Admin response in regards to recent concerns

Posted 1 month, 9 days ago (Edited 17 days, 2 hours ago) by Lampreii

EDIT 3: please consider voting here to try and help prevent the account permalink from being removed 

EDIT 2: link to a comment regarding site ownership to avoid misinformation- thank you Kaiju, I should have added this sooner

EDIT: I keep forgetting to say, I am a minor (barely, I'll be turning 18 in early may) but due to this I cannot see any of the responses from 18+ accounts 

I had originally posted this in the general and off topic forum but I was told this is PSA adjacent enough to be posted here as well! 


As I said in the other thread, I know this isn't what people are wanting to hear, but I hope it at least relieves some users worries about the site being shut down. Also despite this be sure to backup your ocs elsewhere (I personally use Google drive) it's a good habit and will drastically minimize the likelihood of losing your stuff


apologies if I sound rude, am just very frustrated by a bunch of Sudo's actions

I wish this site is given to a different more competent owner at this point as well as adding more staff such as mods
Sudo had plenty of time already but has instead kept us in the dark for YEARS

I get it running a site solo is hard
But it doesn't excuse with how neglected this site has been for YEARS
Sudo has options to help with the site's stability (Staff! Mods! Helpers!), but has refused to go with any for YEARS

Do they not realize just how many use this site? This isn't so much a "passion project" anymore

I'll still wait and see though.


also our suggestions are "unreasonable"? HOW!?
Sudo sure does a good job giving us insight!


I understand their concerns, but something needs to be worked out. 1 staff member for over 3000 users at a given moment is a recipe for disaster, as we've seen proven time and time again.

What I would wish, however, is that they would tell us exactly how our solutions won't work. A community divided is no longer one at all, and continuing this will only bring more trouble to everyone on the platform in some manner.


I saw the suggestions posted in that thread and I think all of them were perfectly reasonable. 

And as I stated in my response to that thread if Sudo does not get extra help, then one day there is going to be a situation that needs their attention immediately (someone posting illegal material or a dox) and they won’t be there and it’s going to blow up in Sudo’s face. This none response to reasonable criticism is disappointing, to say the least. 



some of us here have valid criticism
this site has been neglected for years, our concerns are valid

I agree that the block button should be utilized more by users, but it is not a solution for everything
there's a bunch of tickets that are left unanswered for years, actual problematic people are still here

I think you should take a look around yourself

tbh it's natural for speculation to appear when the admin has been silent for years
doesn't help that their recent statement is vague either (especially with no answer yet as to why our suggestions has been "unreasonable")


I would really like to avoid too much arguing, Please try your best to be cordial. I'm about to go to bed and don't wanna wake up with my messages blown up nor do I want to have to lock the thread is all 😭

I don't mean to callout anyone with this, this thread has just been really active today 


RAMONA-FLOWERS the atmosphere on this site has gotten so much worse for me recently, I've been trying to get into the forums more just to talk and idk how many times I see straight up thieves and shit just posting freely and aggressive ass mfs being rude for no reason, it makes it so hard to be social on this site.. 

I'm probably gonna end up giving up which is sad since this place could be so good for talking about characters and worldbuilding


am not here to argue nor fight
I was saying "hey be careful with what you are saying, the thread comments are not all speculation. some people have said valid concerns"


Sakura_Azora sorry for the ping, yeah no one was arguing yet dw!! I just wanted to put that out before I took off for 8 hours lolll