‼️[OPEN!] Custom Character Commission!‼️

Posted 3 years, 18 days ago (Edited 28 days, 33 minutes ago) by jcorbari








This is the page where I take YOUR wildest ideas, sketches, descriptions or existing OCs, and turn into YOUR OWN brand new, custom tailored Dimensional Lady or Dude! For those who are not familiarized yet, Dimensional Ladies/Dudes is a series of illustrations of original characters, or how some would call them: an original species of adoptables designed by me, which I've started back in 2018 and now consists of a collection of more than 180 pieces and still counting! Most are of my own creation, but some were made with the help and support of people just like YOU! It's always a privilege to blend our minds together in order to expand this universe! Once a character is completed, you'll be able to name them, give them to your loved ones or even use them on your own personal projects - you don't actually need to follow the Dimensional Ladies lore. Besides the full colored version, you'll also be receiving the exclusives clean lineart, original sketches,  and for those who may be interested: the full creative process may be featured on "The Commission Show" on my YoutTubel channel

Not all my custom and creations are here, since there are more than 100 of them ^^
So if you want to see more, please check my Deviantartpage!

Follow your orders here!

  • 82. Lemonylulu Done!
  • 81. nebby_san (Instagram) Done!
  • 80. maefuwaa Done!
  • 79. PlutoNeon Done!
  • 78. Breadrice Done!
  • 77. @Robotic_Junkyard Done!
  • 76. Necromite Done!
  • 75. chchchchita Done!
  • 74. Necromite Done!
  • 73. NebbySan (Instagram) Done!
  • 72. Necromite Done!
  • 71. pastelkarys (Instagram) Done!
  • 70. @taeyakiart Done!
  • 69. @Robotic_Junkyard Done!
  • 68. pinstripe Done!
  • 67. Mammoth_Matriarch Done!
  • 66. Necromite Done!
  • 65. Cloth-King (Deviantart) Done!
  • 64. Necromite Done!
  • 63. pandaAWAKE Done!
  • 62. nebby-san (Instagram) Done!
  • 61. Macarome (Deviantart) Done!
  • 60. Necromite Done!
  • 59. mythicalJakey (Twitter) Done!
  • 58. Syrcaid Done!
  • 57. Themadamharu (Deviantart) Done!
  • 56. Necromite (Deviantart) Done!
  • 55. Breadrice Done!
  • 54. DkNuts (Deviantart) Done!
  • 53. Ughli (Deviantart) Done!
  • 52. AnimeBoyCrazy4 (Deviantart) Done!
  • (...)


1. Create a new Dimensional Lady

I’ll create a new Dimensional Lady/Dude based on your description or sketches

2. Convert an existing OC

I’ll re imagine your Original Character as a Dimensional Lady/Dude

3. Evolving or Devolving Service

Evolve your larva stage Dimensional Lady/Dude into their complete form, or revert it back into their larva stage.

4. Fusing Service

Fuse two of your Dimensional Ladies into a single one


Larva form 
A cute larva form illustration of your character

Complete form 
A fullbody illustration of your character

Complete form + Larva form
Both larva and complete forms illustrations of your character

Complete form + Larva form + Character sheet 
A full reference sheet. By default includes front and back views of your character's complete form, larva form's front view, 01 accessory highlight and 02 extra facial expressions of your choice, but feel free to discuss which elements you wish to display

Commercial use

Add an extra 100% on total order 

Record the process

I'll publish a time-lapse video of the illustration on my YT channel


Keep it private

Tick this option to keep the artworks private. Adds up 30% over order.


  1. Simply fill the following form
  2. Reply to this thread 
  3. Please consider paying trough Ko-Fi donations to get a month of exclusive content as a bonus!
  4. Please let me know if you change your username, otherwise I won't be able to find you.
Payment method: [  ] PayPal  [  ] Pix  [  ] Ko-Fi  [  ] Stripe (Card, Apple Pay and more)
Service: [ ] New  [ ] Convert  [ ] Evolve/Devolve [ ] Fuse
Order: [ ] Larva form [ ] Complete form [ ] Complete form + larva form [ ] Complete form + Larva form + Character Sheet
Extra: [  ] Commercial use  [  ] Record [  ] Private
Notes and references:
Terms of Services*: I've read and agree with jcorbari's ToS.



Payment method: [  ] PayPal 

Commission:   [  ] fullbody 

Extra:   [  ] Overdesign fee  (if needed) [  ] Commercial use

Character's names: https://toyhou.se/18607927.tbn

Notes and references: I would love if u could make her more interesting and part of your style while still including her main idea and keeping her a human-oid! It would be awesome if we could contact through discord or insta as well for wips


Hi!! The title says open, but the note and slots say 'Open for January', are these commissions closed for February? If they are open then I'd like to order!!


stuttersocket HEEEY!! oooooh they are open!! I'm so sorry I put the slots for January at the beginning of the year and forgot to take it off xDDD
I'll be more than happy to accept your order!! ^^ 


Payment method: [ x ] PayPal  [  ] Pix  [  ] Ko-Fi  [  ] Stripe (Card, Apple Pay and more)

Service: [ x ] New  [ ] Convert  [ ] Evolve/Devolve [ ] Fuse

Order: [ ] Larva form [ x ] Complete form [ ] Complete form + larva form [ ] Complete form + Larva form + Character Sheet

Notes and references:

Could I ask for a pretty and androgynous male angel? And if the angel elements could be kind of monster/creepy-ish! And if he could have long hair, please! A generally humanoid design, but you can feel free to get creative or weird with any elements, anatomy, or colors! I love your art style and designs, you can do whatever you feel like for this commission haha ^^

Terms of Services*: I've read and agree with jcorbari's ToS.


stuttersocket awwww that's so kind of you, thank you so so much for all the praise!! *-*
YEEESS androgynous male angel it is!!!!! Really excited for this and thank you for the trust!
Here's the invoice: https://www.paypal.com/invoice/p/#5L836M8HV2ZVLEC2
Once it's paid, I'll put your name on my commission list and Trello, where you can keep track of your order! 


paid!! I'm so excited, I've wanted to commission you for a while!! <3


stuttersocket Payment received, thank you so much!!!
I already put your name on my commission list and Trello!!
Awwww thank you so much, I'm really happy with all this support!!
Thank you so much for commissioning me!
Talk to you soon and have a great week ahead!! <333 


Payment method: [ x ] PayPal 

Service: [ x ] New  

Order:  [ x ] Complete form + Larva form + Character Sheet (can i ask for 3 expressions instead of an accessory highlight?)

Notes and references:

haha I'm back already!!! hopefully that's okay? my new guy needs a friend hehe ^^ 

Like last time, if he can be another pretty and androgynous male angel but with different monster/creepy-ish angel elements. His mood can be elegant and mysterious. I think it'd be pretty if he wore a dress or skirt maybe? 

I tried to make a moodboard for him since I thought it would be fun, but it was surprisingly hard!! haha

and again, you can feel free to get creative or weird with any elements, anatomy, or colors. hopefully, it can be fun, and most importantly make sure to continue to relax !!

Terms of Services*: I've read and agree with jcorbari's ToS.


stuttersocket AAAHHHH thank you so much for coming back and ordering a friend for Floe [LOVE that name btw!]
Love the vibe on this moodboard!! The whole aesthetic and colors are gorgeous!
Don't worry! I can for certain say that I'll be having fun with him too!!! ^^
And thank you so much, I will take the weekend off to relax and come back Monday fully charged! (Fingers crossed things go my wayLOL)
Here's the invoice: https://www.paypal.com/invoice/p/#YEBMEBEW7V5EMY5GAnd 


aww ty, I'm so glad to hear that ;u; !! <3

Good!! Fingers crossed!!! ^^

the invoice link doesn't seem to be working for me, "We couldn’t find the page you’re looking for. Try checking the URL for errors, or search for something else."


stuttersocket I was about to send you a message right now cause I realized I didn't answer your question about the expressions! xDDD
we're in tune. So yes, we can do 3 expressions instead of the object! ^^
Here's the invoice: https://www.paypal.com/invoice/p/#YEBMEBEW7V5EMY5G
I think I put the link here and started writing and a few letters got stuck with the invoice link. So sorry! xDDD
Now it's working!! 


Awesome, no problem!! I paid the invoice !


stuttersocket Payment received, thank you so much!
I already put your name to my commission list and Trello!!
Thank you so much for commissioning me once more and for all the support!!
Talk to you soon and have a great weekend ahead my friend! <333 


My friend my friend I adore your art, If you've still slots open I would love to pinch one     

Payment method: [  ] PayPal  [  ] Pix  [ ] Ko-Fi  [X] Stripe (Card, Apple Pay and more)
Service: [X] New  [ ] Convert  [ ] Evolve/Devolve [ ] Fuse
Order: [ ] Larva form [ ] Complete form [X] Complete form + larva form [ ] Complete form + Larva form + Character Sheet
Extra: [  ] Overdesign fee  [  ] Commercial use  [  ] Record [  ] Private
Notes and references: Would like a mermaid gal based on a Comb Jellyfish if it isn't too much trouble
Terms of Services*: I've read and agree with jcorbari's ToS.


MelancholicMadness AAAHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! ^^
LOOOOOVEEEEE the theme you're going for! Jellyfish is my son's favorite and we always watch videos of them hahahahahaha Comb Jellyfish are soooo pretty with all the colors! *-*
Here's the invoice: https://buy.stripe.com/5kA5mF4qCg859WM8wx 
Let me know if it works, it's been so long since I've done stripe payments xDDD
If it doesn't, please give me your email address and I'll send you the invoice again!