Artist Beware >> Boopeep/cupcakesheep

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago (Edited 6 years, 8 months ago) by lolita

first and foremost, i want to thank you for clicking on my thread. i'm deeply grateful, as i'm going through something really shitty... i hope you can all help to put my mind at ease just by knowing the details regarding what happened in this instance before you decide to continue giving a very unappreciative person your money. this is a person who already has an art alert about them on a livejournal artist beware group from some years ago. i will be providing all details i have surrounding this issue for transparency's sake:

on 07/07/17 i had purchased a custom slot from an artist for one of their very popular closed species, and the design involved a lot of things aesthetically that i wanted for my custom character. this made it feel really personal, and like something i could easily connect with. i have emails of me talking at length with this person about those details, business as usual, which you may find here:

when they sent me the finished, full resolution design and her hair wasn't really quite what i had asked for, i sent an email back asking for some possible changes to her hair (which i gladly would have either paid for/made myself later on without editing their artwork/just accepted as is) and was met with a very, very unexpected response... instead of giving me the ability to either pay for more edits or just keep it as is, the artist told me they were too busy and proceeded to force a chargeback on me, tip and all, and put my adopt up for resale on fA, dA, and twitter very very quickly after. those images can be found here, as well as the dA post made on our mutual friend's dA account (unbeknownst to them that they were reselling my design) so that they could assumedly sell my design quickly and probably under the radar.

finished design:

my email with her response below:

my confusion:

the receipt:

fA sale:

twitter sale:

our friend's dA post:

never once was i asked or given any chance to say it was okay and nevermind about the edits because i wanted to keep her anyway... i never even said once that i didn't like her design, in my email i said she was beautiful and i'm not quite sure how this translates into me not liking her design at all, i had just requested drill curls and a head bow. our mutual friend had no idea at the time that they were helping this person screw me over like this. the resale went down while i was trying to do my work, but a friend thankfully kept texting me wildly until i picked up to let me know that my custom which HAD been posted in an earlier customs batch that said "SOLD, THESE ARE TAKEN" was being reposted:

the fA thread i WAS able to comment in... i begged and pleaded for them to please not sell her off and that i was sorry i asked for the edit, it never meant i didn't like her, but they were so angry i had asked for that edit at all she spitefully refused to sell it back to me:

this sale page didn't stay up for long before it was deleted:

i have the design, full resolution. i feel i've been wronged... i still wanted her, what can i do? she deleted the fA thread to hide how nasty it got, but i have all the emails, screenshots, screenshots of threads, proof of me not agreeing to this and begging for her to change her mind because this was an adopt i waited a long time for.

it's now in the hands of an awful user who was basically using the design to mock me for wanting it and not having anything they want to get her back even though i never agreed to get rid of her. the artist is also being very smug still about the whole situation and is not at all remorseful or apologetic about what happened one bit.


here are some more testimonials from other people they have wronged, and links to art alerts others have written. thank you again so much for your time, and please let me know how i might be able to make this information more readable, somehow.

artist beware from 2014:


link posted by user: 

more about their issue:




another person:


and many, many others who have sadly experienced either directly or indirectly her unprofessional way of handling her clients..... it's a bit heartbreaking so many people came forward and told me what happened to them

edit: the people who owned my baphobabe led me on in a thread on toyhouse leaving me to think i was finally getting her back. they ended up telling me that they actually gave the design back to boo despite telling me this in front of several other posters on toyhouse.


they tried to offer me their art as a consolation, but i'm definitely not interested in their fetish work they like to draw. they already had lied.



so the adopt is still with malware who apparently had lied to me. i was fairly inactive all in all due to a spinal injury, but have seen just now that boopeep has reworked the design to be more fitting for them (removed my eye of providence and added bill cipher)

so, these three people have lied continuously about all of it



she's got her bow up on the top of her head now, like i tried to ask her for the first time when she snubbed me hard



thank you so much, i plan on creating a character with the original attributes i asked for as well as finally taking it up with the furry AB on fb and lj for sure. i was trying to give it time to die down, but she obv hasn't learned anything about honesty and integrity as  business person or artist, so


weird that she only now seems to be looking at the refs i provided so she can apply them to a design of mine she repurposed for someone else