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Hello! I don't know if I should @, so I won't-
It seems to me like the issue still persists unfortunately. The codes look like as if WYSIWYG is enabled (just like when making profiles on TH itself with that on). I used one of Pinky's codes, and I'll link it here so you can see the mismatch: I'm also attaching two images (the one in teal is circlejourney and the one in pink is TH with the same code + WYSIWYG enabled). unknown.pngunknown.pngIf I input the code from circlejourney into TH with WYSIWYG disabled, the result shows as normal. I don't know if this information is helpful but yeah. Glad you're swiftly responding on these, keep up the good work and take care!


Better_say_Butter hmmmm I see, I just tried the same code in my browser and it seems to be working alright for me. AzfjByS.png I just updated the editor with cache busting to refresh the code, could you let me know if it works now? If not, let me know if hard refresh fixes it this time?


circlejourney Ahh! It works now! (My friend informed me just now because I was asleep lol) Thank you very much! 


Oh perfect! I'm glad the problem is resolved for now.