Posted 2 years, 4 months ago (Edited 10 months, 20 days ago) by nyaar0n

to see examples of my art, check my carrd!


- I always open requests when I need commission examples, so if I draw your OC/s, you'll see the artwork used as an example. Only request if you're comfortable with that.
- I'm mainly comfortable with humanoids, but I can do anthros as well. I'm unsure with ferals but you can still request them. Only species I'm not comfortable doing is mecha.
- It's up to me what art type I want to draw your character in.
- You can request me to draw a couple.
- Please do not DM me for a request. I prefer you put it in this thread only.
- Do not ask me where your request is. I won't tell if I plan to draw your OC or not.
- When I'm finished with your request, I'll transfer the image to your OC's gallery.
- Please fill in the form so I can keep things organized!
- If you already requested in this thread, you can still request again the next time I open!


Character/s: (if you can't decide on a char and want me to choose instead, do let me know!)
Other: (you can put char info and such)


- This section is only to let you know what I like and will most likely draw. You can still request OCs that aren't my preference.
- I like drawing characters with short hair.
- I'll most likely draw a queer couple.
- I like it when designs aren't overly complex.
- I'll most likely draw a fantroll.

feel free to ask any questions! and maybe leave a tip in my ko-fi or bump one my threads~
| adopts thread | comms thread |


Username: QShiina

Character/s: maybe him or him? https://toyhou.se/7455850.jinq | https://toyhou.se/1876191.siu

Other: For Jinq, keep in mind he has a mullet that's all lol

Feel free to change outfit^^ Otherwise all necessary design info should be mentioned in the desc if there is 


Username: PandoranMama
Character/s: Pallas
Other: Feel free to put her in clothes you think would suit her if the outfits on her ref don't fit your idea!

Thank you for the opportunity!


Username: Niles
Character/s: Nightingale or Psycho Bunny
Other: For Nightingale; If you decide to include his hat, please, leave the mask away. I also love seeing him with some girly eyelashes. For the evil bunny, gore is okay if you should feel like doing that

Thanks for the chance!

Aelius Stabicat

Username: Stabicat

Character/s: IC, Railen, or Farhan 

thanks for the chance!!

📖 Tsukasa 📖 Vixial

Username: Vixial

Character/s: Tsukasa (IC)

Other: feel free to change his outfit!

ty for the chance and good luck with your commissions ^-^


Username: wildnight

Character/s: https://toyhou.se/10634506.irus https://toyhou.se/10154375.reno

Other: i'd love to get couple art of these 2 since i have none yet!  irus is nonbinary^^
thanks for the chance!



Character/s: https://toyhou.se/8409703.kurutta/13939210.canon

Other: you can draw it with any outfit

thank you for the chance ⭐🌸

Lui Tosdohl Skykristal

Username: Skykristal 
Character/s: IC
Other:  any notes are on his references tab.

Thanks for the chance 💕

Elliot crashed

Characters: IC

Other: his pinterest is here, for references and such https://pin.it/5cCBcZC

tysm for the chance!

Fiery Breeze VictoryDrawsStuff

Username: VictoryDrawsManga

Character/s:  IC!

Other: They have drawing notes on their profile, check those out! Thanks for the chance! :D


Thank you so much for drawing my evil bunny boy! He looks so gooood <3

Caspian PhantomWritings

Username: PhantomWritings

Character/s: IC or Osiris if you feel like Caspian might be too complex

Other: Osiris's profile has all his info on it. Caspian's profile I'm still working on but the basically he's a dark elf/demon hybrid who's very snooty and sassy and pretty much thinks he's better than everyone.


Username: Stacy_Chan

Character/s: I can't decide, so anyone from Here , Here or Here will do ^^

Other: references are in their profiles, feel free to change the outfits if you want ^^

Thank you for this opportunity! <3


Username: Variiral

Character/s: (if you can't decide on a char and want me to choose instead, do let me know!): Perhaps Varran? But you can also draw Thames if you wish! These two are a couple so that's another option! Feel free to do whatever if they interest you.

Other: (you can put char info and such): Only if you decided to draw them as a couple but Varran is a bit shorter than Thames. Their heights have not been determined but that's the general gist.

Ty for the chance! 


Username: MoonLotus-Hime

Character/s: Nyran or Elixe

Other: Nyran's profile is in private atm.^^; Also feel free add gore/blood on them!

Thanks for the chance!