HI !!!!!

welcome to the nikutsune nest ! im excited to announce that it is finally time for the grand opening nikutsune myo event !!!

this myo event will last for 2 weeks and go until september 1st, 3:00 pm mountain standard time.

if you need an extension to design your myo slot, please let me know ! you will not get in trouble for needing more time <3

what are nikutsune, you ask ? well, nikutsune are a closed species- they're fox-like yokai who are related to kitsune. they have a sentient parasite with which they usually get along, and that is the physical representation of their souls. this parasite spreads meat to their ears, tails, and even on the rest of their bodies ! they are called nikutsune because of the meat of the parasite they share bodies with and their relation to kitsune.

everyone who participates in this myo event will get an uncommon soul fire (myo slot), and 4 soul shards- species currency you can use to buy items, trait upgrades, and soul fires in the shop ! read on to find out how to make your uncommon myo into a rare myo ! <3

but first, let's start with the basics- how do i design a nikutsune ?
that's a great question ! ill show you <3

a special thanks to one of our lovely mods and guest artists discount_ackermann for creating this reference !

the default traits of the species are:

-two hands of some kind
-hood, meat ears (the default ear type is a fox's ears, but you can change that), zipper
- two feet of some kind (usually hooves, but you can change that)
-back mouth
-hair (optional)
-sharp, shark-like teeth
-hood tassels
-one tail (default tail type is shaped like a fox's tail, but you can change that)

and you can find the full trait list here !

"i wanna participate in the event ! how can i do that ?"
here's how !!

-share this bulletin
-tag at least 2 people (don't tag people who don't want to be tagged !)
-join the world 

all the links you'll need for submission and approval, designing, and shopping for items in the shop !

myo submission
traits list

"great ! but how do i upgrade my uncommon fire to a rare fire ?"
great question ! ill tell you ! and this stuff isn't required, but you can do it if you'd like !

-draw at least a flat headshot of any of the npcs
-sub to me or any of the guest artists and mods ! show em love <3
-join the discord server !

once you've done all of that, comment telling me what you've done and ill either upgrade your uncommon to a rare or give you your uncommon !
additionally, stay tuned for two special events after this myo event ends !! a raffle design and an adopt batch ! <3

this has been so fun to design and draw for ! i hope you all have fun !!! <3333


shared! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/438239.nikutsune-free-myo-event-

tagging: phasmology Sleeb

world joined!



you got ×1 garnet soul fire !


and ×4 soul shards !



can we fill out the form and then later provide the artwork (and sub(s)) to gain a rare upgrade?



yes ! ^^


ok thank you!! :D

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/438292.nikutsune-myo-event
Tags: GalacticJaguar and Spiderberry
Joined the world and subbed to you (and plan on subbing to other probably) and as well as joined the discord! Art will be coming tomorrow (as it's late for me ^^)



you got ×1 sapphire soul fire !


and ×4 soul shards !




you got ×1 garnet soul fire !garnet_soul_fire.png

and ×4 soul shards !soul_shards.png


Mind if I still join, even though it’s past the original timeframe?



i dont mind !



Thank you! If you don’t mind, a couple questions before I fill out the form:

- Can the mouth on the back have more than one tongue, or is that against species rules?

- Can the bells be shaped? (For example, diamond or star shaped)

- Is it possible for the poncho to have multiple cloth layers for detail/decoration, provided in the end it’s still one garment?

- And, finally, since I’m relatively new to the site, I don’t know/don’t have many people I could reasonably ping. Would it be possible to instead of pinging two people, I draw a headshot of an NPC (or something similar), or would you rather I just find some people to ping?

Thank you for the help!! I appreciate it ^^



-it can !

-yes !

-it can !!!!

-you dont have to ping since the myo event is over !!!! <3


Thank you!!

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/465668.nikutsunes-closed-species-

(Since the MYO is technically closed, I just recommended that people check out the species ^^ + included a link here)

Pings: None needed, thank you!

World: Joined! You accepted me a while ago ^^

(Sorry for the ping O-0”” (BL4CKL1GHT-N1GHTM4R3))