great and handsome warrior. Your husband's a lucky man." Then he gave a hearty and jokingly laugh, "Your husband preferring the company of women and boys though. Ha! I would honestly put those two in my bottom tier of people to be around with. Women and boys do not make great company." Then realizes he was speaking with a woman who was his boss now! He collects himself and goes back to speaking in a respectful serious tone. "Don't you worry madam. I will take care of everything. Go and relax. I will do as you command."

(Marcus totally be enjoying himself in her presence, strutting his masculinity around. HUEHUE)

Hala Oidekivi Vapor

This was... rather intimidating, though that should probably have been expected, considering how massive Marcus was in comparison to her, a scrawny, bookish thing that would rather read than go to the gym, but because of that, Marcus would also be more useful than she was in regards to lifting. Hala could not lift. Especially not now. Her husband didn't like it when she tried to do shit on her own these days, especially in regards the physical labor, so she had to marinate in her own helplessness.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, as she reclined in an old armchair, "This might not be what you're used to. I'm sure you'd rather be with your men than with me."

She glanced across the room, at a pile of boxes in the corner. It took her a few moments, but she eventually rose from her seat, forcing herself to stand and then approach the man's side. "The servants here are all either women or young boys, as is my... lord husband's will." she sighed, "But, I suppose you are, too, even if just for one day. But, you're a tall man, a strong man, yes? You can... lift these boxes for me. You can put these books away upstairs where my office is. All of them are books, actually everything in those boxes, but... they are a bit heavy, I'm afraid." She gave a pitiful chuckle. "Please, and then, if you'd like..."

She turned away from him and started for the door, making her way from the entrance room. She eased it open, and then gazed up the immediate staircase a little ways down the corridor.

"..You can feed my bird, and maybe let him out so he can stretch his wings. I can let you go, then." she said, seeming to have given up on what else she wanted to tell him. It would be a bit much to expect him to sit and talk with her. She supposed she didn't have anything of interest to chat him up with, anyway... "Or, unless you want a drink first, then I have some lemon balm tea left that I would be glad to make for you."

follow-up post. hala is sent into a panic.

Hala, unfortunately, was... very much not like her aforementioned husband. She knew how to swordfight, and she picked up gamehawking as a hobby long ago, but she was still rather useless. Did she have reason to believe that she might get shot in the face tonight? Perhaps.

Perched on her shoulder, Lure settled against her head, his dark eyes fixated on the land before them. Alas, he was not sapient, so what he was feeling didn't matter here. Hala herself shrank back, sending a glance down to the uberhero next to her. She wondered for a moment if Kiushhu had actually mistaken her for Noel... Oh, wait, what the Hell did they just say? She whipped her head around to stare down at them, her eyes wide with fear. Oh, gods, no, she was not in the mood to die tonight. Her breathing picked up in a panic, as she then shook her head.

"Nnn..." She cut herself off, humming fiercely as she tried to find the words to tell them that this was very likely a mistake. "This is... are you sure? Are you absolutely sure that I can leave this place?" Oh, gods, please say yes... "Or, that I must keep watch? Surely, I can do something... something less taxing..." There were tears forming in her eyes now. Just how pathetic was she?

"I can make a nice lunch for you." she offered meekly, "Do you like sandwiches? Sandwiches with shrimp? Maybe even fried catfish?"

Even if Kiushhu told her to shut up and just keep watch, Hala would... listen to them, albeit reluctantly and tearfully. One thought remained, however. What would she tell her family? Or her work partners? That was implying that, again, she didn't get shot right between the eyes.

Oh, goodness, she felt like she was going to faint...

Kiushhu EggSalt

Kiushhu hummed softly to themselves, rocking on their heels as they heard the news of having around their fort. Something about a human woman whom owned a hawk, they heard. As Hala arrived to the fort they were keeping watch over, Kiushhu silently called her over, motioning with their large robotic limb. The uberhero remained silent, pointing over the horizon, into the far distance where the trees met the sprawling mountains. Adjusting the heavy mask upon their face, they spoke softly, but firmly.

"Keep watch," They stated, "There are many dangers that lurk to reclaim this fort. We are to keep it protected under any cost."

They clenched their fist, metallic spikes along the fingers scraping slightly, "Even at the cost of our lives---"

Kiushhu paused, tilting their head towards the woman once more, "Well, my life. You. You are to flee if any danger is to arrive. You are merely temporary help, and a life left alive is better than a life wasted."


Follow up! :D

Kiushhu simply sat as instructed, rolling their shoulder a bit to relax the muscle. They had been told to help, but it seemed as though...there wasn't exactly much to do here. When Ark asked about the warrior, they hummed softly.

"Oh...I think you are mistaken," Kiushhu mused, "I am an uberhero, but I am not The Mighty Uberhero. something else. A combination of our Almighty Calle's power and a hero we once knew well's soul. They are a powerful duo inside one body."

With a chuckle, they continued, "As for me, I simply found my mask and was gifted my powers. I am beyond thankful to be able to use them, and learn within nature how to protect others. But, I do not deserve the praise of the one destined to save the tribe."

Kaine Arkanus PicklePantry

"A servant? That's a rather serious dedication, isn't it?" Ark mused with a small smile. "I'm happy to help your tribe, I don't need any thanks for it, let alone servitude." It seemed that Kiushhu felt it was more for the sake of their honor that they do this, or perhaps it was the request of their tribe. Ark exhaled slowly through his nose. "I suppose you can stay for the day, then. I have plenty of help, though, so there isn't much for you to do." The young uberhero was rather quiet, he noted. He scratched his chin before gesturing towards the nearby chairs facing the windows. "Why not tell me more about yourself then? Your tribe is a fascinating one, and they called you, I believe, The Mighty Uberhero? I'd like to know the story behind that."

Ark stood at the end of the table, dull anger resting on his face. It was a situation he both despised and was humiliated to be a part of, the worst part being his own fault. Viper was right, and he'd probably seen it for himself: a psychic had warned Ark of this happening but he merely scoffed at such a silly fate. Surely, a man that took divine powers for himself, who grabbed his own Thread of Fate and thus forced his way into immortality, would be able to change even this destiny? Apparently, stronger powers were at work, and now he found himself standing here, watching Viper taunt him. His jaw clenched and his hands curled into tight fists. How infuriating.

Viper muichiro

His eyebrows furrow in and he pauses mid-reach for a cup of tea on his coffee table. Confusion is evident in his features, resting among them for an unusual amount of time as he processes the information. What he heard was shocking, completely unexpected. "So you're telling me, you' servant for today?" As he speaks, it's slow, albeit thickening with ever-growing amusement. Though this was a surprise, it was entertaining. Really. Really. Entertaining. 

"Damn." Fingers loop the handle of his cup and he lifts it, settling back on his couch with a snug of his shoulders into the cushion. One leg props itself up, resting the bottom of his socked foot on the rim of the table. He's comfortable, so to say. Filled with all kinds of humored emotion. "What witch did you go out and piss off? That's a'hell of a curse you're stuck with! Like, it's one thing for me to come running to you declaring: Oh, daddy, take me as your servant for the day! But you?" Snide in expression, he samples a sip of the tea. Fruity and creamy. Not too sweet, yet not too bland.

"That's just embarrassing. For you. Not so much for me. Don't get confused there. I mean, if I was you, I'd be pissed." His second foot comes up, placing in a similar way to the first. "But, I guess luckily for you, it's just me and not some kink-freak, right?" Eyes focus in on the older, honing onto his face with a mischievous sharpen. "Maybe next time you'll listen to what the psychic has to say when he suggests it's coming for you. In the meantime, it looks like your punishment is to stand over there for the day pouting. You know how much I adore your cute, wittle face."