Draw the Specific Character Above You!

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Edited 6 years, 3 months ago) by LilyLulu

Have you ever wanted to do a drawing thread, but there was a rule that you cant ask for just one character, and you only want art of a specific character? or does it take you forever to pick? Then this may just be the place for you :) comment in character as the character you want art as, and then draw the character above you :)


rules : dont draw nsfw or gore unless the person above you said thats okay with them (only if you are above age in your country)

dont steal, copy, trace, or skip

Try to be done in a month

please try and be timely

try your best

Prince Moxie Rav3n






Dice Nord

claim done


Everything is fine :>

thank you!!! ;; 

Ace Ironheart CanineKing

claim septime! done and sending the full picture!


light injuries are fine!

 Israfel ♡ Siegfried

Sent! A good...

Light NSFW fine, but no gore, please! <3

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 Souma Toramiya Kazeun

Claim!  Finished!

No NSFW but light injuries are ok!


Locus TheSoftUnicorn

Claim! I'll do my best to make something good. <3

No NSFW for her, please, but gore is great!

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Aithlin Z0mbieB0yX3

Claim, no nsfw


 Anton Hacibee



No NSFW, gore is fine
Werewolf or human form fine -w-

Klaudia Retch (Kleo Monster Girl (2014)) Emotional


Please draw from the tab listed NSFW and Gore are fine.

$25/Trade/Art Sleepy-Thunder


Edit: Thank you! Don't be so hard on yourself. <3

Oliver N. Koizumi


I could've done better but here you go.


Nero Thane Kazeun

Claiming! Done!

Please use the bust image as reference for his color palette~

NSFW and gore are ok!


A.〚 Max 〛 chaostheory

claim! both nsfw and gore are fine :D

finished: https://i.imgur.com/7rr83Uk.png (warning, there is a bit of blood)