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  • Answer [1]: Azezel supports expression of gender variety. However, he can't ignore the fact that there a lot of other groups of people, who are vulnerable and unprotected. If he would be sure that it's o'k to post here links of third parties he would show the art of one artist as the sample of true pride month art, not just some art with striped flag, not some art that tells about the problems of certain group of people - it tells about equal rights for Everyone. 

  • Answer [2]: Azazel is born in Aesline. My choice is based on the impression that this region is the most cold. And Azazel is frost aesthetic. But he is deeply intrigued by tropic region (here i could not even expect that it may exist in Sealo universe) So, he may travel there. And so as there is Travel Quest with rewards he may find some time for it even in spite of busy schedule. 

  • Answer [3]: Azazel can listen to different music genres. But he can't sing and play music. Though when he was a kid there was a short lapse of time when he wanted to learn to play on piano. Also there was a time when he wanted to be rock star. But it was far in past. Well, not to deep in past. So as he began to listen to piano music for relax.


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