Draw the Specific Character Above You!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 6 years, 2 months ago) by LilyLulu

Have you ever wanted to do a drawing thread, but there was a rule that you cant ask for just one character, and you only want art of a specific character? or does it take you forever to pick? Then this may just be the place for you :) comment in character as the character you want art as, and then draw the character above you :)


rules : dont draw nsfw or gore unless the person above you said thats okay with them (only if you are above age in your country)

dont steal, copy, trace, or skip

Try to be done in a month

please try and be timely

try your best

Dr. Nicolai Ivanovich Kozlov RaikaiRan

claim :D I will start drawing right now

edit: Septime I am finished <3 hope you like it ^u^


KennedyBryansky oh, well that means you are not 18 years old yet if you can't see him. Just draw someone else then D:

Skittlepawz SampoKitty

Claimed this one :3 I will try my hardest but this might be difficult ;w;

Update: your character doesn't seem to exist so I'll draw a different one of yours to keep this thread going :3

This user is not visible to guests.
Halcyon Auric SonieTheDog


Done and sent!

My boy Halcyon, please~

Uini Vempas planetariumpixel

claim! done!


no gore/nsfw please ^.^

 Harley ShinyM36

Claim CrystallizedCarbon DONE


Harley Please 

NSFW is fine and so is mild gore. 

This user's account has been closed.
Quercus ChosenUndeaad

Edit: account closed, I'll be drawing for the user that posted before them


I'd love art of Quercus!

NSFW and gore are both fine 

Raqio Aquius Barbilou


Please keep it SFW.

EDIT: Done!


 The Cherries entipikal

And, done! I love his extra arms and his overall design, it's simple, but it's really unique! Here's your thing, hope I did him justice! (I'm not good at hands- sorry)


(There are three Cherries but you only have to draw one of them! If you can't pick draw Bing)

 Heather Spira SuperiorInactive

Claim ^^



Althea sleepyamaurotine

Claiming KatsuDAMN~

Done: https://s3.amazonaws.com/colorslive/png/4282209-Zz-Qp25CDp4WdRxB.png

No NSFW/gore please >.<

Jasper SuperiorKenshi


Here Is your OC ! Hope you like it! 

No gore and no NSFW Please :3

Aldo EggSalt

Edit: done!


Draw anything you want w/ him I dont mind. :}

Peter Sunvaren


Edit: Done and sent via PM!


Mild blood/injury is fine, but no gore or NSFW please! ^^