Super Fun Mystery Art Bag (Human/Monster/Furry)

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 years, 2 months ago) by xX_V4MPYC4T_Xx

Hey there! This’ll be open indefinitely and worked on between personal projects. I’m going to be a bit pick-and-choosey because these are no obligation requests.


You can link as many characters as you want (whole galleries if you'd like) and if I like their design I'm putting them into a list and picking from there at random.

Pictures will be anywhere from loose sketches to fully complete, maybe even a background if I’m really jamming on it.

Some guidelines:

  • Say in your post if you’re alright with me designing an outfit for them! Just in case the mood takes me.
  • No heavily sexualized designs if you’re underage/don’t have your age on your profile.
  • Begging will get you permanently ignored.

Drawings are going to be posted on my tumblr/twitter/any future art sites, linking back to your character. You can request it be linked to any of your own social media if you’d prefer. Please don’t post if you’re not alright with that.

If you would like to put the drawings on your character's profile, feel free. So long as you link back to me!




Ooh! :O I really love your style! Perhaps Akuma or Vega will strike your fancy? Feel free to design them a new outfit! (They need casual clothes haha)

Thank you for considering either way!! :O


Ooh! maybe these bbys will interest you?




smol boy, bunny gal and genderless friend! you are absolutely welcome to mess with or change any of their outfits but if you're changing anything on nameless, I just ask that you keep it black, white and gray 💞


i like to think i've got a little bit of everything as far as character designs go so i hope something of mine catches your fancy! i'm gonna start off by showing you these two, though, since i think they're closest to the kind of stuff you usually do: my fursona & fumiko.

thanks for the opportunity!

Rasputin (Sona) Vapor

if you're looking to practice anthro, then i got rasputin here if you're interested? i also gotttt Shrike too, if you'd rather try at a human

either way, tysm for the opportunity! and if you decide to draw either of them, thanks in advance <3


Here are some of my fellows:
All of those linked are gals. Feel free to design an outfit for them if you want.
Thank you for an opportunity.


Here are some designs I think you might like!




I would adore some outfit designs for any of them if you’re up to it! For some rough inspo and themes, Raven is usually in gothic lolita and dark doll-like styles, but visual kei or grungy modern fashion could work for her too!

Ahria is nomadic desert fantasy styles with tribal elements, you can interpret that however you like~ 

Jazz is similar! High fantasy pirate-esque inspirations.

I hope you have fun with the designs if they interest you! Thanks for the chance <3


Ah!Try these three below! Also I'm fine with you designing outfit as you see fit~ 

Amethyst (Tho, Amethyst is best one to design outfit for due to her Fashionista nature and have bunch of outfit. She prefer gothic/punk outfit with Cat and her color is Pink, any shade,Black and white but doesn't mind trying out different one~)

Crystalline (Dress more of Victorian era/Gothic Lolita more like it.)

Noonie (Pretty much fantasy outfit)

Thanks for the chance and have fun!

Meilin Banya

Thank you for the chance :)
I'll drop Meilin here! It's ok to do an alternate outfit, perfectly fine to add the art to the gallery too!

Koi Mercenary_Ike

Her maybe? If you make an outfit for her I’d love it and my tumblr is itslordberkutthings

♚ Valair ♚ Psykkogutz

Thanks for the opportunity! Maybe my sona would can your interest? I'll link a humaniod as well. Feel free to dress him up lol. Or any other characters. Elodie or Rpheal. Your art is amazing, love your style! 


I'd actually love to get a pic of one of my 3 new characters. I have a lynx, a pupper, and I believe it's a deer, and I'd prefer if they were anthro.

 DPB CommanderShepard

Ooh maybe him?? He's a mutated wolf monster so maybe he'll be of interest to you??<3 I've got humanoids too but I'm mobile right now so I can't send them, but hope you find a liking to DPB!!<3 tysm for the opportunity!!<3


Maybe one of these kiddos? Should give you practice for that anthro, ha. Ty for the chance regardless! <3




Peitho sirakkiin

Here ya go.




Hope you have fun!