Posts on Live code editor bug reports Start of Thread Parent
  • Operating system and browser: Windows 11 + Chrome (Latest Update)
  • Description of the bug: Lagging, extreme delay on editing. TEST ON EDITOR. 
  • Link to code that made the bug appear (if available): Crash Test 11.26
  • Screen captures (if available): image.png?ex=6575e4d6&is=65636fd6&hm=e46
  • This code was originally a normal code, but it somehow glitched and became incredibly decoded. Whenever the code pops up, this creates a lag and (more often than not) makes the editor unresponsive. In order to fix this, you would have to close the tab or refresh, but this means you have to wait longer or go to a new editor entirely. A note that this is NOT meant to be edited in any way, and simply a test to see how far the editor can take. I am assuming either the characters itself caused the editor to crash, but since the characters go from red to yellow, there is an encryption I am not seeing. 
  • It is very important to note that using this test code WILL 100% MAKE YOUR EDITOR LAG. Depending on how fast your internet is, it could take a while. But the point of this test was to see how much it could take before it kicks the bucket. And, from what I could gather, it handles up to 40 lines, at best. 
  • This is NOT an encouragement to make people try this themselves. DO NOT download the file just to paste it into the editor. This is not a bug. This is a TEST. Nothing more. 
  • Take note how the HTML hasn't changed AT ALL. The only time it EVER shows up is when you click the "convert to HTML". The code itself otherwise will not change onto the toyhouse code no matter where you put it, what option you choose, etc. It will simply remain on the code side and refuse to convert itself. 

Thanks for doing this! It looks like you were importing file data in bytes that the editor can't parse as HTML and it just got confused. Curious about how you did so, did you select a file through the import button?


I did, indeed! Would you like to have the original file for that? 


Interesting, I know how to create the bug myself so I don't need the file, but I'm planning on checking the uploaded file type in a future update so that you can only upload plain text files.


Gotcha, okay~! Thanks for the heads up on that regard, then, I will do some importing and grab some codes to shift into text files for the sake of testing as well! If you would like me to run a few tests in advance or anything like that, please feel free to let me know! I'm more than happy to do so!