Admin response (Moderation Concerns)

Posted 5 months, 6 days ago (Edited 1 month, 25 days ago) by Lampreii

EDIT 2: please consider voting here to try and help prevent the account permalink from being removed 

EDIT 1: link to a comment regarding site ownership to avoid misinformation- thank you Kaiju, I should have added this sooner

I had originally posted this in the general and off topic forum but I was told this is PSA adjacent enough to be posted here as well! 


As I said in the other thread, I know this isn't what people are wanting to hear, but I hope it at least relieves some users worries about the site being shut down. Also despite this be sure to backup your ocs elsewhere (I personally use Google drive) it's a good habit and will drastically minimize the likelihood of losing your stuff



"We have received a number of recent reports regarding unauthorized account  access from at least two independent attackers. From a site-wide audit following these reports, we have identified 449 accounts impacted (out of ~600,000 TH users)"

600,000 TH Users, and mods have not been implemented

If this doesn't say that the admin needs to wake up I don't know what will
ONLY 1 person is running AND modding the site. ONE. (Admin)
Once again, this is not sustainable for the site to only have 1 mod/dev (Admin)


^ No really, how does it take 23 days to take action on this? I know admin won't take care of this quickly if they work slowly on it. We NEED more admins here before it gets worse this site could be prone to a leak one day and if it is there's only one admin to fix it in a timely manner


yes! the fact that the admin clearly show struggling running the site on their own, shows that they need to get people that can help them


People who blames Sudo for People getting their account high jacked  but never thinks if they're wrong.


Some accounts were compromised OUTSIDE of clicking links. Blaming hacked users isn’t it, especially considering many of them are minors. They should be more careful, yes… but insulting them for having their accounts compromised is just mean-spirited.

Sudo is an adult, and the fact that they’re being so flaky with moderation IS concerning! This site has a pretty large userbase, all things considered, an increased moderation is long overdue - it’s something that we’ve been asking for YEARS now at this point.




^ Wait, what does that mean? I’m a bit confused, my apologies


Chimeraas I assuming to Eix9. As they making fun of people blamming Sudo.

It's none of my business if they blocked you too or you blocked them or just 1.


Seteth I think Porcelain is confusing the date this thread was made (23, now 24 days ago) with the date the email/account hacking incident (the last couple days).


In regards to the title being vague now, should I rename it to be more concise? 


Lampreii no I think this is self explanatory enough 

