Posts on Live code editor bug reports Start of Thread Parent
  • Operating system and browser: windows 10 + v114.0.2 of firefox (though this has been happening for a couple of versions)
  • Description of the bug: code breaks on the editor but not in toyhouse profiles? this appears to have happened after i used the 'format html' button on this code for a previous character
  • Link to code that made the bug appear (if available): (original, unedited code) , my edited code after i used 'format html' (character details arent gonna be up to date but i dont think thats whats affecting it (as in basic non html text), if you want a version of the code edited by me w/o having used 'format hmtl' lmk!)
  • Screen captures (if available): , its a video because pictures couldnt show the bug properly imo
i admitedly didnt know how to send bug reports until a while after i descovered this haha

the code ends up being fine despite being displayed all wonky on the site it seems ( thats the profile where i first found the error using the code editor)

update from a few hours later : i just formated a messy code and that did in fact cause the issue. it seems to be visual though like i said


Thanks for the report and the video! I just looked into it and found what's causing the issue in the formatted version of the code: there's an <i> tag that's missing the matching closing </i> tag inside the personality section (the paragraph about the character's personality). Once I remove that i tag, it all seems to display normally. Toyhouse's backend probably adds in the missing closing tag to "fix" the code; this is a known difference in behaviour from the code editor. I'm not sure how the formatter introduced that issue but would you be able to check if the unformatted version also has the unpaired <i> tag?


hmm i cant find any unparied <i> tags in an unformated version, it most likely got thrown in by me copy pasting a line from another code by accident! thank you for the help, ill be sure to keep an eye out for stray tags from now on o7