Eletherials CS free myos | CLOSED

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago (Edited 2 years, 3 months ago) by Chess

Species info

Just for fun, im bored and i like this concept but im not bothered about making a fully fledged cs with a server n what not, im just raising money to move out and be safe ^^
I really just wanna see what people do with their design and i'd love for some eletherial relationships and stories with others!

This event ends on the 14th of feb, when the event ends your slot will be transferred to you!
EDIT: making the deadline sooner, i didnt expect this many ppl lol, The event ends TOMORROW (10th of feb)

Please read the species info first, dont enter just for a random species myo slot to trade off :<
1 slot per person
You can only enter if you dont currently have a MYO or Eletherial
You cant sell the slot (but you can trade and gift it of course!)
No alts (i will check suspicious accounts and blacklist you from entering free stuff from me)
Share this post in a bulletin
Comment the filled in form below

MYO Slot type: Celestial/Corrupt
Link to share bulletin:
Idea for your Eletherial (lore and appearance: (Dont worry about changing this in ur final design, im just curious and love to read ideas!)

If you want more than one slot you're free to purchase one here Thank you so much ^^


Username: in-kt

MYO Slot type: Corrupted

Link to share bulletin:


Idea for your Eletherial (lore and appearance: 

series the guardian and friend of my character who is the leader of a cultivation sect so his humanoid form would have ancient oriental style clothes with black / gold / purple colors and mischievous personality because the sect leader is blind he would be someone extremely overprotective


Username: atsugiashi

MYO Slot type: Celestial

Link to share bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/642792.eletherial-free-myos-

Idea for your Eletherial (lore and appearance): i'm in the bit of an aurora borealis mood so i might base my design off of that along with a bit of white in their hair! though i usually think of the details on the spot while i'm designing so nothing is for sure yet ;w; maybe i'll incorporate a gradient of colours into the wings, if that's allowed of course! ^_^



Username: clarisse_owo

MYO Slot type: Corrupt

Link to share bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/642903.cute-specie-myo-event

Idea for your Eletherial : maybe something more goth to get with the bones, or like a neon colorful bean, idk yet, maybe one, maybe the other.

does the slot expire?


Username: Paruby

MYO Slot type: Celestial

Link to bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/642949.awesome-species-with-myo-event-

Idea: Not really much, something cozy or mystical? I'm sorry but I don't have an idea.. Just something pretty <. <;;


Username: meanlesbian

MYO Slot type: Celestial

Link to share bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/642964.eletherials-free-myo-event

Idea for your Eletherial: not sure abt the design yet but i rlly wanna make a celestial eletherial has a god complex and think they're all high and mighty for being a mighty defender...what a loser


Username: gendersnatcher

MYO Slot type: Corrupted

Link to share bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/642978.eletherials-free-myo-event-

Idea for your Eletherial (lore and appearance): Not much lore apart from horrible life event(s) to exhausted traumatized DILF/GILF pipeline. I'm talking beefy. Big arms. Scars. Probably those stress lines by your eyes. A gray streak or a few in his hair. Glasses. Rolled up sleeves and slightly unbuttoned top. I want this old man please.


Username: dayblake

MYO Slot Type: Corrupt

Link to Shared Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/643005.eletherials-myo-event

Idea For Your Eletherial: I'm not completely set in stone yet, but I am always super drawn to specific sins (usually wrath and/or pride) as influence as well as music - scars all over, obviously been Through It, very built and easy on defending themself, would get into a bar fight over eye contact kind of vibe, very wild and not super serious - definitely something along the lines of a buff punk with an ethereal spin?


Closed! Thank you to everyone who joined !! I can’t wait to see your eletherials.

A lot of people want me to run a group but I can’t do that rn, I already have another cs to run but I WILL make a world for you to submit your eletherials in and discuss things !

Your myo slots will be transferred today and questions will be answered when I wake up thank you sm!


itsrainningtacos yep corrupt can have any style wings!

atsugiashi Gradients r allowed c:

clarisse_owo as of now, they dont expire but please dont waste the slot! i may change my mind in the future abt free slot expiration dates


Thank you! :D


Sorry for the pings but i opened up a discord server after many requests (even tho i said i wouldnt) Feel free to join, its chill and not filled with confusing events and pings, just a place to chat and share ur ele's n get advice for ur design n whatnot!



Chess I would, but I cannot join discord yet unfortunately..  ((´^`;)) But I'll come back when I'm able to!! Thank you for the free MYO Slot!! Have an awesome day!!(*´▽`*)


thank you so much ! Chess . i sadly cant join to the discord server though