[CS] Calami | flying babs

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 years, 2 months ago) by sharkimi


Calami are a closed species created and owned by sharkimi and miulli

Generally about Calamies

hello everyone!

I and my flyer in crime miulli decided to bring back an old concept of mine and we would like to see if anyone was interested

The concept of Calami is quite simple, they are originally intended to be for Fantasy settings, such as DnD and similar, however, their Lore can be ofc ignored and they can be situated in any universe their owner pleases! Calami's are bird-themed humanoids who specialize in alchemy and healing. They live up to 150 years approximately and they like to bath in puddles- Ehm. 



They are intended to live on an enormously huge tree called "The Great Tree" which is so large it can house their whole species. They build straw(or wooden) houses on the branches of the tree and their beds usually resemble nests. In the middle of The Great Tree there is a hole which was created by the time itself, however, Calami used that hole and build a large library inside.  Big thinkers and masters spend their days in the library studying and collecting more knowledge to archive. 

Calami are commonly perceived as peaceful beings who have strong values and beliefs and are skilled in alchemy and healing. A lot of other being come to their tree to seek a cure for their illnesses. However, they are not only peace-loving and pacific creatures, but they also have their own kind of army to protect themselves. Those are called "The Flying Guard". The Flying Guard is responsible for keeping everyone on The Great Tree safe and they are known for their speed and bravery. Commonly are Calamis seem more like gentle and fragile beings but that is not really the truth, they can be good and strong warriors just like anyone else.

We also thought out a little bit about their hierarchy and although they are usually kind to each other no matter what their social class is there, of course, are certain social differences between the classes just like in any other community.

However, the general divisions are:
- Students of alchemy and alchemists (or other scholars)
- Traders/Craftsmen
- Freelancers
- Medics
- The Flying Guard members
- Royalty

List of upcoming events

19th February 2020 | First free MYO event

TBA | "Blossom up!" Spring Event


Where can you FIND us?

ToyHouse Group is OPEN for new members.

Discord Server is OPEN for new members. 


We are open to suggestions! Feel free to leave us a comment on the group's page, or here, or on Discord! As well as do not hesitate to ask questions if you have any! 

UPDATE | FEBRUARY 2020 | Trait sheet visuals




i would loved to be pinged!

they're too precious i cant ;;


gvre Hey! Thank you for showing interest in our species. You have been added to the ping list. ♥


Please add me to the ping list!


polvo thank you for your interest! Added! 


these are super neat! id like to be added to the ping list if possible ;;


nagai Sure! Thank you so much for your interest in our species, I'll let sharkimi know you want to be added to the list. ♥




could i be added to the ping list?


KrystalKat definitively! thank you for the interest! c: 


(if possible) could I be added to the ping list? These are so cool! (I'm still learning the ropes of toy house haha) I LOVE your art style btw.


Glitt3rGrl hello! yes definitively! Ahhh thank you <3


Please as me to the thread I wan tone omg


Please as me to the thread I wan tone omg


Please as me to the thread I wan tone omg


SelfInsert totally! we are very happy you are intetested om our species! c: