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I unfortunately seemed to have gotten the error again. It has happened twice, both with this code. Not only that but for some reason but the preview also isn't updating. I think this has something to do with the new update. I've used this code before, it shouldn't crash the code editor.


Thanks for the report! I just took a look and I can see that it's the <tr></tr> inside the greyed out comment right at the top of the code that's causing the error - removing that makes the code update as per normal.

It's not the first time this error has been reported so I'll probably work on a patch version to fix this. It seems to be a problem with Ace editor - it doesn't know how to handle HTML tags inside comments. I've been planning on upgrading to the most recent Ace version so we'll see if doing so resolves the issue. For now, removing the tags seems to fix it, let me know if that helps!


Update: I just pushed the new patch version - the next time you work with this code, do let me know if the issue is fixed!