🦄🌸 Hanacornius Open Species 🌸🦄

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago (Edited 2 years, 7 months ago) by Cosmind

Preface note: This species isn't very in-depth. It's mostly a concept anyone is free to use, insert in their universe and build upon them.

They are made to easily fit in various worlds. I may add/edit/rework this later.

 Common Trait - Uncommon Trait - Rare Trait 


The Horn


The horn of an Hanacornius is made of 2 parts. The bulk of it is the solid rod made of bone, keratin, stone, metal or crystal-like substance. This is then encased at the base by a flowers, it’s petals wrapping the horn up.materials.png

The horn itself can come in many shape but the smooth type growing from the middle of the forehead is by far the most common of all.



The flower that grows at the base of the horn comes in many shapes and colors both reflecting real-world flora or new one never seen in the world. It's also common to see the same flower type grow on other part of the Hanacornius's body. These flowers never wilt until the Hanacornius dies but they can be damaged like any other body part can. While scratching or cutting a bit of a petal does not hurt, plucking it entirely does as each petal does have some nerves at its base.flowers.png


All Hanacornius bloom but not everyone has the same blooming experience.


Dayblooms/Moonblooms: These Hanacornius have their flowers open purely based on the time of day and/or light levels. Dayblooms bloom during the day only, Moonblooms at night.

Ladderblooms: Hanacornius from this category see their flower very slowly open as they age. On average they finish blooming between the age of 18 to 25 and keep their flowers open permanently after this.

Apexblooms: The flowers for these Hanacornius open only when experiencing strong emotions or performing big spells. There is a subset of Apexblooms who see their flower open triggered by strong emotion and/or spell but do not close back afterward. Sometimes both these and Ladderblooms are referred to as Everblooms as their flower will never close back.

Willblooms: Mainly used to refer to Hanacornius who can open their flower at will it also encompass individual who’s flower frequently open and closes at random as it seen as ‘subconscious will’.




Size and lenght many vary a bit

Hanacornius has really good earring, they are also naturally musically inclined and the combination  of the two make it quite common for them to accurately identify any note they hear. Reproducing said note with they voice isn't as easy for everyone however.



Hanacornius are satyr-like being. They walk on ungulate feet. Their hooves can be as varied as their horn, however they are always made of the same material as their horn (Smooth hooves being the only exception as no visible hooving is visible).

Subspecies body types

There are 2 types of Hanacornius. While very similar to each other they are nonetheless very distinct:


Note that the image above only show average bodytypes. It's not impossible for a Medo-cornnius to be tall and muscular or a Maco-cornius to be small and chubby! There's also no real sexual dismorphism between XX and XY bodies aside from breasts and genitals (aka males are NOT bigger or stronger on average or similar stats like that)

Medo-cornius are make the majority of the population. They have thin digitigrade legs with fur growing up to mid-thigh. They are also the most diverse when it comes to culture and civilization levels. They Love living in big settlements and learn about new advancements.

Maco-cornius are bulkier, hairier, and physically stronger. Their magic capabilities are diminished. Having pride in their strength, it’s not uncommon for them to have sport-focused cultures and holidays. Some stereotypes them as being ‘primitive’/unevolved versions of Medo-cornius which is mostly untrue.


Almost every Hanacornius have innate magical abilities. These can wildly range from Aquakinessis to Necromancy. Some can only perform one type of spells, other excels at many. Some may be capable of great large scale feats while other can only do little by little. Everyone is a bit different.

Based purely on statistic, on average Apexblooms are the most likely to be capable of performing big spells, Willblooms are more likely to master multiple types of spells and Day/Moonblooms are more likely to be well versed in elemental magic.

Global rules (same for pretty much all of the open species I've posted here)

  • I WON'T MODERATE the species, just like the Clounds, Chimebies and Crosheluses (check my other species here)
  • You can make as many OC of the species as you  want with how many rare traits as you like
  • As a fully open species with little to no MYO limitations and working on the honor system there will be no global master list. (Unofficial groups and discord channels might use local masterlist to keep track of their participants)
  • You can create and sell custom or premade adopts from the species
  • You can create additional fauna and flora to add to your version of the world
  • You dont have to follow the rules perfectly if you want to (but be aware that subgroup might ask you to do so in order to participate in their activities)
  • You can use them in your world however you like
  • You can create discord/DA groups and community for the species
  • Crossbreed are be allowed (but subgroups might not allow them in their group events)
  • You can create merch/games/bases (F2U and/or P2U)
  • You can create/Add different lore in your custom groups/world such as factions, religions, NPCs and more
  • You cant claim the species as your own
  • You aren't allowed to take back a design you sold against the buyers consent unless they explicitly scammed you
  • You aren't allowed to add any TOS to adopt you may sell that contradict any rules listed here
  • You aren't allowed to sell 'MYO tickets of any kind'
  • You aren't allowed to add any P2U traits if you decide to add custom traits

This is a pretty cool species, the concept is pretty neat and well-thought out :]


nixe thank you!


woah this is pretty cool! i might make one sometime :D


Unicorn bois!! Love them, totally gonna make a few <3


Woo! Such a cutie species. I love the combination of horn + flower, and also they look so awesome ♥


SpiritX I went for something minimalistic so it's easier to insert them into pre-existing worlds. I did try to make them at least a bit developed enough for them to stand on their own somewhat

AlterZero thank you!


What an amazing species! would love to have them to pair with my ocs or fitting in my lore, can't wait to make some of them!


Not really my thing personally, but cool design concept. :)


Oooh I love them!


I've noticed this thread has been getting renewed attention lately. If you like Open species like these (as in unmoderated but anyone can add the species into their own story or build their own community without having to worry about strict rules or fearing your designs could be voided) I have plenty more Open Species available!


Anthro Species:

- Clounds & Party Pawpers (clown themed canines and felines/ferrets. Includes feral fauna as part of the world building)

- Chimebies (flying snake-like reptiles)

- BumbleBolts (Robot bees/insectoids) NEW!

Humanoid Species:

- Hanacorius (you are here!)

- Phoslytes (Bioluminescent aliens, Includes feral fauna, food/fruits and other alien designs as part of the world building)

- Seskies (unfinished concept, pretty barebones but can be recycled)

Feral Species:

- Crosheluses (hermit crab sorta guys)

- more feral fauna (+ some settings) designs here


How do we approve the design??


Kogo_Hawkins there is no approval process. You can make your design they way you want to and dont have to worry about anything. You can make how many as you want and you can even come up with your own subspecies or cross-breed design if that's what you fancy.


If you make a world let me know!