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 Fujiharu「藤温」🎨 PocketSized
  • Masterlist: 250
  • Answer [1]: Although most of my time is spent on land, and my physique seems less capable of lots of physical activity, I do enjoy long swims. I generally prefer to swim on my own, but I do enjoy times when my partner, Einar, joins me. We live in a small fishing village on the northwest coast of Iceland, so the waters don't tend to get too warm - I've never been particularly fond of swimming in warm, tropical waters (so I don't frequent areas near the equator).
  • Answer [2]: Not generally one for sweets, my favorite childhood snack were uni rice crackers. Uni, meaning sea urchin. They're a small, crispy snack with a lot of umami flavor. Now, that isn't to say I never eat sweets, as the wagashi (traditional sweets) my grandmother made were very enjoyable, especially with a nice cup of bitter tea. But traditional Japanese snacks don't tend to be overly sweet...I find current sweets and pastries too much for my liking.
  • Answer [3]: Money and time permitting, it has always been my dream to take Einar with me to Kiyomizu-dera (Kiyomizu Temple) during Obon (a summer festival honoring one's ancestors). Kiyomizu-dera is by far my most favorite temple, and festivals always highlight its beauty - though I doubt he'd be fond of the amount of visitors during such time. But, regardless of reason, I would love to bring my partner back to my homeland, if only just once.


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